[Alpenvereinskarten] [Kompass Kaarten] [Tabacco Kaarten] [* Kokogrove Chalets Seychellen *]




Afrika continent



Amerika continent




Antigua Barbuda






A z i ë










Birma (Myanmar)








Burkina Faso




Canarische Eilanden

CAR Centr Afr Rep

Cayman Islands

C h i l i

C h i n a



Congo Brazzaville

Congo Kinshasa

Cook Islands

Costa Rica

C u b a






Dominicaanse Rep

Dubai & AbuDhabi (VAE)




El Salvador

Equatoriaal Guinea






Falkland Islands

F i j i




Frans Guyane








Groot-Brittannië UK

GB UK Londen

GB UK Schotland

Guadeloupe (F)



Guinée Bissau





Hong Kong



I n d i a


Irak Iraq

I r a n
















L a o s





L i b i ë







M a l i














NL Geschiedenis

NL Utrecht


New Caledonia
















Papua New Guinea





Puerto Rico


La Réunion (F)




Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent


São Tomé e Principe

Saudi Arabië




Sierra Leone


Sint Maarten



Solomon Islands

Somalië Somaliland



Sri Lanka

Sudan & Zuid Sudan





















Verenigde Staten


Virgin Islands

















G r o o t - B r i t t a n n i ë
Verenigd Koninkrijk - United Kingdom
reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides and maps
zie rechterkolom voor bestelinformatie
* * *
LONDEN - Who can apply from 5 March 2025?
Nationalities from European countries (including associated territories) can apply for an ETA from 5 March 2025.
They can travel to the UK with an ETA from 2 April 2025.  Inwoners van de meeste Europese landen waren hier tot nu toe van vrijgesteld, maar dat gaat veranderen.
Dat meldt de Britse overheid. De nieuwe regels zullen naar verwachting vanaf de herfst van 2024 in werking treden en gelden voor alle nationaliteiten. Alleen Britse en Ierse staatsburgers zullen geen ETA aan te hoeven vragen. De procedure om een ETA te krijgen lijkt in veel opzichten op andere visa-waiver programma’s zoals ESTA (USA), ETA-CA (Canada) en de ETA visa van Australië.
De ETA voor het VK gaat naar verwachting 10 pond kosten en zal twee jaar geldig zijn. Met het nieuwe systeem wil het Verenigd Koninkrijk meer tijd hebben om voorafgaand aan de aankomst van reizigers te beoordelen of er risico’s zijn. “Het plan zal het Verenigd Koninkrijk meer controle over onze grenzen geven, waardoor we kunnen voorkomen dat bedreigingen het Verenigd Koninkrijk binnenkomen”, aldus de overheid in een verklaring.
* * *
Deze pagina is exclusief Londen en Schotland: de GB-pagina werd te lang, daarom nu een aparte pagina voor Schotland.
En een aparte pagina voor boeken en gidsen voor Londen.
Voor boeken en kaarten over Londen:  zie de Londen-pagina
Voor boeken en kaarten over Schotland: zie de Schotland-pagina
*  CAPITOOL - Reisgids: Groot-Brittannië, uitg.: Spectrum|Unieboek (juni 2023), ISBN 9789000386901, gebonden, 592 blz., geheel in kleur op luxe papier, meer dan 1200 kleurenillustraties, €39,99
De Capitool Reisgids Groot-Brittannië In de reisgids Groot-Brittannië is het land opgedeeld in vijftien gebieden. Elk gebied wordt in een apart hoofdstuk beschreven. Ieder hoofdstuk bevat foto's, illustraties en kaarten, opengewerkte tekeningen, driedimensionale beelden en plattegronden van de belangrijkste bezienswaardigheden. Met ook geschiedenis, accommodatie, restaurants, amusement, buitenactiviteiten en winkels.
Met de reisgids Capitool Groot-Brittannië ben je verzekerd van een reisgids boordevol informatie, mooie plattegronden en de meest handige tips. De reisgids is opgedeeld in de vijftien verschillende streken die Groot-Brittannië rijk is. Elk gebied wordt in een apart hoofdstuk beschreven, inclusief foto's, illustraties en kaarten, opengewerkte tekeningen, driedimensionale beelden en plattegronden van de belangrijkste bezienswaardigheden. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het indrukwekkende megalithisch monument de Stonehenge bij Amesbury, het British Museum, de waardevolle Kathedraal van Durham en natuurlijk Londen met Buckingham Palace, de Big Ben, Covent Garden en tal van musea. De reisgids beschikt tevens over een handige lijst van restaurants, accommodaties, winkels, amusement en bijzondere vakanties. Daarnaast geeft Capitool Groot-Brittannië in alle tijden praktische informatie over jouw reis. Of dat nu gaat over reizen met kinderen, rijden in het drukke verkeer, internet, het vinden van geldautomaten of het openbaar vervoer: met het uitgebreide en handige overzicht achter n het boek, zal je overal beslagen ten ijs komen.
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*  EYEWITNESS - DK Eyewitness Great Britain, uitg.: Dorling Kindersley (juni 2022), ISBN 9780241559338, paperback, ca.592 blz., geheel in kleur op luxe papier, meer dan 1400 kleurenillustraties, €24,90
Our newly updated guide brings Great Britain to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed information on all the must-see sights, inspiring photography and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:   our pick of Great Britain's must-sees, top experiences and hidden gems.  The best spots to eat, drink, shop and stay.  Detailed maps and walks which make navigating the island easy.
Easy-to-follow itineraries.  Expert advice: get ready, get around and stay safe.
Color-coded chapters to every part of Great Britain, from London to Edinburgh, the Cotswolds to Cornwall.
Our new lightweight format, so you can take it with you wherever you go. Whether you want to tour elegant stately homes, marvel prehistoric wonders or take a windswept walk along cliff-top paths, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Great Britain has to offer.
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*  HAMPSHIRE, David - Living and working in Britain, uitg.: Survival Books (9e ed. 2017), ISBN 9781909282872, paperback, 336 blz., €22,90
Living and Working in Britain, first published in 1991 and now in its 9th edition, is the most comprehensive and accurate book available about daily life – and is essential reading for newcomers. What's it really like Living and Working in Britain? Not surprisingly, there's a lot more to life than castles, cricket and crumpets. This book is guaranteed to make your life in Britain easier and more enjoyable, irrespective of whether you're planning to stay for a few months or indefinitely. Adjusting to day-to-day-life in Britain just got a whole lot simpler! See for yourself the wealth of priceless information this book contains (including finding a job in Britain, British employment conditions, permits & visas in Britain, British immigration and British customs)! It's packed with comprehensive, up-to-date, accurate information, facts and figures, and 'insider’ tips, all written and presented in the ‘easy to read and understand’ style for which Survival Books are famous. Our books will save you weeks or months of research, answer hundreds of questions – including many you hadn’t even thought of – and help you avoid problems and save money!
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*  LONELY PLANET - Great Britain (15e ed. aug.2023), ISBN 9781838693541, paperback., 920 blz., bevat 163 kaarten en plattegronden, €27,90
Inspirational images, 3D illustrations, city walks and recommendations from our expert authors. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip. Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique. Plus comprehensive history coverage and features on food and architecture. Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Great Britain, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice plus features on the Great Outdoors, Literary Britain, the Lake District and Gourmet Great Britain.
Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreak.
Coverage Includes: Planning chapters, London, Canterbury, Southeast England, Oxford, Cotswolds, Southwest England, Cambridge, East Anglia, Birmingham, the Midlands, the Marches, Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Northwest England, The Lake District, Cumbria, Newcastle, Northeast England, Cardiff (Caerdydd), Pembrokeshire, South Wales, Hay-on-Wye, Mid-Wales, Snowdonia, North Wales, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Southern Scotland, Stirling, Central Scotland, Inverness, Northern Highlands & Islands, Understand and Survival chapters.
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*  LONELY PLANET - Great Britain's Best Road Trips, uitg.: Lonely Planet Publications (3e ed.juni 2023), ISBN 9781838697914, paperback, circa 296 blz., 67 kaartjes en plattegronden, geheel in kleur, €21,90
Discover the freedom of the open road with Great Britain’s Best Trips. We’ve selected 36 amazing road trips through Southern & Eastern England, Southwest England, Central England, Lake District & Northern England, Wales and Scotland from three day escapes to three week adventures, and packed them full of expert advice and inspirational suggestions.
Inside Lonely Planet Great Britain’s Best Trips: Lavish colour and gorgeous photography throughout.  Itineraries and planning advice to pick the right tailored routes for your needs and interests.  Get around easily - 36 easy-to-read, full-colour route maps, detailed directions.  Insider tips to get around like a local, avoid trouble spots and be safe on the road - local driving rules, parking, toll roads.  Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, prices.
Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping and sight-seeing. Useful features - including Driving Problem Buster, Detours, and Link Your Trip.
Covers: England, Scotland, Wales, the West Country, the Cotswolds, Bath, Edinburgh, Stonehenge, Welsh Mountains, Cambridge, Oxford, the northern wilderness, Stratford-upon-Avon, Blenheim Palace.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - Rough Guide to Great Britain, uitg.: APA Publications (11e ed.sep.2024), ISBN 9781835290415, paperback, ca.984 blz., €32,90
The guide takes a detailed look at Britain's history, literature, politics and cultural life with increased coverage of outdoor activities and expert background on everything from King Arthur to the Edinburgh festival. There are plenty of practical tips on exploring the great British countryside from the rugged Pembrokeshire coastline to the beautiful valleys of the Yorkshire Dales; information on all the best accommodation, transportation and restaurants plus lively reviews of hundreds of shops, bars and clubs. Explore the best of Britain with the clearest maps of any guide.
Independent, trusted reviews written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit, with options to suit every budget.  Full-colour maps throughout - navigate the medieval lanes of York or Bath's Georgian streets without needing to get online.    Stunning images - a rich collection of inspiring colour photography.  Things not to miss - Rough Guides' rundown of Britain's best sights and experiences.  Itineraries - carefully planned routes to help you organize your trip.   Detailed regional coverage - whether off the beaten track or in more mainstream tourist destinations, this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way.
Areas covered include: London and the southeast; the Cotswolds; Bath, Bristol and the southwest; East Anglia; the Midlands and the Peak District; Leeds, Manchester and the northwest; Yorkshire; Newcastle and the northeast; Cardiff and South Wales; Snowdonia; Edinburgh and the Lothians; Glasgow and the Clyde; the Scottish Highlands and Islands.
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*  VAY, Benedict le - Britain from the Rails, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed.okt.2019), ISBN 9781784771416, paperback, 344 blz., €22,90
There's a magical romance about train travel that no other form of transport can capture. Unlike other rail-based guides, this is not a backpacker's manual on how to travel cheaply and quickly and what to do once you get there. Instead, this is a leisurely sojourn around the country, an indulgent, care-free and relaxing journey which notices – and explains – what other guides don't. What to see from the train,historical anecdotes about the development of the railways, explanations of how the rail system works, railway traditions, branch line explorations, descriptions of the most scenic routes and a whole lot more are covered in a style which makes for a perfect armchair read, whether from home or on the rails. Details the best routes in Britain, with practical information and quirky tales.
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*  LONELY PLANET - England (12e ed. aug.2023), ISBN 9781838693527 , paperback, 624 blz., bevat 100 kaarten en plattegronden, geheel in kleur,  €23,90
Lonely Planet's England is onze meest uitgebreide gids die uitgebreid alles behandelt wat het land te bieden heeft, met aanbevelingen voor zowel populaire als minder bekende ervaringen. De kaarten in het Londense hoofdstuk zijn in full-colour om lezers te helpen beter door de hoofdstad van het land te navigeren. New additions to this version include a dedicated 'Walking In England' chapter, museum itineraries and driving routes around popular destinations, and 3D illustrations of Hadrian's Wall, the River Thames and the Tower Of London. There are also themed colour sections on Royal England, the Arts, the Great Outdoors and Food & Drink.
Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, art, literature, cinema, music, architecture, politics, landscapes, food, drink and sport.
Free, convenient pull-out London map, plus over 100 colour maps.
Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreak.
Covers: London, Newcastle, Lake District, Cumbria, Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Midlands, the Marches, Nottingham, Cambridge, East Anglia, Oxford, Cotswolds, Canterbury, Devon, Cornwall, and more.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to England, uitg.: Rough Guides (12e ed. nov.2022), ISBN 9781789196450, paperback, 736 blz., €25,90
A guide to England. With coverage of the best attractions in this country, it lets you discover England's highlights with photography and information ranging from how best to explore England's beautiful countryside to the country's rich collection of castles, cathedrals and prehistoric remains, with plenty of offbeat attractions along the way. With clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best attractions. The Rough Guide to England will show you ideal places to sleep, eat, drink and shop along the way.Inside The Rough Guide to England- Independent, trusted reviews written in Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit, with options to suit every budget. - Full-colour maps throughout.
Basics: essential pre-departure practical information including getting there, local transport, accommodation, food and drink, the media, festivals and events, sports and outdoor activities and more.
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*  CAPITOOL - Reisgids: Zuid-Engeland, uitg.: Spectrum|Unieboek (juni 2023), ISBN 9789000386871, paperback, 224 blz., geheel in kleur op luxe papier, vele kleurenillustraties, €29,99
Deze reisgids verdeelt Zuid-Engeland in zes gebieden: Londen, Kent en Sussex, Hampshire en Wiltshire, Dorset en Somerset, Devon en Cornwall. Hoge, winderige kliffen en stille baaien met zandstrand, iconische monumenten en bruisende steden, idyllisch platteland en schattige dorpjes: deze gids toont je de parels van Zuid-Engeland.
Dankzij de prachtige fotografie waan je jezelf al op je bestemming.
In het jaaroverzicht van Zuid-Engeland vind je een selectie van festivals en evenementen door het jaar heen.
Gedetailleerde plattegronden helpen je bij het vinden van de weg.
Opengewerkte illustraties tonen het interieur van must sees, zoals Buckingham Palace en Westminster Abbey.
Ontdek de beste restaurants, mooiste accommodaties en leukste winkels.
Achter in de gids vind je onmisbare praktische informatie voor een ontspannen reis.
*  ENSEL, Remco & Sandra Langereis - Dominicus Reisgids: Zuid-Engeland, uitg.: Gottmer (juli 2018), ISBN 9789025764326, paperback, ca.348 blz., (UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR)
*  LONELY PLANET - Pocket Guide: Bath, Bristol & the Southwest (april 2019), ISBN 9781787016927, pocketformaat, 160 blz., €12,90
Lonely Planet Pocket Bath, Bristol & the Southwest, a colorful, easy-to-use, and handy guide that literally fits in your pocket, provides on-the-go assistance for those seeking only the can't-miss experiences to maximize a quick trip experience.
It's your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Take in the beautiful views from Bath’s majestic Royal Crescent, go on a street art and music tour in Bristol, and explore sleepy Somerset villages – all with your trusted travel companion.
Full-colour maps and images throughout.  Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests.
Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots.
Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices.
Free, convenient pull-out map, plus over 19 colour neighbourhood maps.
User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.
Coverage Includes: Bath, Bristol, Wiltshire and Somerset.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to Bath, Bristol & Somerset, uitg.: Apa Publications (3e ed. maart 2024), ISBN 9781839059841, paperback, 328 blz., €21,90
Full-colour throughout,The Rough Guide to Bath, Bristol & Somerset is the ultimate guide to this alluring region. With 30 years experience and our trademark 'tell it like it is' writing style, Rough Guides cover all the basics with practical, on-the-ground details, as well as unmissable alternatives to the usual must-see sights. At the top of your list and guaranteed to get you value for money, each guide also reviews the best accommodation and restaurants in all price brackets. We know there are times for saving, and times for splashing out.
From the genteel Georgian terraces of Bath to the wilderness   expanses of Exmoor, the fully updated The Rough Guide to Bath, Bristol & Somerset provides an all-round account of this   richly rewarding region, with comprehensive details of what to see, what to   do and where to sleep, eat and drink. Useful context and background information   accompany all the practicalities, interspersed with vivid, full-colour photos   and some of the clearest maps to be found in any guidebook.
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*  MICHELIN - De Groene Reisgids: Zuid-Engeland | Londen-Bath-Oxford-Cambridge, uitg.: Lannoo (jan.2024), ISBN 9789401498463, paperback, ca.464 blz., formaat ca.12X22cm,  €25,99
De serie Groene Reisgidsen van Michelin is een beproefde en betrouwbare reisgidsenreeks. Of u nu lekker lang met vakantie gaat of er zomaar even tussenuit trekt, de Groene Reisgids wijst u de weg naar alle bijzonderheden die uw reisbestemming te bieden heeft, op een boeiende, grondige en praktische manier. De top 10 van Zuid-Engeland in beeld.
De 10 hoogtepunten van Michelin.
Dagprogramma's voor 7 tot 8 dagen.
130 rondritten, wandelingen en excursies.
Duidelijke sterrenbeoordeling bij alle plaatsen.
Meer dan 400 adressen voor elk budget.
24 kaarten en plattegronden gebaseerd op de bekende Michelincartografie.
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*  QUINT, Karin - Dominicus reisgids: Het Engeland van Jane Austen, uitg.: Gottmer (nov.2024), ISBN 9789025780555, paperback, 336 blz., €24,99
Ontdek Engeland door de ogen van Jane Austen en haar werk met deze Dominicus-reisgids en verken filmlocaties, plekken uit Austens boeken en uit haar leven. In 'Het Engeland van Jane Austen' vind je alle bijzondere locaties die belangrijk waren voor Jane Austen; van de plaatsen waar ze woonde tot plekken waar ze op bezoek of op vakantie ging. Ontdek ook de locaties waar films en series zijn opgenomen, zoals die van de verschillende bewerkingen van Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility en Emma. Voor Austen-fans is deze reisgids het perfecte hulpmiddel voor een echte Austen-pelgrimage. Maak kennis met het leven en werk van een van de meest geliefde schrijfsters ter wereld en laat je de weg wijzen naar de mooiste en verrassendste plekjes in Engeland.
*  TROTTER REISGIDS - Zuid-Engeland: Cambridge  Canterbury, Brighton, Exeter, Oxford, uitg.: Lannoo (dec.2019), ISBN 9789401458290, paperback, 440 blz., €22,99
Een uitgebreide selectie logies, restaurants, cafés en winkels voor elk budget en voor elke stemming: goedkoop kamperen, luxueus dineren, authentieke bars afschuimen. Alle bezienswaardigheden worden uitvoerig beschreven en overzichtelijk ingedeeld: 3 Trottermannetjes voor de hoogtepunten, 2 of 1 voor de minder bekende, maar toch niet te missen plekjes. Met handige overzichtskaarten en gedetailleerde stadsplattegronden waarop alle adressen en bezienswaardigheden gelokaliseerd zijn.
Het echte verhaal achter de klassieke trekpleisters
Tips om de verborgen parels buiten de platgetreden paden te verkennen
Verrassende anekdotes en topervaringen van Trotter
Honderden budgetvriendelijke en uitgeteste horeca-adressen
31 kaarten en plattegronden waarop je al onze adressen terugvindt.
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*  TROTTER REISGIDS – Noord-Engeland en Wales, uitg.: Lannoo (2016), ISBN 9789401431804, paperback, ca.280 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
De onmisbare gids voor echte trotters - Het echte verhaal achter de klassieke trekpleisters - Tips om de verborgen parels buiten de platgetreden paden te verkennen - Verrassende anekdotes en topervaringen van Trotter - Honderden budgetvriendelijke en uitgeteste horeca-adressen - Kaarten en plattegronden waarop je al onze adressen terug vindt.
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*  MICHELIN - De Groene Reisgids: Noord-Engeland & Wales | Cardiff - Manchester - Lake District, uitg.: Lannoo (jan.2024), ISBN 9789401498456, paperback, ca.408 blz., formaat ca.12X20cm,  €25,99
De serie Groene Reisgidsen van Michelin is een beproefde en betrouwbare reisgidsenreeks. Of u nu lekker lang met vakantie gaat of er zomaar even tussenuit trekt, de Groene Reisgids wijst u de weg naar alle bijzonderheden die uw reisbestemming te bieden heeft, op een boeiende, grondige en praktische manier. De top 10 van Noord-Engeland in beeld.
De 10 hoogtepunten van Michelin.
Dagprogramma's voor 7 tot 8 dagen.
130 rondritten, wandelingen en excursies.
Duidelijke sterrenbeoordeling bij alle plaatsen.
Meer dan 400 adressen voor elk budget.
24 kaarten en plattegronden gebaseerd op de bekende Michelincartografie.
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*  GREWCOCK, Lucy - Cambridgeshire & The Fens (serie: Slow Travel), uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (nov.2021), ISBN 9781784777456, paperback, 328 blz., formaat 13X20cm,  €19,90
Cambridge itself attracts visitors, students, professionals and academics from around the world, but beyond the University City lie towns and villages, wide open spaces, gentle waterways and wonderful cycling and walking country that comparatively few take time to discover. Engaging and unexpected, this is an informative guide that captures both the stand-out highlights and lesser-known attractions of this unique part of East Anglia.
Key information on where to go and stay, and what to eat, see and do is complemented by local expertise, with inclusion of interviews and insider tips from Cambridgeshire locals and area specialists. Active and slow exploration is included, with a range of walks, cycle routes and watersports – kayaking and paddle-boarding, and not just punting! Historic towns, striking estates and monastic sites are featured, with places such as Ely, St Ives, Ramsey, Wimpole Hall, and Denny and Anglesey abbeys all coming under the spotlight. Then there’s the quintessential English villages like the Hemingfords and the Shelfords and the ancient earthworks of Fleam Dyke and Wandlebury Ring. Rounding off the picture, to the north and east of Cambridge are the intriguing, pancake-flat Fens, home to Britain’s lowest point, and Fenland towns such as Wisbech, Chatteris and March which were once islands. In contrast, to the south, the landscape changes to rolling chalk uplands, with the alluring Gog Magog Hills and the county’s highest point in Great Chishill.
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*  MATTHEWS, Helen & Neil Matthews - The Chilterns & The Thames Valley (Slow Travel),  uitg.: Bradt (feb.2019), ISBN 9781784776138, paperback, 256 blz., €19,90
This new title from Bradt forms part of its distinctive 'Slow' travel series and is the only title available to cover the Chilterns and Thames Valley in depth. The Chilterns and the Thames Valley do not correspond to the specific boundaries of one county or region, old or new. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire - and even a small part of Surrey - all have a share.
Divided into seven easily manageable sections, Bradt's Chilterns and Thames Valley lifts the lid on what makes this area so distinctive. Chalk grasslands, beech woods, streams and wooded valleys provide a perfect landscape for walking and are easily accessible from London. In short, the Chilterns and the Thames Valley together represent a wonderfully paradoxical mixture of world-famous tourist sites and lesser-known attractions full of quirkiness and character, which will repay the visitor's interest and attention many times over. From Windsor Castle to Whipsnade Zoo, Britain's oldest road - The Ridgeway - to National Trust properties such as Cliveden and Waddeson Manor, the Henley Regatta to the Grand Union Canal, Bradt's Chilterns and Thames Valley is the perfect companion.
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*  FERGUSSON, Kirsty - Slow Travel: Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (4e ed.sep.2023), ISBN 9781804690987, paperback, 432 blz., formaat ca.13X20cm, €21,90
Many of Cornwall's wildest or most curious corners as well as the exciting new range of places to eat, sleep or drink are often overlooked in the headlong race to get to the beach or the well-known tourist spots. Taking the Slow approach, using local knowledge and the author's endless curiosity, this guide offers both visitors and seasoned residents alike the chance to discover what lies behind the immediate and obvious attractions of Britain's favourite holiday destination.
This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's Slow Travel Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly remains the only dedicated guide to this perennially popular part of Britain. Offering in-depth exploration of both frequently visited and less-well-known destinations that will be of interest as much to locals as to newcomers, it is written in a friendly, engaging style and includes up-to-date listings of the best (and sometimes least obvious) places to eat, drink and sleep, appealing to all budgets.
Long popular with discerning travellers, Cornwall is now enjoying an increased popularity as the 'Poldark effect' has raised awareness of its lovely land- and seascapes to even greater heights. Few places can offer such geographical diversity - the rugged, storm-lashed north coast and wide, sandy beaches favoured by surfers are rarely more than a few miles from the sheltered creeks and coves and exotic gardens of the southern coast. Wild moorland is dotted with neolithic standing stones and awe-inspiring relics of Cornwall's mining heritage. And, just 28 miles from Land's End, the Isles of Scilly offer an exhilarating blend of exoticism and wild isolation.
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*  AA - 50 Walks in The Cotswolds, uitg.: AA Publishing (4e ed.mei 2023), ISBN 9780749583224, paperback, 176 blz., €18,90
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in the Cotswolds features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the Cotswolds, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use. Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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*  MILLS, Caroline - Slow Travel: The Cotswolds, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed.mrt.2024), ISBN 9781804691717, paperback, 3288 blz., formaat ca.13X20cm,  €21,90
In this new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's The Cotswolds (Slow Travel series), resident expert author Caroline Mills shares more of her favourite places in a region that remains as popular as ever. The area covered includes: the Cotswold AONB, the Cotswold escarpment, hills and valleys, the Wiltshire Cotswolds and the area known as the Four Shires, along with the lesser-known 'hidden' fringes of the Cotswolds. Also included are the three Cotswold 'gateways': Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath and Oxford. Caroline Mills has lived and worked in the region for over 40 years and writes in an entertaining and engaging first-person narrative combined with authoritative information.
Organised in such a way to encourage you to slow down and make it easier to discover smaller areas in greater depth, the guide includes features such as interviews with locals who bring character to the region, activities to try with children, personally selected places to eat, drink and stay, coverage of the Arts & Crafts movement, and plenty of options for car-free travel: walking, cycling, river boats and local buses and trains.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to the Cotswolds  (5e ed.jan.2024), ISBN 9781839059728, paperback, 264 blz., formaat 13X20cm,  €21,90
Discover this exquisite region of England with the most incisive and entertaining guidebook on the market. Whether you plan to hike the Cotswolds’ trails, marvel at beautiful stately homes and gardens or explore the local gastronomic scene, The Rough Guide to the Cotswolds, Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink, shop and visit along the way.
Independent, trusted reviews written with Rough Guides’ trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit, with options to suit every budget.  Full-colour chapter maps throughout - to explore Oxford’s honey-coloured college buildings or discover the Shakespearean sights of Stratford-upon-Avon without needing to get online.
Stunning images – a rich collection of inspiring colour photography.  Things not to miss:  Rough Guides’ rundown of the best sights and experiences in the Cotswolds, Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford.  Itineraries:  carefully planned routes to help you organize your trip.  Detailed coverage: this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way. Areas covered include: Cheltenham; Gloucester; Stroud; Cirencester; Chipping Campden; Broadway; the Vale of Evesham; Stratford-upon-Avon; Burford; Banbury; Oxford. Attractions include: Blenheim Palace; Gloucester Cathedral; Kelmscott Manor; Westonbirt Arboretum; Cotswold Farm Park; Rollright Stones; Sudeley Castle; Compton Verney.
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* HALL, Damian - Walking in the Cotswolds: 30 circular walks in the AONB, uitg.: Cicerone (juli 2021), ISBN 9781852848330, paperback, 176 blz., formaat ca.11,5X17cm, €19,90
A guidebook to 30 circular walks in the Cotswolds, the largest Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England. Ranging from 4 to 12 miles in length, the routes are graded from easy to strenuous, offering something for every walker. Fourteen of the routes described include sections of the Cotswold Way National Trail, a 102-mile walk that winds its way from Chipping Campden to Bath.
Step-by-step route descriptions are accompanied by 1:50,000 mapping. There is plenty of information on the many points of interest passed en route, including Roman ruins, ancient stone circles, Neolithic long barrows and historic villages. Also included is a useful route table summary, information on accommodation, and details on the region's geology, landscape, plants and wildlife.
Covering 790 square miles, the Cotswolds is home to lush green hills, picturesque valleys and beautiful beech woodlands. The impressive Edge - a remarkable limestone escarpment - offers ethereal views across the Vales of the Severn, Berkeley and Gloucester to the Malverns and the distant mountains of Wales.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 6, The Cotswolds: Outstanding Circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (2016), ISBN 9780319090282, paperback, formaat: ca.13X23cm, €17,90
28 carefully selected and tested country walks around The Cotswolds, graded by length and ranging from just over four to 10 miles.
All of the walks in this book include written directions, an extract of the OS map for the area and some background on the history and natural environment you may see. Most of the walks avoid busy roads, and are designed to help you make the most of a holiday or day trips. There are notes on parking, pubs and things to see on the route. They also include GPS waypoints so you can confirm your location using a handheld GPS.
Key places covered by these walking include the Windrush valley, roman ruins, the village of Syde (where Laurie Lee of Cider with Rosie grew up) and Coombe hill. The combination of idyllic stone villages and small towns in gentle, rolling countryside make the Cotswolds quintessentially 'English'. Cotswold stone varies in colour, depending on the area, ranging from light grey through to pale cream, honey and light brown.
The natural variation in the limestone is what helps towns and villages such as Castle Combe, Bourton-on-the-Water, Burford, Arlington, Broadway, Chipping Campden, Snowshill and Stanton, all featured in walks in this guide, blend so attractively into the natural surroundings.
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*  DAKIN, Chiz - Cycling in the Cotswolds: 21 half and full-day cycle routes, and a 4-day 200km Tour of the Cotswolds, uitg.: Cicerone (nov.2017), ISBN 9781852847067, paperback, 208 blz., €17,90
Packed with routes right across the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this guidebook is all you need to explore the lanes and tracks of this much-loved area on two wheels - off-road on your mountain bike or on-road on your road bike or a bit of both on hybrid/sturdy bike (most routes have an on-road alternative).
21 day routes ranging from 9 to 41 miles are included, illustrated with clear custom-drawn maps and profiles, as well as a 4-day 200km tour which takes in all the Cotswolds' best highlights. Routes are arranged by difficulty, ranging from easy, moderate to challenging, and full information is provided for the novice cyclist on first aid, bike maintenance, gear to take or hire and much more.
There are also comprehensive lists of local gear and cycle shops passed along the routes, and information about where to stop for vital refreshment, too. With a good network of quiet lanes and canal paths and dramatic views from the top of the famous limestone escarpment, the Edge, the pretty Cotswold villages are the perfect base for a cycling holiday.
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*  LONELY PLANET - Devon & Cornwall & Southwest England (6e ed. sep.2023), ISBN 9781838697266, paperback, 256 blz., €21,90
Als het gaat om wit zand, woeste branding en weidse luchten, kan geen enkele plek in Groot-Brittannië tippen aan Devon en Cornwall.
Inspirational images, amazing experiences and recommendations from our expert authors. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip. Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique. Plus outdoor activities, walking and driving tours, food & drink, best beaches & villages.
Coverage includes: Planning chapters, Exeter, East Devon, Torquay, South Devon, Plymouth, Dartmoor, Exmoor, North Devon, Bodmin, East Cornwall, South Cornwall, Newquay, the North Coast, Newquay, the North Coast, Understand and Survival chapters.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - Rough Guide to Devon & Cornwall  (8e ed.juli 2024), ISBN 9781839059940, paperback, 352 blz., formaat 13X20cm,  €19,90
Discover Devon and Cornwall with this comprehensive and entertaining travel guide, packed with practical information and honest recommendations by our independent experts. Whether you plan to hike the stunning cliffs of the Southwest Coast Path, go on an art pilgrimage to the gallery hotspots of Newlyn or St Ives, or digging into the region's history and mythology at Tintagel or Hound Tor, The Rough Guide to Devon & Cornwall will help you discover the best places to explore, eat, drink, shop and sleep along the way.
The Rough Guide to Devon & Cornwall is the insider's handbook to one of the most beautiful and diverse holiday destinations in the UK. Features include: Full-colour section showcasing the highlights of the region. Expert accounts of all the major sights, from the wild expanses of Dartmoor to the Eden Project, and from the craggy coast of north Cornwall to the Tate St Ives. Critical reviews of the best restaurants, pubs and hotels, whatever your budget. Informed background on the region's history, art, literature and wildlife. Practical advice on walking the South West Coast Path, exploring cycle routes, and where to head when the surf is up. Maps and plans for every area.
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*  BRADT, Hillary & Janice Booth - Slow Travel: East Devon & the Jurassic Coast (mei 2020), ISBN 9781784774769, paperback, 256 blz., €19,90
Mention holidays in Devon, and someone who doesn't know the county is likely to think of cream teas, pasties and picture-postcard villages. So far, so good, and indeed they are plentiful; but what about East Devon's spectacular Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a multi-million-year history? Or Exeter's magnificent Cathedral, containing the longest unbroken stretch of Gothic vaulting in the world? Or the slow, peaceful and beautiful miles of off-road cycling and walking offered by the likes of the Exe Estuary Trail, the South Coast Cycle Path and the 80-mile Buzzard Route? Add to these the sand and shingle bays of sheltered little coastal towns, cupped protectively between their ancient cliffs; the mass of waterbirds on the Exe and Axe estuaries; and the far-reaching views from hills and heathland. Around 60% of East Devon is a designated Area of Natural Beauty, and it shows.
Bradt’s coverage of Britain’s regions makes ‘Slow Travel’ its focus. To us, Slow Travel means ditching the tourist ticklists – deciding not to try to see ‘too much’ – and instead taking time to get properly under the skin of a special region. You don’t have to travel at a snail’s pace: you just have to allow yourself to savour the moment, appreciate the local differences that create a sense of place, and celebrate its food, people and traditions.
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*  BRADT, Hillary - Slow Travel: North Devon & Exmoor (2e ed. feb.2019), ISBN 9781784776145, paperback, 208 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's award-winning North Devon & Exmoor remains the only dedicated general guide to this compelling area. North Devon's relative inaccessibility has been a deterrent to ugly development, and Exmoor National Park is one of the smallest, least well known, and utterly delightful of all national parks. The rugged western cliffs around Hartland Point are the most dramatic in Devon and the cliff-top walking some of the best. New to this edition are several nature reserves which didn't make it into the first edition and more in-depth descriptions of the far western part of Devon abutting the Cornish border. Also included are the Gnome Reserve and the Bakelite Museum - just two of several quirky places in the region - and expanded information on the island of Lundy in the Bristol Channel, as well as unique coverage of the whole of Exmoor National Park straddling Devon and Somerset. Particularly intriguing are the many descriptions of country churches, 'the storerooms of history'.
North Devon, with its long sandy beaches and little coves, is the favourite of families with small children, while Exmoor's heather-covered moorland and deep, wooded coombes, attract walkers, mountain bikers, and riders. Some of the prettiest villages in the south west are found here, with cream teas aplenty. Much information will be unique to this guidebook, blending descriptions of little-known places and country pursuits with portraits of local characters, past and present. The book will be geared towards sustainable tourism, with special emphasis on car-free travel, walking, local food, pubs and unusual or special accommodation.
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*  BRADT, Hillary - Slow Travel: South Devon & Dartmoor, (3e ed.april 2024), ISBN 9781804691007, paperback, 352 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated third edition of South Devon and Dartmoor is part of Bradt's distinctive 'Slow Travel' series of guides to UK regions, offering in-depth exploration of one of England's most popular areas. Much of the information in Bradt's South Devon and Dartmoor has appeared in no other guidebook (apart from previous editions of this book) as the authors uncover the lesser-known charms of the region, as well as different aspects of the more popular places (from the English Riviera and South Hams to Salcombe and Dartmoor), together with colourful characters from the past, folk history and literary links from Agatha Christie to Arthur Conan Doyle.
Written by resident experts Hilary Bradt, the late Janice Booth, and Gill and Alistair Campbell, it remains the essential companion to discovering not just the obvious and well-known sites, but also for getting off the beaten track and understanding what makes this gorgeous part of the country tick.
Much of the information in Bradt's South Devon and Dartmoor has appeared in no other guidebook (apart from the first edition of this book) as the authors uncover the lesser-known charms of the region as well as different aspects of the more popular places, together with colourful characters from the past, folk history, and literary links from Agatha Christie to Conan Doyle. The guide has a special emphasis on car-free travel: walking, cycling and river boats, as well as local buses and trains. Local food is covered, while accommodation and places to eat and drink have been hand-selected by the authors, from idyllically located campsites to stylish boutique B&Bs, with additional advice from a Devon-based tour operator who has personally tested many restaurants and hotels.
Takes you on a 'slow' tour of Devon and Dartmoor of Britain. This guide lets you: connect with the people, places, environment and heritage of this spectacular part of the country and discover for yourself the unsung delights, well known sights, wildlife, coast and countryside - not to mention the foibles of the locals. Discover the hidden secrets of this varied and beautiful region, from the 'English Riviera', where palm-trees abound and the sandy beaches of Torquay and Paignton attract numerous summer visitors, to the wild landscape of Dartmoor, England's highest landmass south of the Pennines.
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*  BROEKSMA, Alice - Dorset: Kust & Country, uitg.: Edicola | Passepartout Reisgidsen (april 2020), ISBN 9789493160217, paperback, 160 blz., €24,50
Dorset is oogverblindend en onder Britten zeer geliefd. De landelijke provincie aan de zuidwestkust vertegenwoordigt alles wat ‘Engels’ is: groene heuvels die zacht rollen, pubs met open vuren en pints, tearooms met cream teas, gouden zandstranden met ezeltjes en poppenkast. Nostalgie en idylle, hier is de wereld op veilige afstand.
Maar Dorset heeft ook een wilde en spectaculaire kant. Een grote naakte reus die in een heuvel is gekerfd en nog steeds weet niemand precies wanneer dat werd gedaan en waarom. Een ruige kust van smokkelaars en eeuwenoude kerkhoven met namen van douaniers die van de rotsen vielen. De Warme Golfstroom komt hierlangs – er zijn levendige badplaatsen en subtropische tuinen met een microklimaat. De helft van de provincie valt onder natuurbescherming.
Alice Broeksma was verslaggever en buitenlandredacteur voor Haagsche Courant/Sijthoff Pers en NOS-Journaal, woont in Dorset en schrijft en fotografeert voor Nederlandse en Engelse publicaties. Bij Edicola verschenen eerder haar boeken Centraal Schotland en Weelderig Dordogne.
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*  RICHARDS, Alexandra - Slow Travel Dorset: Local, characterful guides to Britain's Special Places, uitg.: Bradt (4e ed.aug.2024), ISBN 9781804691687, paperback, 368 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated fourth edition of Dorset (Slow Travel), Bradt’s popular and distinctive guide, offers in-depth exploration of one of England’s most popular counties. Author Alexandra Richards, Dorset born and bred, shares local insights to offer a wider, more personal selection of places to explore than any other guide, including attractions known only to locals, who normally keep the county’s treasures to themselves. The result encourages you to slow down and appreciate why this county deserves repeat visits.
Dorset is quintessential rural England: rolling hills, thatched houses, winding lanes and stunning stately homes. Enchanting Dorset landscapes described in Thomas Hardy’s 19th-century novels are largely unchanged and are likely to remain so given that Dorset enjoys England’s highest proportion of conservation areas. The county is trimmed by the spectacular Jurassic Coast (starring locations such as Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove), England’s first natural World Heritage Site, whose cliffs are continuously revealing their prehistoric, fossilised secrets. History buffs, meanwhile, will love innumerable sites of archaeological interest, including Britain’s largest Iron Age hillfort, Maiden Castle.
Practical information covers where and what to eat, where and when to go, what to see and how to get around. This fourth edition: integrates recent changes across the county; covers additional villages in north Dorset; celebrates child-friendly activities; introduces local food and drink producers, artisans and community projects; and suggests new walks.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & The Isle of Wight, Rough Guide (4e ed. sep.2024), ISBN 9781835290170, paperback, 280 blz., €19,90
The Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & The Isle of Wight is your definitive handbook to one of the most beautiful and diverse holiday destinations in the UK. From the wild heaths of the New Forest to the UNESCO recognised Jurassic Coast, the full-colour section introduces all of the regions' highlights. For every town and village, there are comprehensive and opinionated reviews of all the best places to eat, drink and stay - for every budget. There's plenty of practical advice on a host of outdoor activities; from exploring the New South Downs National Park by bicycle or foot, to world-class windsurfing and yachting off The Isle of Wight coast. The guide also takes a detailed look at the region's history, culture, literature and superb wildlife and comes complete with maps for every area.
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*  HALL, Gemma - Slow Travel: Durham - City, Dales & Coast, uitg.: Bradt Guides (feb.2023), ISBN 9781784779498, paperback, 320 blz., formaat ca.13X20cm, €22,90
Travel writer Gemma Hall explored Durham extensively by bicycle and on foot to produce this brand new title in Bradt’s award-winning series of Slow travel guides to UK regions. Walkers, cyclists, wildlife lovers, families, foodies, culture vultures and railway enthusiasts are all catered for, with coverage of a wide range of attractions. As the only comprehensive guidebook to the county, it also contains all the practical information you could need to plan and enjoy time in this delightful, diverse yet under-explored English county.
Durham city may be fêted by up to 4.37 million tourists a year (2019 figures), yet few visitors venture into the county’s wider countryside, with its unsung wooded valleys, old mining villages, Heritage Coast Path, and the rugged hills and valleys of Weardale and Upper Teesdale, where national nature reserves harbour thriving meadows filled with relict plants from the last Ice Age. Key heritage attractions such as Castle Barnard’s medieval fort and High Force waterfall (one of England’s greatest) are described in intimate detail – but so too are many places that have never made it into a guide on Durham: lesser-known museums, historical buildings and birdwatching sites. Here too are more remote treats that need tracking down by cycling old railway trails, or on foot, following old packhorse trails to reach abandoned collieries, secluded bathing pools and the display grounds of the black grouse, a rare gamebird.
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*  ROWE, Mark - Slow Travel: Isle of Wight, uitg.: Bradt Guides (april 2022), ISBN 9781784777968, paperback, 312 blz., formaat 13X20cm,  €21,50
This brand-new guide to the Isle of Wight forms part of Bradt’s top-selling, award-winning series of Slow travel guides to UK regions. Written by expert author and journalist Mark Rowe, who has visited the island over 30 times since first spending childhood holidays there, it is the perfect companion to help you get the most out of your visit, replete with not just all the practical information you could need, but also all the descriptive detail, anecdote and insider tips to make time spent there truly enjoyable and memorable.
The Isle of Wight is an island that is astonishingly – and unexpectedly – rich in food producers, wildlife, natural beauty, history, archaeology and dramatic landscapes. This is all the more remarkable for it being so close to the densely populated southern edges of England. At just 25 miles x 13 miles, in no other equivalent-sized area of Britain is there such a variety of landscapes (downland, estuaries, hills, saltmarshes, meadows, riverine, beach) or such a concentration of food producers (50+ independents at the last count). Here there is a real Island culture, a creative spirit that is quite quirky and independent.
Bradt’s Isle of Wight includes where to go to see red squirrels, where to hire e-bikes, where to go foraging and where is best for families. It also covers historic and present quirks, curiosities and attractions, including Jimi Hendrix’s unusual love affair with the island, a day in the life of a ferry master, tree climbing, World War II history, night-time wildlife, the annual walk at low tide to explore the wildlife underneath Ryde’s grand Victorian pier, the island’s award-winning wines and its dinosaur fossil-rich beaches – of which it has more than anywhere else in the UK!
With 20 maps, including regional, walking and cycling maps, you’ll be well placed to navigate your way from one point of interest to another. Whatever your interest, Bradt’s Isle of Wight will help you to plan and enjoy a visit to remember.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey, uitg.: Apa Publications (4e ed.juli 2024), ISBN 9781835290088, paperback, 320 blz., €21,90
The brand-new, full-colour Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey is the ultimate guide to this beautiful corner of England, with clear maps and lively accounts of both the big cultural attractions and the smaller, quirkier sights, and full coverage of vibrant Brighton and historic Canterbury.
The region is fast gaining a reputation as a foodie hotspot, and the guide offers detailed reviews of the best places to eat, from old-world tearooms to Michelin-starred restaurants. Also included is accommodation for all budgets – from country-house hotels to cozy b&b’s and idyllic campsites – as well as the best places to drink, featuring the best village pubs, plus the region’s celebrated wineries. Find details on a host of local festivals and events, from Lewes’ raucous Bonfire Night to Hastings’ popular Pirate’s Day, as well as ideas on outdoor activities, from paragliding in the South Downs to canoeing Kent’s waterways, with plenty of scenic walks too. Written by local experts, this is an indispensable guide to a region that’s ripe for exploring.
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*  EYEWITNESS GUIDES - DK Eyewitness Top 10 Lake District, uitg.: Dorling Kindersley (april 2023), ISBN 9780241612507, paperback, 128 blz., geheel in kleur op luxe papier, vele kleurenillustraties, €14,90
England's Lake District, with its unspoiled wilderness, pristine lakes, boulder-strewn fells and tiny villages, has inspired generations of poets, writers and hikers.
Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around the Lake District with absolute ease. Our updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of the Lake District into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best walks, swims and journeys, castles, churches and gardens.
You'll discover:  Seven easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a week;  Detailed Top 10 lists of the Lake District's must-sees, including comprehensive descriptions of Grasmere, Windermere, Kendal, Borrowdale, Ambleside, Langdale, Wordsworth's Lake District, Coniston Water, Wasdale and Keswick.
The Lake District's most interesting areas, with the best places for walking, beautiful views and sightseeing.  Inspiration for different things to enjoy during your trip - including family activities and things to do for free.  A laminated pull-out map of the Lake District, plus five full-colour area maps. Practical advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe. A lightweight format perfect for your pocket or bag when you're on the move.
* HEGER, Irma - Lake District: het meest geliefde nationale Park in Engeland, uitg.: Edicola | PassePartout Reisgidsen, (mei 2019), ISBN 9789492920621, paperback, 160 blz., €24,50
Leuke wandelroutes, pittoreske dorpjes, adembenemende vergezichten, ambachtelijke etenswaren en dranken, ruige bergtoppen, sprankelende meren, watervallen en beekjes. Verken het meest populaire nationale park van Engeland, ga ‘off the beaten track’ en creëer herinneringen voor de rest van je leven.  Zwemmen in een verlaten bergmeertje? Wandelen met wolven? Een ‘pint’ in een authentieke dorpspub bij de open haard? In dit boek vind je tips van plaatselijke kenners, een overvloed aan wetenswaardigheden en allerlei hints om alles uit je vakantie te halen wat erin zit. Gesplitst in vier geografische deelgebieden is dit boek een totaaloverzicht van het Lake District: een ware toeristenbijbel.
Journalist en vertaalster Irma Heger schrijft met veel passie over het gebied dat zij al 25 jaar haar thuis noemt. Heger toont je de bijzondere plekjes die zij heeft leren kennen, met een vleugje humor, veel eerlijkheid en gevoel voor detail. Ze onthult ook interessante achtergronden die alleen een ingezetene kan weten en interviewt plaatselijke persoonlijkheden van een heuse stadsomroeper tot de maker van bekroonde spiraalvormige Cumberland worst.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - Rough Guide to The Lake District, uitg.: Apa Publications (9e ed.dec.2023), ISBN 9781839058684, paperback, 296 blz., bevat 27 kaarten en plattegronden, formaat ca.13X20cm,  €19,90
The Rough Guide to the Lake District features comprehensive reviews of the finest places to stay and eat for every budget, based on personal inspection by a long-time Lakes expert. Whether you’re looking for a walker’s hostel or boutique hotel, café or gastro-pub, farmhouse B&B or country-house hotel, this guide has the lowdown on all the best deals. There’s detailed information on the best way to get around by public transport, while special features on the great outdoors focus on local walks, classic hikes, mountain climbs, lake cruises and family adventures. Whether you’re on a walking holiday or family break you can discover all the facts you need – from current opening times to festival dates. There’s also background information on the history, culture, nature and wildlife of the English Lakes, and plenty of special features – from the history of rock-climbing or a rundown of music festivals to the fascinating lives of the locals.
Whether you're looking for a walker's hostel or boutique hotel, café, gastro-pub, farmhouse B&B or country-house hotel, this guide has the lowdown on all the best deals. The Rough Guide to the Lake District is loaded with practical information from family ticket prices and opening times to advice on travelling around the region relying on the clearest maps of any guide.
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*  DAVISON, Steve - Walking in the New Forest: 30 Walks in the New Forest National Park, uitg.: Cicerone (2e ed.feb.2020), ISBN 9781852848774. paperback, 208 blz., €17,90
This guidebook presents 30 walks in the New Forest in Hampshire and Wiltshire, Britain's smallest National Park. Easily accessible from Southampton, Bournemouth, Salisbury and Winchester, the New Forest encompasses varied landscapes, from ancient woodlands to open heaths, rivers and coastline. Routes of between 5 and 16km (3 and 10 miles) explore the Forest, mainly on fairly flat terrain, often on well-defined tracks and paths. Most walks are suitable for all the family and many can be combined to make longer outings.
Each walk is described in detail, highlighting the many points of interest in this area - ancient sites and castles, picture postcard villages with thatched cottages or historic churches - with fascinating background detail. An extract of 1:25,000 OS mapping makes each route easy to follow, and suggestions for refreshment stops like pubs and tea rooms are included. All walks offer a good chance of seeing wildlife, including the famous New Forest ponies.
This area has been protected and nurtured by ancient laws for over 900 years, and is the largest remaining area of lowland heath in Europe. It is this sense of history and the unique patchwork of habitats that make walking in the New Forest National Park such a rewarding experience.
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*  PATHFINDER Walking Guide 12, Hampshire and the New Forest, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (juni 2016),  ISBN 9780319090107, paperback, €17,40
This Pathfinder walking guidebook covers the New Forest National Park, Hampshire and the South Downs, including the Itchen and Test valleys. There are 28 outstanding circular walks in the Hampshire countryside ranging from two to ten miles in length, and graded by difficulty by expert outdoor writer David Foster.
Each route has clear, easy-to-follow route descriptions, an Ordnance Survey route map, GPS waypoints, parking information and places of interest on the route.
You can choose from an stroll across typical New Forest heathland at Bishop's Dyke to the much more energetic downland walking around Kingsclere and Watership Down or exploring the beautiful Meon Valley.
Pathfinder Guides are Britain’s best-loved walking guides. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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*  MITCHELL, Laurence - Slow Travel: Norfolk, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (23e ed. maart 2023), ISBN 9781804690116, paperback, 320 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated, third edition of Bradt's Norfolk, part of Bradt's award-winning 'Slow travel' series of guides to UK regions, turns the spotlight on this county of contrasts, from the fine city of Norwich to the watery wilderness of the Broads and the sweeping beaches of the superlative north coast.
As well as featuring all the main sights, experienced travel writer and local resident Laurence Mitchell ensures that Bradt's Norfolk covers places and aspects not detailed by other guidebooks and offers a special emphasis on car-free travel, walking (including along several long-distance footpaths), accommodation, local food and pubs.
Slow Norfolk, although selective, includes the whole of Norfolk from Great Yarmouth and the Broads to the east to the Fens of the far west, from the iconic North Norfolk coast to the Breckland region to the south. The Norfolk landscape is far more variable than many imagine and not quite as flat as it is usually reputed to be. The North Norfolk coast, considered to be one of the most beautiful stretches in England, is also a hugely important habitat for wildlife especially migrating birds. The interior of the county tends to be more overlooked yet also much to offer, especially in terms of landscape, historic monuments and characterful market towns. The county has a rich mix of architectural variety, with numerous country houses, medieval churches, Roman forts and Norman castles. The county capital Norwich is an important centre for art and culture, with its acclaimed Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts and the annual, highly rated Norwich and Norfolk Festival.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - Norfolk & Suffolk, uitg.: Apa Publications (4e ed.feb.2023), ISBN 9781789195736, paperback, 344 blz., €27,90
Discover Norfolk and Suffolk with this comprehensive and entertaining travel guide, packed with practical information and honest recommendations by our independent experts. Whether you plan to sail on the Norfolk Broads, explore Constable Country or go seal-spotting on Blakeney Point, The Rough Guide to Norfolk and Suffolk will help you discover the best places to explore, eat, drink, shop and sleep along the way.
Features of this travel guide to Norfolk and Suffolk:  Detailed regional coverage: provides practical information for every kind of trip, from off-the-beaten-track adventures to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas.  Honest and independent reviews: written with Rough Guides’ trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, our writers will help you make the most from your trip to Norfolk and Suffolk. 
Meticulous mapping: practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Find your way around Norwich, Bury St Edmunds and many more locations without needing to get online.
Fabulous full-colour photography: features inspirational colour photography, including Wells-next-the-Sea and Thetford Forest.
Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, accommodation, food and drink, health, the media, festivals, sports and outdoor activities, culture and etiquette and shopping.
Background information: comprehensive ‘Contexts’ chapter provides fascinating insights into Norfolk and Suffolk, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.
Covers: Norwich; The Broads and northeast Norfolk; The north Norfolk coast; King’s Lynn and the Fens; Central and south Norfolk; Ipswich and Felixstowe; The Suffolk coast; Inland Suffolk.
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*  MITCHELL, Laurence - Walking in Norfolk: 40 circular walks in the Broads, Brecks, Fens and along the coast, uitg.: Cicerone (nov.2023), ISBN 9781786311801, paperback, 208 blz., €19,90
This guidebook describes 40 day walks across Norfolk ranging in length from 4 to 12 miles. The walks are divided into five sections: the northeast coast and the Broads; south Norfolk, the Yare and Waveney; North Norfolk and the Coast; Central Norfolk and Breckland; and West Norfolk and the Fens. Each walk is described step-by-step, illustrated with 1:40K OS map extracts and packed with historical, geological and other information about the landscape the route passes through.
All walks are circular, along footpaths, bridleways and quiet country lanes, and some use parts of long-distance paths, including the Peddars Way, Norfolk Coast Path, Boudica's Way and Weavers Way.
The Fenland region of Norfolk's far west is flat and low-lying, as are the marshes and waterways of the Broads in the east, but between these two extremes there is a great deal of topography going on. The county is far more varied than most outsiders imagine, with several distinct and unique landscapes. As well as Broads and the Fens, it has the sandy Brecks, rolling farmland, ancient woodland, meandering rivers and the gorgeous North Norfolk coast with its beaches, shingle banks, salt marshes and tidal mud flats.
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*  LONGLEY, Norm - Slow Travel: Somerset, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (1e ed. sep.2019), ISBN 9781784776176, paperback, ca.240 blz., €18,90
This new guide to the idyllic and popular county of Somerset from expert author and Somerset resident Norm Longley is ideal for both visitors and locals alike with its mix of visitor information, history, culture and anecdote, not to mention coverage of wildlife, birdwatching, walking, cycling and other outdoor activities. Accommodation and restaurants - and cider - are covered, too: as Longley himself says, he often spends weekends 'roaming the Somerset countryside in search of exciting and/or novel things to do - or at the very least, hunting down good food and drink.'
Divided into seven easy-to-explore geographical regions, from Bath and north Somerset through Wells and the Mendips to Exmoor National Park and International Dark Sky Reserve, this is an indispensable companion for everyone from culture devotees to outdoor adventurers, birders to beach lovers, transport enthusiasts to event-goers, families to foodies. The Somerset Levels are covered, and so too are Quantock and Blackdown Hills, the coast, and east and south Somerset.
The author has been a guidebook writer for around 20 years and has written for The Guardian and Independent.
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*  MITCHELL, Laurence - Slow Travel: Suffolk, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed.sep.2023), ISBN 9781804690499, paperback, 224 blz., €21,90
This new, expanded and thoroughly updated third edition of Suffolk (Slow Travel), part of Bradt’s award-winning series of Slow travel guides to UK regions, remains the only full-blown standalone guide to this gentle but beguiling county. Expert local author Laurence Mitchell helps visitors discover what makes Suffolk tick, combining personal insights, enjoyable anecdotes and up-to-date information on the best places to visit, stay and eat. Covering both popular sights and places beyond the usual tourist trail, he caters for walkers, cyclists, families, foodies, culture vultures and wildlife lovers alike.
Helped by its proximity to London and Cambridge, Suffolk is a popular holiday destination. Events such as the Latitude festival and the Aldeburgh Music Festival at Britten’s Snape Maltings keep the county’s profile buoyant. Despite being comparatively low-lying, Suffolk boasts varied landscapes, from undulating farmland and sandy heaths to extensive forests, important nature reserves (including Minsmere, for three years the base of BBC Springwatch) and soft, dreamy coastal landscapes comprising river estuaries, remote marshes, reed-beds, shingle beaches (notably Shingle Street, with its myth of World War II invasions) and dunes.
Suffolk’s coastal towns and villages – Southwold with its old-fashioned pier and colourful beach huts, but also Aldeburgh, Orford, Walberswick and Dunwich – are steeped in art heritage, with links to artists including Maggi Hambling, John Piper, Philip Wilson Steer and Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Venturing inland, you can make for Constable Country and the Stour valley, Bury St Edmunds, Framlingham, Bungay, Beccles or Halesworth. Alternatively, you can visit some of Suffolk’s wealth of medieval churches, learn of Rendlesham’s UFOs or revere Suffolk’s Anglo-Saxon heritage, notably the medieval ceremonial burial site at Sutton Hoo (whose discovery stars in the 2021 film The Dig) and the reconstructed Anglo-Saxon village at West Stow.
This guide makes a virtue of being selective, pointing readers to the cream of the area. It is organised into locales to encourage ‘stay put’ tourism and thorough exploration. It suggests options for car-free travel: walking, cycling, river boats, buses and trains. Written in an entertaining yet authoritative style, Bradt’s Suffolk (Slow Travel) is the ideal companion with which to discover this county.
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*  LOCKE, Time - Slow Sussex & South Downs, Weald & Coast, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed.juli 2024), ISBN 9781804690109, paperback, 320 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's much-praised guide to Sussex, including the South Downs, Weald and Coast offers a greater and more personal selection of places to explore and discover than any other guide. Resident expert author Tim Locke takes a leisurely, detailed approach that is highly personal, honest and critical, encouraging you to slow down and take time to gain a deeper understanding of what makes this stunning region tick and why it deserves repeat visits. Sussex offers plenty of scope for 'Slow travel' with or without a car, including walks, pottering around on bikes, steam trains, volunteer-run buses, a solar-powered craft in Chichester harbour, or on small boats. This is a guide to the author's favourite places in Sussex - along the coast, in the South Downs and in the Weald. It doesn't attempt to cover everything but picks its way round the places that have particular distinctiveness, including the parts of the South Downs National Park that fall in Sussex. Also covered are a new walk down the deepest, loveliest dry valley on the Downs, a sheep farmer who opens her farm during the lambing season and, in the High Weald, some of the most magnificent of English gardens created in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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*  BAGSHAW, Mike - Slow Travel: Yorkshire Dales, Uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed.juli 2024), ISBN 9781804692165, paperback, 224 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated third edition of Yorkshire Dales (Slow Travel), part of Bradt’s series of distinctive ‘Slow’ travel guides to local UK regions, remains the most comprehensive guide to the area and covers the whole of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty plus nearby ‘slow’ and historic towns and villages.
The Yorkshire Dales is one of the best loved and most visited National Parks in Britain. This guide celebrates the beautiful limestone landscapes it contains, both above and below ground. It encourages visitors to stray away from the honey-pot venues, sampling wildlife in the hidden corners and meeting the true Dales-folk in sleepy villages off the beaten track. This book explores the nooks and crannies of this dramatic and diverse county and takes in the well known sights as well as regional secrets, including fossil hunting, wild food foraging and the game of quoits. Personal guides to exploring the nooks and crannies that every place has to offer, as well as information on all the best places to stay and visit. Covering everything from fossil hunting to boat trips, architectural tours to conservation projects, offering visitors the chance to explore each area thoroughly. Illustrated in colour, with maps throughout.
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*  BAGSHAW, Mike - Slow Travel: North York Moors & Yorkshire Wolds Including York & the Coast , Uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed feb.2023), ISBN 9781804690093, paperback, 256 blz., €21,90
This new, thoroughly updated third edition of Bradt's North York Moors and Yorkshire Wolds, part of the distinctive 'Slow travel' series of guides to UK regions, remains the only full-blown standalone guide available to this region of contrasts, from the magnificent cliffs and beaches of the Heritage Coast and rolling hills of the North York Moors to the tranquil chalk downland of the Wolds.This guide takes you to the quiet North eastern corner of Yorkshire, where the county meets the sea. It celebrates the countryside of the North York Moors National Park, the Howardian Hills AONB and the Yorkshire Wolds. It also features the Yorkshire folk that live here and have moulded these beautiful landscapes, including the 'slow' and historical city of York.
With Bradt's North York Moors and Yorkshire Wolds, discover what makes this area tick. The annual Tour de Yorkshire has helped to establish the region as a biking Mecca, while the Yorkshire Nature Triangle in the east is renowned for its birds and wildlife, from adders to barn owls, otters to dolphins. Wildlife lovers will also find details of whale-watching tours. Included in the guide is information on the 10 long-distance paths which cross the area, plus tips on the sandy beaches and rocky coves that make this an ideal family destination. Local food and drink, from seafood to meats, cheeses and breweries, is covered, too.
Also included are details of festivals, steam train journeys as featured in the Harry Potter films, the Georgian opulence of Castle Howard as featured in Brideshead Revisited, sea-bird colonies along the Heritage Coast, the only mainland colony of gannets in England at Bempton Cliffs, and the tallest standing stone in Britain. Written in an entertaining style combining personal narrative with authoritative information, Bradt's North York Moors and Yorkshire Wolds has all the most up-to-date information you could need for a successful visit.
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* MORAAL, Eva - Eden Valley en Yorkshire Dales: Een reis door Noordwest Engeland, uitg.: Edicola|PassePartout Reisgidsen, (juli 2020), ISBN 9789493160453, paperback, 160 blz., formaat 220X172X15mm,  €24,50
Dertig jaar geleden was de noordwestelijke Settle-Carlisle Railway nog ten dode opgeschreven. Tegenwoordig vervoert Engelands mooiste spoorlijn ieder jaar duizenden mensen door twee streken: de nog onontdekte Eden Valley met haar glooiende graanvelden, en de ruige, romantische heuvels van de Yorkshire Dales. In dit boek stap je telkens uit op een van de Victoriaanse stationnetjes, vanwaar je de omliggende omgeving gaat ontdekken. De gebieden zijn meer verbonden dan je op het eerste gezicht zou denken: door hun geschiedenis, hun markante natuur en geologie, en door de alomtegenwoordigheid van schapen. Niet voor niets is het schaap het embleem van het Yorkshire Dales National Park, waar ook een groot deel van de Eden Valley onder valt.
Schrijver en historica Eva Moraal bewandelde honderden paden en bezocht vele plekken in de twaalf jaar dat ze de streken bezocht. Inmiddels beschouwt ze deze als haar tweede thuis. Zij vertelt de oude èn nieuwe verhalen van de streken, mede aan de hand van enkele bijzondere lokale inwoners.
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*  ROUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to Yorkshire, uitg. APA Publications (4e ed.dec.2021), ISBN 9781789197112, paperback, 328 blz., formaat ca.13X20X2cm,  €19,90
A comprehensive guidebook to England's largest county - Yorkshire. It includes coverage of the county, from the ruggedly beautiful Dales and Moors and magnificent North Sea coast, historic York to the multi-cultural cities of Leeds and Sheffield, the resurgent port of Hull to all the market towns and rural villages in between.
Discover Yorkshire with this comprehensive, entertaining, ‘tell it like it is’ Rough Guide, packed with exhaustive practical information and our experts’ honest independent recommendations.
Whether you plan to hike through the stunning Yorkshire Dales, sample delicious cake at the famous Bettys tea rooms, discover the fascinating history of York or visit the county’s impressive museums, The Rough Guide to Yorkshire will show you the perfect places to explore, sleep, eat, drink and shop along the way.
Features of The Rough Guide to Yorkshire:  Detailed regional coverage: provides in-depth practical information for every step of every kind of trip, from intrepid off-the-beaten-track adventures, to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas. Regions covered include: South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Vale of York, Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors and East Riding.
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*  DOWDELL, Harry - Cycling in the Yorkshire Dales: 24 circular rides and a 6-day tour, uitg.: Cicerone (apr.2019), ISBN 9781786310170, paperback, 272 blz., €19,90
This guide describes 23 day routes, graded by a combination of distance, climb and overall gradient, all suitable for road bikes and illustrated by detailed maps and profiles. In addition a six-stage tour takes in all the highlights, including Grassington, Leyburn, Hawes, Kirkby Stephen, Ingleton and Settle. And for those who really want to test themselves, the route of the Stage 1 of the 2014 Tour de France, a 206km loop from Leeds to Harrogate, is also included, with an option to close the loop without adding many extra miles.
Appendices include a route summary table to help you choose your route, lots of information about facilities for cyclists along the routes, taking bikes on public transport and basic bike maintenance.
The Vuelta a Dales takes in the best dales, passes and viewpoints as it passes through Grassington, Leyburn, Hawes, Kirkby Stephen, Sedbergh, Ingleton and Settle. The Yorkshire Dales have always welcomed visitors who enjoy the views. For cyclists, the national park and the areas overlapping its boundaries provide a splendid mix of varied scenic landscapes, an extensive network of roads and peaceful lanes and many cycle-friendly cafés and tea shops. With almost every turn revealing yet another stunning view, the Dales are an ideal area to explore by bike.
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*  HORST, Eric van der - Hart van Engeland Fietsroute: van Harwich via London naar Lands End, uitg.: Pirola (2011), ISBN 9789064556470, ringbandgids, 160 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
De Hart van Engeland-route is een nieuwe recreatieve lange afstandsroute van Harwich aan de Engelse oostkust naar Land's End, het meest westelijkste puntje van Engeland. De circa 1000 km lange route voert bijna in zijn geheel over rustige wegen en fietspaden en wordt gekenmerkt door een grote variatie. De route is ook te fietsen als een circa 500 km lange "coast to coast"-fietstocht van Harwich aan de Noordzee naar Clevedon aan het Kanaal van Bristol.
*  SWART, Kees - Fietsen rond Het Kanaal: Deel 1 Zuid Engeland van Dover of Harwich naar Plymouth inclusief een rondje Guernsey en Jersey, uitg.: St Recreatief Fietsen (2024), ISBN 9789077056479, ringband, 172 blz., geheel in kleur, €22,50
Fietsen rond Het Kanaal is een tweedelige gids, bedoeld voor iedereen die een stuk langs of rond Het Kanaal wil fietsen. De route verbindt alle veerhavens aan de Engelse en Franse Kanaalkust. Zo kan een groot of klein rondje rond Het Kanaal gereden worden door voor een verderweg of dichterbij gelegen overtocht tussen Engeland en Frankrijk te kiezen. Uiteraard kan ook alleen een stuk van de Engelse of Franse kust gefietst worden.
- Deel 1, waarin het Engelse deel van de route wordt beschreven, zal begin 2015 verschijnen. De hoofdroute begint in Dover en eindigt na 700 km in Plymouth, waar veerboten naar het Franse Roscoff varen. Dover is per boot goed bereikbaar vanuit Duinkerke of Calais. Voor degenen die liever van Hoek van Holland naar Harwich varen, is een 250 km lange route van Harwich naar de Kanaalkust beschreven. Dit deel verschijnt begin 2015.
- Deel 2 beschrijft het Franse deel van de route: 1500 km vanaf Roscoff in Bretagne tot aan de Nederlandse grens.  De verschijningsdatum van deel 2 is nog niet bekend.
Krijtrotsen, stranden, getijden, indrukwekkende kastelen, pittoreske plaatsen met een vaak bizarre geschiedenis: zo uniek als de Kanaalkust is, zo bijzonder is deze route.
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*  SEYMOUR, Ellie - Secret Brighton - an unusual guide, uitg.: Jonglez Publishing (3e ed.okt.2024), ISBN 9782361957841, paperback, 304 blz., €20,95
Wander through a hidden city orchard, hang out with a 19th-century circus troupe, find a forgotten railway line in the sea, discover Brighton’s only waterfall, visit a hidden pet cemetery, borrow books from the secret library in a fridge, unearth a long forgotten mural, browse a museum in a back-street chip shop, tap the nose of a gargoyle and make a wish, enter an Earthship, step inside a secret walled garden and play glow-in-the-dark miniature golf with dinosaurs …
Away from the clichéd seaside sights, Brighton is a city full of hidden treasures revealed to residents and travellers who like to wander off the beaten path.
Secret Brighton – An unusual guide is the perfect companion for those ready to discover the unusual and underground and see the city through new eyes.
Ellie Seymour is a journalist who has lived in Brighton for 15 years. She writes about the city’s curiosities and hidden places on her blog Ellie & Co., Inc, which she started as a way to rediscover Brighton away from the tourist crowds. She cannot walk past an intriguing alleyway or courtyard without seeing what’s on the other side – and is always looking for the next adventure or hidden place to write about.
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*  KEATING, Mike - Secret Liverpool - an unusual guide, uitg.: Jonglez Publishing (2024), ISBN 9782361957216, paperback, 256 blz., €18,95
Reisgids voor Liverpool; Local guide by local people. Discover for yourself the haunts of slave traders, privateers and press-gangs, the hideaway of a suspected assassin and the desecrated grave of a self-professed Jack the Ripper, track down the birthplace of rail travel and the oldest pavilion at a first-class cricket ground, marvel at a life-size replica of the world’s first submarine and the original home of the Epsom Derby, be gobsmacked by burial stones older than Stonehenge and one of the earliest human settlements to be found anywhere in the UK, take a turn on John Lennon’s first musical instrument and snigger at the sight of Queen Victoria’s dildo, meet toads that sing, World War II’s best-kept secret and the world’s first (and smallest) skyscraper, toast the UK’s greatest female athlete in a brew named in her honour or go for a spin on the only purpose-built F1 race track in the country.
For tourists and locals who have outgrown Hop on–Hop off bus excursions, river cruises and Beatles tours, Secret Liverpool – An unusual guide is an indispensable guide to the curiosities of ‘England’s finest Victorian city’, designed for people who prefer to customise their own itinerary or simply wander where the mood takes them.
Born and educated in Liverpool, Mike Keating continues to live in the city centre, where he maintains a keen interest in local heritage and the city’s history. He is a retired university lecturer and writer with a short acting and directing career at the Unity Theatre and an even shorter one as a cartoonist on the Liverpool Echo.
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*  LONELY PLANET - Pocket Guide: Oxford & the Cotswolds (april 2019), ISBN 9781787016934, pocketformaat, 176 blz., €12,90
Lonely Planet Pocket Oxford & the Cotswolds, a colorful, easy-to-use, and handy guide that literally fits in your pocket, provides on-the-go assistance for those seeking only the can't-miss experiences to maximize a quick trip experience.
It's your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Wander the honey-toned streets of Oxford, follow in the footsteps of Betjeman and Wilde on a tour of Magdalen College and explore picture-perfect Cotswold villages – all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Oxford & the Cotswolds and begin your journey now!
Full-colour maps and images throughout.  Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests.
Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots.
Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices.
Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out and shopping.
Free, convenient pull-out map.
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*  MARCO POLO GUIDES - Oxford, uitg.: Marco Polo Guides (maart 2018), ISBN 9783829707930, paperback, 128 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Oxford: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips. Explore Oxford with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips.  Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget.  There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place in the `City of Dreaming Spires'.
Magical, picture-perfect Oxford, portal to the fantastical world of Harry Potter, wood-panelled dining rooms, spiral staircases and tower rooms.  Students in fluttering gowns cycling through bumpy, cobbled streets, the beautiful and stunning architecture found at every turn.  But there's more to Oxford than its dreaming spires. It is stoney and post-modern, a cosmopolitan city, a unique blend of ancient and modern...This is Oxford!
Your Marco Polo Oxford Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips - we show you the hidden gems and little known secrets that offer a real insight into the city from sampling decadent cocktails in a historic church, dining on a roof terrace with breath-taking views and staying in a university residence.
Oxford in full-colour - Marco Polo Pocket Guide Oxford includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the city to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip.
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* SCHOHAUS, Birte - Oxford & Cotswolds: De cultuur en natuur van stad en countryside, uitg.: Edicola|PassePartout Reisgidsen, (juni 2021), ISBN 9789493160446, paperback, 160 blz., formaat 220X172X15mm,  €24,50
Wie Oxford zegt, heeft het vaak over de beroemde universiteit. En terecht, de stad en de onderwijsinstelling zijn al eeuwen nauw met elkaar verbonden. Sterker nog, de universiteit bepaalt grote delen van het stadsbeeld. Overal stuit je op Harry Potter-achtige bibliotheken en zalen, indrukwekkende collegegebouwen en zie je studenten en docenten in vol ornaat over straat lopen. Maar Oxford is meer dan haar universiteit. De stad heeft een rijke geschiedenis en verschillende levendige wijken. Het is juist het samenspel tussen ‘town and gown’, de stad en de universiteit dus, dat Oxford gemaakt heeft tot wat het is: een levendige stad die uitnodigt om al haar facetten te ontdekken. Direct om de hoek van Oxford beginnen de Cotswolds, een landelijk gebied met kleine, schattige dorpjes, uitgestrekte velden en beroemde herenhuizen en paleizen. Uitgeroepen tot een ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ is het beschermde gebied ook onder Britten een gewilde vakantiebestemming. Birte Schohaus is journalist en onderzoeker voor verschillende Nederlandse media, waaronder Follow the Money, NRC Handelsblad en De Groene Amsterdammer. In 2018 verhuisde ze met haar man naar Oxford, waar hij werkt in de wetenschap en zij naast haar journalistieke werk de Engelse cultuur verkent.
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* BARRETT, Richard - Cycle Touring in Wales: A two-week circuit and shorter tours, uitg.: Cicerone (juni 2019), ISBN 9781852849887, paperback/gelamineerd, 240 blz., €17,50
Guidebook to cycle touring in Wales. This packed guide describes a circuit of Wales - perfect for a 2-week trip - plus 6 cross routes, which range from 45 to 73 miles and can be completed as day or weekend rides, or used to create shorter versions of the main circuit. Includes all the information needed to plan and execute a successful tour.
The route passes through most of the historic cities and towns of Wales, including Cardiff, Swansea and St David's. The route also passes many famous castles and landmarks along the way.
Difficulty: The route can be ridden as a leisure ride or as a challenge and there are schedules for all types of rider. There are long easy-rolling stages along both the South Wales and North Wales coasts, much of which is along traffic-free paths, with harder riding along the rockier west coast and through the low hills of the border counties.
A 657 mile circuit around of Wales - or shorter tours around the regions - taking in miles of magnificent coastline in the Pembrokeshire National Park, the mountains of Snowdonia and the gentler marcher along the border.
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*  LONELY PLANET - Wales Travel Guide (7e ed. aug.2021), ISBN 9781787013674 , paperback, 352 blz., bevat 60 kaarten en plattegronden, €21,80
Lonely Planet Wales is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Walk the Wales Coast Path, explore Conwy Castle, or take a trip on the Welsh Highland Railway; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Wales and begin your journey now!
Inside Lonely Planet Wales Travel Guide:  Full-colour maps and images throughout.  Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests.  Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots.
Essential info at your fingertips: hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices.
Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out and shopping.
Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreak.
Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - cuisine, outdoor activities, landscapes. Over 60 colour maps.
Covers Cardiff, Brecon Beacons, Swansea, the Gower, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Aberystwyth, Snowdonia, Anglesey and more.
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* JULING, Petra - Ontdek Wales, uitg.: ANWB (maart 2018), ISBN 9789018043308, paperback, ca.300 blz., formaat ca.12X18,5cm,  €23,50
Verken Wales op een andere manier met de uitgebreide Ontdek reisgids Wales! Natuurlijk mag je bezienswaardigheden zoals Mount Snowdon, met zijn kusten en kastelen en Cardiff met de spannende combinatie van moderne architectuur en industrieel erfgoed niet missen. Maar ga ook eens van de gebaande paden en ga op zoek naar de Welsh-mediterrane flair van Tenby Harbour, wandel door de kleurrijke tuinen van Bodnant Garden en ontdek de charme van de getijdenwerking en het rode zandstrand bij Three Clifs Bay. Deze reisgids Wales biedt naast praktische tips over routes, hotels en vervoer ook originele ontdekkingstochten door de regio. De auteur laat juist díe plekjes zien waar de andere toeristen aan voorbij lopen. Achter in de handzame gids zit een uitneembare kaart. Kortom: deze reisgids is een onmisbare reisgezel tijdens je vakantie door Wales.
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* QUINT, Karin & Maurice Janssen - Dominicus Landenreeks: Wales, uitg.: Gottmer (april 2018), ISBN 9789025764166, paperback, ca.264 blz., formaat ca.13,5X21cm,  €23,99
Van de vier landen die samen het Verenigd Koninkrijk vormen, is Wales voor velen het onbekendst. En dat is onterecht! Wales is minder luidruchtig dan Schotland, minder turbulent dan Noord-Ierland en minder welvarend dan Engeland. Toch heeft Wales als vakantieland ontzettend veel te bieden. Neem alleen al de vele honderden kastelen, kloosters en prehistorische monumenten die het land rijk is. Samen met een indrukwekkend industrieel erfgoed en de oeroude taal brengen ze de geheel eigen historie en identiteit tot leven.
Ook heeft Wales een spectaculaire natuur. Naast een prachtige kustlijn vol besloten stranden, brede riviermondingen en woeste kliffen heeft het adembenemend mooie heuvel- en berglandschappen.
Hoofdstad Cardiff ontpopt zich met zijn National Museum, Millennium Centre, overdekte winkelpromenades en herontwikkeld havengebied intussen tot een aantrekkelijke bestemming voor stedentrips.
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Rough Guide to Wales, uitg.: Apa Publications (11e ed. juli 2024), ISBN 9781839059971 , paperback, 472 blz., bevat 58 kaarten en plattegronden, formaat ca.13X20X2cm,   €24,90
The Rough Guide to Wales is the ultimate travel guide with clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best attractions in Wales. Find detailed practical advice on what to see and do in Wales whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels in Wales, bars in Wales, restaurants in Wales and shops in Wales to cater for all budgets.With the clearest maps of Wales and useful Welsh language section, this Rough Guide will take you to the very best attractions Wales has to offer.
The Rough Guide to Wales will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink and shop along the way.Inside The Rough Guide to Wales- Independent, trusted reviews written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit, with options to suit every budget- Full-colour maps throughout.
Meticulous mapping: practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, accommodation, food and drink, health, the media, festivals, sports and outdoor activities, culture and etiquette, shopping and more- Background information: comprehensive 'Contexts' chapter provides fascinating insights into Wales with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.
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* KELSALL, Dennis & Jan - Walking in Pembrokeshire: 40 circular walks in and around the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, uitg.: Cicerone (2e ed.jan.2018), ISBN 9781852849153, paperback, 208 blz., formaat 17.2x11.6x1.2cm, €17,95
Guidebook to 40 circular walks in Pembrokeshire in Wales. The routes, which range from 1 to 12 miles, take in the dramatic beauty of the national park and its coast, the Daugleddau and the Preseli Hills, while exploring wooded gorges, prehistoric hillforts and medieval castles.
Step-by-step route descriptions are accompanied by 1:50,000 mapping. For each route, information is also given regarding parking and public transport options, as well as toilets and refreshments available along the way. The guide also includes a useful route summary table, plus information on tides, the terrain, and weather in the region.
This collection of walks includes something for everyone, from novices to experienced ramblers. None of the walks demand technical skill and, in good weather, pose few navigational problems. Whether following the coast, wandering the hills or exploring the valleys and woods, the walking everywhere is superb and will invariably reveal something unexpected along the way.
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*  INSIGHT GUIDES - Insight Great Breaks Guides: Belfast, uitg.: APA Publications (3e ed.aug.2017), ISBN 9781786716309, paperback, UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Belfast is an exciting place: forget its troubled past; this is a city keen to welcome visitors and fulfil its potential as a vibrant European capital. We suggest 10 easy-to-follow walks and tours around Belfast, taking in sights such as the Titanic Quarter, the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, and the astonishing Giant's Causeway. There are three additional excursions into Northern Ireland's beautiful countryside and coastline. Each unique walk is accompanied by vivid full-colour photographs, clear maps and plenty of recommendations for where to eat and drink. Features on the local culture focus on what makes Belfast unique - its historic pubs, mural art and the Titanic legacy.
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*  BACINO, Lorenza & Dr Kathy Curran - Secret Belfast - an unusual guide, uitg.: Jonglez Publishing (1e ed.2018), ISBN 9782361952631, paperback 224 blz., formaat 19x10.5cm,  €20,95
Discover how the city stood up against the evils of the slave trade, admire its stunning art deco facades, unearth beautiful stained-glass windows by an accomplished yet little-known female artist, take to the windy coastal paths just out of town and peak into caves where smugglers once hid their loot, visit the humble cottage of an American president, uncover the mysteries of Bronze Age burial grounds and Stone Age forts, squeeze down a secret underground tunnel or take a boat ride to see the city’s seal colony, visit the place where Marconi sent his first wireless signal across the waves, go to a cinema shaped like a ship …
Small, yet bursting with history and mystery, Belfast, far from the crowds and the usual clichés, is a reserve of well-concealed treasures that only reveal themselves to those who know how to wander off the beaten track, whether residents or visitors.
An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Belfast well, or who would like to discover the hidden face of the city.
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Kanaaleilanden (Jersey, Guernsey)
* MARCO POLO - Jersey & Guernsey | Kanaaleilanden, uitg.: MairDumont/62Damrak (1e ed.2020), ISBN 9783829758390, paperback, 140 blz., incl. losse kaart, formaat 11X19cm,  €14,95
Marco Polo reisgids voor de Kanaaleilanden Jersey en Guernsey met Alderney, Sark en Herm. Handig pocket formaat, boordevol informatie, met uitneembare kaart en 16 bladzijden met plattegronden. Met ‘insider tips’ om de échte eilanden te ontdekken, de TOP 15 van bezienswaardigheden in één oogopslag, up-to-date informatie in overzichtelijke hoofdstukken: sightseeing, eten & drinken, winkelen, uitgaan, verblijf, routes & tochten, voor kinderen, feesten, festivals & evenementen, internet tips, praktische info van a tot z, een taalgidsje, plattegronden en straatnamenregister.
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*  DANIEL, Geoff - Landscapes: Guernsey, with Alderney, Sark and Herm: 1 car tour, 30 long and short walks with GPS, uitg.: Sunflower books (6e ed.mei 2018), ISBN 9781856915113, paperback, 144 blz., €12,90
"This book, like all Sunflower books, is great. Small and lightweight to carry with you. the details are easy to follow and are so helpful: Transport needed to get to the starting point. Length of walk. What shoes to wear and difficulty of walk. The maps are small but easy to follow. Lots of walks to follow at all levels. You don’t have to be an expert to do the walks nor follow the directions." - recensie van een gebruiker
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*  DILLON, Paddy - Walking on Guernsey, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.juni 2023), ISBN 9781786311306, paperback, 192 blz., €19,90
Guidebook to 25 short, easy walks exploring the Channel Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm. Including the Guernsey Coastal Walk, the routes cover a total of 140 miles mainly on paths, tracks and quiet roads, and can be easily combined to make longer journeys. Includes notes on travel and the fascinating history of the islands.
The routes are mostly circular, mainly on paths, tracks and quiet roads, and can easily be combined to make longer outings. Most walks are between 5 and 15km (3 and 9 miles) but the book also includes a description of the Guernsey Coastal Walk, a 63.5km (39 mile) walk around the entire coast of the island. Famed for its sunshine, its history and its wonderful coastline, Guernsey offers superb year-round walking. As well as clear route directions and mapping and practical advice on travel and accommodation, the book is crammed with fascinating information about these intriguing islands.
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*  DANIEL, Geoff - Landscapes: Jersey: 2 car tours, 25 long and short walks, uitg.: Sunflower books (aug. 2024), ISBN 9781856915595, paperback, 72 blz., €16,90
A very compact and detailed guide. Good maps and information to get you to your starting point (either by public transport or your own rental car) and then information about all the highlights along the way. Combines car tours and walking tours.
Very useful book detailing a wide variety of walking routes in Jersey. Detailed map but even more helpful having the GPS routes which can be uploaded to a mobile. All the walks can be completed by the extensive public bus service if you are not hiring a car.
There’s something for everyone here, from drivers to serious hikers and even casual walkers. The text and directions are concise and not too wordy, with just enough detail and even a little humor thrown in.
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*  DILLON, Paddy - Walking on Jersey, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.sep.2021), ISBN 9781786311030, paperback, 192 blz., formaat 17X11,5cm,  €18,80
Walking on Jersey describes 24 coastal and inland walks, ranging from 2 to 8 miles in length. Almost all of the walks link directly with one or two other walks, allowing all kinds of extensions to the route. The walks can also be joined together to create the 48 mile Jersey Coastal Walk, and the Channel Island Way. The walks use good paths and tracks as well as quiet country roads. Occasional more rugged paths explore the island's excellent cliff coastline. Famous for sunshine, year-round walking, history and a wonderful coastline, Jersey is an intriguing destination for travellers. Outwardly British but with French overtones, the island has a long tourist season. Jersey has plenty of interesting historical sites and attractions to visit including castles, churches and museums.
Good paths and tracks are used, along with quiet country roads, avoiding main roads wherever possible; gradients are often gentle, but there are some rugged cliff paths and occasional steep slopes; short walks can be combined to make longer ones.
Must See: excellent cliff coastline, rocky and sandy beaches, with absorbing historical features - prehistoric sites, castles and churches, as well as massive concrete reminders of the Nazi occupation; plenty of museums and visitor attractions.
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*  EVERS, Karin - Dominicus: Kanaaleilanden: Jersey, Guernsey, Herm, Sark en Alderney, uitg.: Gottmer (juli 2022), ISBN 9789025777210, paperback, 184 blz., formaat ca.13,5X21cm €21,99
Deze Dominicus reisgids belicht hoe de lokale bevolking de geschiedenis heeft ondervonden. De Kanaaleilanden waren jarenlang het strijdtoneel van de Engelsen en de Fransen en werden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog als enig Engels grondgebied bezet door de Duitsers. Hierdoor zijn de eilanden rijk aan historisch erfgoed. Zo kun je de imposante forten en bunkers verkennen, maar ook de ongerepte en indrukwekkende natuur die menig kunstenaar heeft geïnspireerd. De grillige rotsformaties, steile klippen en prachtige bloemen en planten maken deze eilanden een lust voor het oog. De Kanaaleilanden zijn een waar paradijs voor cultuurliefhebbers, wandelaars én watersporters. Deze reisgids zit bomvol praktische informatie, handige overzichtskaarten, sfeervolle foto's, historische achtergronden en uitgebreide culturele achtergrondinformatie. Vanzelfsprekend wordt er uitgebreid stilgestaan bij het landschappelijk schoon: kilometers lange kusten met grillige rotsformaties, steile kliffen en gevaarlijke riffen, talloze bloemen en planten die in de lente en zomer de hellingen kleuren, rustige baaien en stranden.
Kortom, Karin Evers laat zien dat de Kanaaleilanden een paradijs zijn voor wandelaars en watersporters. De eilanden mogen dan klein zijn, ze hebben erg veel te bieden op cultuurhistorisch- en landschappelijk vlak. De prachtige kleurenfoto's, praktische informatie en overzichtelijke kaarten en plattegronden complementeren het geheel. 
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landkaarten Kanaaleilanden:
*  ITMB,  Jersey & Guernsey Travel Reference Map 1:18.000, ISBN 9781771293877, €13,95
wandelgidsen Zuidoost Engeland
*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 25, Pathfinder Thames Valley & Chilterns, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (2020), ISBN 9780319090053 , paperback, €18,80
Discover 28 beautiful country walks from 4km to 18 km long around Thames Valley and Chilterns, with route descriptions, maps and photos. Each walk in this guidebook created by Pathfinder Guides and Ordnance Survey is graded by difficulty to you can easily find one for your needs.
The Chilterns form part of the long line of chalk hills stretching intermittently across southern and eastern England. It is an area characterised by beech woods and dry valleys, and these natural features are explored in the 28 routes available in this walks guidebook.
The Thames Valley is steeped in history, from Windsor Castle and Richmond Park to Runnymede Meadows where the Magna Carta was signed in 1215. All the walks include description and maps 28 for each of the walks, which are from 4km to 18 km in length. Each walk is graded for difficulty and tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes and help you discover some of the best views and places in the area.
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*  REYNOLDS, Kev - Walking in Kent, uitg.: Cicerone (apr.2024), ISBN 9781852848620, paperback, 240 blz., €19,90
A guidebook to 40 of the best walks in Kent - each walk is accompanied by extracts from 1:50.000 OS-maps and key information on distance, access and refreshments.
Covering west Kent and The Weald and north and east Kent, including the Kent Downs and the Greensand Hills. Walks of 5 to 9 miles explore rivers and coastline, beautiful countryside and historic villages. With outlines of 11 longer walks ranging from 15 to 163 miles. Walking in Kent describes 40 circular day walks in the Garden of England. This guidebook includes routes ranging from 5 to 9 miles in west Kent and The Weald and north and east Kent. Encompassing woodland walks, clifftop paths and riverside rambles, there is something for everyone, from family strollers and determined ramblers. No specialised equipment or clothing is required.
The guide includes easy-to-follow route descriptions, 1:50K OS map extracts, background information and a route summary table. It also gives outlines of 11 longer walks in the Kent area, including the Darent Valley Way, the Saxon Shore Way and the North Downs Way National Trail.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 8, Kent, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (2016),  ISBN 9780319090183, paperback, 96 blz., €19,90
Walkers in Kent enjoy a number of longdistance footpaths, including the North Downs Way, Wealdway, Pilgrims' Way and Greensand Way, and sections of them are incorporated into several walks in this guide. 28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone.
This walking guidebook for Kent has 28 great walks exploring coastal and inland Kent, including the Isle of Sheppey. Kent contains a wealth of history from Roman times to modern day, with many of the key sites visited on these pre-planned walks. Each walk includes easy-to-follow route directions and are accompanied by large-scale Ordnance Survey route maps, GPS waypoints and captivating photographs.
Walks include the Stodmarsh Nature Reserve, Lullington Castle, St Margaret's Bay and the Stour valley, as well as parts of the North Downs Way, Weald way, Pilgrims' Way and Greensand Way . The routes range from 3.5 miles to 10 miles, and each is rated for difficulty by an experienced walker.
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*  AA - 50 Walks in Surrey, uitg.: AA Publishing (5e ed.mei 2023), ISBN 9780749583286, paperback, 176 blz., €19,90
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and this guide to Surrey features mapped walks of two to ten miles to suit all abilities. Every walk helpfully provides a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface as well as details on access and landscape. Information on dog friendliness, parking, public toilets and places to stop for much needed refreshments are also given, together with  full colour maps and clear route directions.
For those with an interest in history and wildlife, you’ll enjoy a fascinating background read to each location, as well as other local points of interest.
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*  KING, Deborah - Pathfinder Guides: Surrey Outstanding circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (dec.2016), ISBN 9780319090206, paperback, €19,90
A new Pathfinder walking guide for Surrey, featuring 28 circular walks around the county ranging in length from 2 to 13 miles for all abilities. Areas covered include the North Downs Way and Box Hill, with all walks accompanied by GPS waypoints, Ordnance Survey maps and beautiful photography.
The Surrey Pathfinder walking guidebook has 28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers - it's ideal for both visitors and locals. The routes range from three miles (4.4km) to 9.5 miles (15.2km), so there is something for everyone. Each route includes a detailed description, the Ordnance Survey map for the route, GPS waypoints and key historical and landscape features to look out for.
Routes in the book include Farley Heath, the Churt Valley, Box Hill, Albury Park and Chobham Common. It's the perfect way to discover more of the Surrey countryside.
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*  AA - 50 Walks in Sussex & the South Downs, uitg.: AA Publishing (5e ed.mei 2023), ISBN 9780749583293, paperback, 176 blz., €19,90
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in Sussex features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Sussex, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use. Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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* CHANNER, Nick  - Pathfinder Guides: West Sussex & The South Downs Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (dec.2019), ISBN 9780319091746, paperback, 96 blz., €18,90
All 28 routes around West Sussex and the South Downs are clearly described and shown on a large-scale OS map. They include GPS waypoints and highlight where to park, good pubs and places of interest en route.
The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone. Each route includes a detailed description, the Ordnance Survey map for the route, GPS waypoints and key historical and landscape features to look for.
There are 180 miles of absorbing walking through the heathland, wooded vale and pretty villages of the Low Weald from Durford Heath to Ardingly, across the splendid spine of chalk that is the backbone of the South Downs National Park, including ‘Glorious’ Goodwood and the prehistoric hill forts at Cissbury and Chanctonbury Rings, and Sussex-by-the-sea from the intricate inlets of Chichester Harbour to unspoilt Climping. Routes range from 5.6km (3.5 miles) up to 18.4km (11.5 miles), so there is something for everyone. Each is also graded by difficulty.
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*  CURTIS, Paul - Walking On the Isle Of Wight, uitg.: Cicerone (2e ed.juni 2024), ISBN 9781852848736, paperback, 240 blz., €19,90
A guidebook to 33 walking routes on the beautiful Isle of Wight, including the 70 mile Coastal Path - a complete circuit of the island's spectacular coast. Ranging from 4 to 18 miles long, the walks explore clifftops, beaches, forest trails and downland, and visit picturesque villages and the towns of Yarmouth, Cowes and Ventnor. Graded easy to moderate, they are suitable for all abilities and are accessible all year round.
The guide contains clear step-by-step route descriptions for each walk, accompanied by an extract from 1:50,000 OS mapping. There is information about refreshment and accommodation options along the route and plenty of details about the island's history and the interesting places encountered. Options for accessing the start and finish using the island excellent public transport are also given for each walk.
With an incredible 326 miles of footpaths in a compact area, there is a huge choice of where to walk, which means that walkers can experience all the diversity the island has to offer - jaw-dropping views such as those from the magnificent coastline of West Wight, St Catherine's Point and the Needles, sweeping downland, as well as 2000 or so listed buildings.
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wandelgidsen Zuidwest Engeland
*  DILLON, Paddy - The South West Coast Path: National Trail From Minehead to South Haven Point, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.apr.2021), ISBN 9781786310682, paperback, 352 blz., €24,90
Guidebook to walking the entire South West Coast Path National Trail. The route runs for 630 miles from Minehead to Poole along the north Devon, Cornish, south Devon and Dorset coastline. Divided into 45 stages, this long-distance coastal trek could be completed within 4 weeks, or walked in sections. Guide includes maps and essential information.
No other stretch of coastline compares for scenic splendour, historical sites and availability of refreshments, accommodation and public transport, making it easy to split the South West Coast Path into week or weekend-long sections.
Written by prolific outdoor writer Paddy Dillon, this guidebook is packed with lots of information for planning your walk, including clear step-by-step route descriptions and OS map extracts, public transport links, accommodation and facilities along the way. Also described is the 17-mile South Dorset Ridgeway, from West Bexington to Osmington Mills, which can be used as a scenic way to shave 42 miles off the total distance.
This epic route takes in Exmoor National Park, five Areas of Outstanding National Beauty and the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, besides various nature reserves and SSSIs.
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*  DILLON, Paddy - Walking in the Isles of Scilly: a Guide to Exploring the Islands, uitg.: Cicerone (5e ed.jan.2022), ISBN 9781786311047, paperback, 96 blz., €14,50
This guidebook to walking on the Scilly Isles includes 11 day walks and 4 boat trips, perfect for a fortnight away from it all. The walks are between 1.5 and 10 miles long (2.5km and 16km), and explore the larger islands such as Tresco, St Martin's, St Mary's, St Agnes and Bryher as well as smaller islands in the archipelago. All routes are illustrated with OS mapping and contain lots of background information on the history, geology and ecology of the islands. There is also practical information on public transport services and accommodation.
Alongside the walks, which are suitable for walkers of all abilities, are 4 boat trips which explore Annet and the Western Rocks, the Norrard Rocks, St Helens and Tean as well as the Eastern Isles.
With their mild climate and relaxing atmosphere, the Isles make an ideal holiday destination, with stunning scenery, rich bird life and myriad wildflowers. Basking in sunshine, rising green and pleasant from the blue Atlantic Ocean, fringed by rugged cliffs and sandy beaches, they reveal their charms to those who walk the headlands, sail from island to island and take time to observe the sights, sounds and scents of the landscape.
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*  GÖGLER, Christian - Rother Wandelgids: Cornwall & Devon 50 kust- en veenwandelingen, uitg.: Elmar (juli 2024), ISBN 9789038924045, pocketformaat, 208 blz., €18,99
Cornwall – Devon is een fantastisch wandelparadijs voor natuurliefhebbers; uitzicht op zee en kust, groene heuvels en kronkelende landweggetjes.
De mystieke sfeer komt tot leven bij het zien van de brede baaien met ruige kliffen, woeste kloven met subtropische vegetatie en afgelegen stranden met smaragdgroene wateren. Een wandeling naar het meest westelijke punt van Engeland, Land’s End, is een magische ervaring voor elke wandelaar.
Alle 50 wandelroutes voor Cornwall en Devon zijn voorzien van duidelijke kaartjes, onmisbare hoogteprofielen, en uitgebreide beschrijvingen.
Cornwall - Devon is een fantastisch wandelparadijs voor natuurliefhebbers; uitzicht op zee en kust , groene heuvels en kronkelende landweggetjes . De mystieke sfeer komt tot leven bij het zien van de brede baaien met ruige kliffen , woeste kloven met subtropische vegetatie en afgelegen stranden met smaragdgroene wateren. Een wandeling naar het meest westelijke punt van Engeland, Land 's End, is een magische ervaring voor elke wandelaar. Alle 50 wandelroutes voor Cornwall en Devon zijn voorzien van duidelijke kaartjes, onmisbare hoogteprofielen, en uitgebreide beschrijvingen. Een wandelvakantie naar Engeland was nog nooit zo mooi!
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*  STEDMAN, Henry & John Newton - Cornwall Coast Path: Bude to Plymouth (British Walking Guide), uitg.: Trailblazer (7e ed.mei 2022), ISBN 9781912716265, paperback, 352 blz., bevat 117 landkaarten/plattegronden, €19,90
This guide to the coast path from Bude to Plymouth (288¼ miles/460km) covers the second section, Cornwall, of the 630-mile (1014km) South-West Coast Path.
This is some of the best coastal walking in Europe. The footpath takes in tiny fishing villages, rocky headlands, bustling resorts, wooded estuaries and golden surf-washed beaches. It is an area rich in wildlife, with seabirds, wild flowers, dolphins and seals.
The path has been completely rewalked and all the information checked for the new 6th edition.
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50 Walks in Cornwall, uitg.:  AA Publishing (5e ed.mei 2023), ISBN 9780749583217, paperback, 176 blz., €18,90
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and this fantastic walking guide to Cornwall features a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the area.
AA 50 Walks in Cornwall features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Cornwall, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use. Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 5, Cornwall Outstanding circular walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing Pathfinder Guide 1:25 000 scale (okt.2016), ISBN 9780319090299, paperback, €18,90
New edition of the best-selling walking guide to Cornwall featuring 28 classic, circular walks giving access to Britain's finest coastal scenery. Also featuring a new walk exploring the ancient landscape of Bodmin Moor. All routes are accompanied by GPS waypoints, Ordnance Survey maps and colour photography.
28 beautiful country walks around Cornwall, graded by length and ranging from just over four to 11¼ miles.
All of the walks in this book include written directions, an extract of the OS map for the area and some background on the history and natural environment you may see. Most of the walks avoid busy roads, and are designed to help you make the most of a holiday or day trips. There are notes on parking, pubs and things to see on the route. They also include GPS waypoints so you can confirm your location using a handheld GPS.
Many of the walks use sections of the Cornwall Coastal Path, and includes one that visits Land's End, a route around Daphne du Maurier's estate and the Saints Way.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 26, Dartmoor Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (nov.2016), ISBN 9780319090305, paperback, 96 blz., Contains OS Explorer maps, €17,40
Discover the rugged, iconic landscape of Dartmoor with this selection of 28 walks designed to help you find the best it has to offer. While largely uninhabited wilderness with few villages, farms and roads, there are still plenty of opportunities for walks of all levels.
Some of the most significant features of this often treeless landscape are the large numbers of tors that dominate Dartmoor. These are the remnants of hard masses of granite, drastically reduced in size and moulded into their present shapes by millions of years of weathering. Sheeps Tor, Kes Tor and Hound Tor are included on walks, as is the man-made, but equally fascinating 'The Graveyard' standing stones.
All 28 of the walks are graded for difficulty and tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from 3.5miles to 9 miles and include route descriptions, maps, notes and key features to look for.
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50 Walks in Devon, uitg.:  AA Publishing (3e ed.sep.2013), ISBN 9780749574819 , paperback, 176 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
This guide features a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities. The book features all of the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Devon, and clear mapping for ease of use.
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and this guide features a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities. The book features all of the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Devon, and cear mapping for ease of use.
Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty.
All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments.
Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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50 Walks in Dorset, uitg.:  AA Publishing (4e ed.mei 2019), ISBN 9780749581183, paperback, 176 blz., €17,40
This fantastic walking guide to Dorset features a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the area.
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in Dorset features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities.
The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Dorset, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use.
Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty.
All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 9, Exmoor and the Quantocks Outstanding Circular Walks 9 - Pathfinder Guide  1:25 000 scale, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (juni 2016), ISBN 9780319090114, paperback, UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
28 fabulous coastal and country walks in the Quantocks and in the Exmoor National Park, graded by length and ranging from 3 to 11 miles. All routes come with a clear, large-scale OS map, GPS waypoints and highlight where to park, good pubs and places of interest en route.
Exmoor National Park comprises 265 square miles, of which about two-thirds lie in west Somerset and the remaining third in north Devon. This walking guidebook contains 28 circular, graded walks in Exmoor, all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to longer hikes, so there is something for everyone.
The routes range from three to eleven miles in length and each is also rated for difficulty. Each walk includes a detailed description, an OS map, GPS waypoints and notes of key features and things to see.
Routes include the Bristol Channel coast, stretching in a dramatic series of cliffs interrupted only by the Vale of Porlock, from North Hill above Minehead in the east to Little Hangman above Combe Martin in the west.
Pathfinder Guides are Britain’s best-loved walking guides. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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50 Walks in Somerset, uitg.:  AA Publishing (3e ed.2013), ISBN 9780749574857 , paperback, 176 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
This guide features a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities. The book features all of the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of Somerset, and clear mapping for ease of use. Discover the best of spectacular Somerset by foot with this beautifully presented, slim line walking guide exploring 50 of the regions best routes of 2 to 10 miles.
Every walk helpfully provides a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface as well as details on access and landscape. Information on dog friendliness, parking, public toilets and places to stop for much needed refreshments are also given, together with  full colour maps and clear route directions. For those with an interest in history and wildlife, you’ll enjoy a fascinating background read to each location, as well as other local points of interest.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide, Somerset, the Mendips & Wiltshire Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (mei 2017), ISBN 9780319090435, paperback, 96 blz., €17,40
28 fabulous country walks from the Somerset Levels to the Mendips and from the Marlborough Downs to Salisbury Plain. Graded by length and ranging from 3 to 10 miles, all routes come with a clear, large-scale OS map, GPS waypoints and highlight where to park, good pubs and places of interest en route.
This walkers guide book contains 28 circular, graded walks of 5.5km to 15km that have all been created and tested by experienced walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone to enjoy. Each walk includes a full route description, an extract of the map for the area and notes and photos to help you make the most of your time.
Both scenically and historically, Somerset and Wiltshire rank as two of the most attractive and interesting counties in Britain. Landscapes range from the breezy heights of the Mendips to the flat meadows of the Somerset Levels, and from the rolling chalk uplands of the Marlborough Downs to the mudflats and sandy expanses that fringe the Bristol Channel coast.
Walks include Avebury , Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Wookey Hole, Cheddar Gorge, and the Uffington White Horse.
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wandelgidsen Wales
*  SCHULZE-THULIN, Britta - Rother Wandelgids: Wales:de mooiste kust- en bergwandelingen, 50 wandelingen, uitg.: Elmar (mei 2019), ISBN 9789038926933, pocketformaat 166X115X9mm, ca.176 blz., €18,99
De Rother wandelgids Wales beschrijft de 50 mooiste kust- en bergwandelingen in het westen van het Verenigd Koninkrijk - van Pembrokeshire tot Anglesey, van de Ierse Zee tot de grens met Engeland, in de bergachtige regio's, het binnenland en langs de kust.
Deze Rother-wandelgids presenteert 50 gevarieerde tochten die zowel dag- als dagdeelwandelaars aanspreken, maar ook degenen die een bezoek aan een stad of een bezienswaardigheid willen combineren met een wandeling. De keuze aan tochten varieert dus van ontspannen wandelingen voor het hele gezin tot veeleisende bergtochten.
Elke wandeling wordt gepresenteerd met beknopte informatie met alle belangrijke informatie (inclusief rustplaatsen en opties), een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de route, een kaartdeel met een gemarkeerde route en een bruikbaar hoogteprofiel. GPS-gegevens kunnen worden gedownload vanaf de website van de uitgever.
* Betrouwbare routebeschrijvingen  * Gedetailleerde wandelkaarten * Informatieve hoogteprofielen * Downloadbare GPS Tracks
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*  DAVIES, Andrew - The Brecon Beacons, uitg.: Cicerone Press (2e ed. feb.2017), ISBN 9781852845544, paperback, 256 blz., formaat 17.2 x 11.6 x 1.5cm, €21,80
45 circular day walks are described in this guidebook to the Brecon Beacons National Park. From west to east, Mynydd Du, Fforest Fawr, the Brecon Beacons and the Black Mountains these mountain and valley routes offer many options, highlighting the natural features. The walks described explore dramatic waterfalls, wooded gorges and upland valleys.
Seasons: all year round walking if properly equipped; high summits and ridge walks best in winter; wooded valleys best in springtime or autumn when flowers are out or leaves are turning.
Centres: Llandovery, Brecon, Crickhowell, Abergavenny and Hay-on-Wye.
Difficulty: walking suitable for all abilities and weather conditions; low level valley routes; high peaks and ridges; waterfall walks
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*  MARSH, Terry - Great Mountain Days in Snowdonia: 40 classic routes exploring Snowdonia, uitg.: Cicerone Press (april 2017), ISBN 9781852845810, paperback, 240 blz., €24,60
A guide to 40 great mountain day walks and scrambles in Snowdonia, Wales, UK by Terry Marsh. Inspirational new routes for all abilities across the National Park in Snowdon and Moel Eilio, the Glyderau, the Carneddau, Eifionydd, Siabod and the Moelwynion, Rhinogydd (the Harlech Dome), Migneint and the Arans and Cadair Idris and the Tarrens.
Seasons: all year round but check the weather forecast before you go, choose your walk accordingly and take appropriate gear.
Centres: Conwy, Aber, Betws-y-Coed, Ffestiniog, Dolgellau, Capel Curig, Llanberis, Beddgelert, Bala, Machynlleth.
Difficulty: routes graded from moderate to arduous; map and compass skills recommended for all routes; terrain often bouldery or marshy, complex and trackless.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 18, Brecon Beacons Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing, ISBN 9780319090015, paperback, 96 blz., bevat OS Explorer maps, €17,40
With 28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers, this walking guidebook is ideal for both visitors and locals. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone. Each route includes a detailed description, the Ordnance Survey map for the route, GPS waypoints and key historical and landscape features.
The Brecon Beacons National Park contains four separate mountain ranges including the Black Mountains and the Beacons themselves. Most of the area is underlain by old red sandstone, unlike the more rugged mountains of North Wales, and several walks explore this terrain of smooth, sweeping grassy uplands and wide, open vistas, including the Brecon Beacons Horseshoe. You can also explorer the watery peacefulness of Llangors Lake, the mountainous challenge of Fan y Big, walk behind the spectacular Sgwd yr Eira falls, visit the reclusive Llanthony Priory and drink in magnificent views over Abergavenny from the Blorenge.
Pathfinder Guides are Britain’s best-loved walking guides. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 55, Gower Swansea & Cardiff: Outstanding circular walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (2017), ISBN 9780319090749, paperback, bevat OS Explorer maps, €18,80
With 28 circular, graded walks that have been tested by experienced walkers, this walking guidebook is ideal for holiday-makers, day trips and locals. The routes range from 4.8km (3 miles) to 14.9km (9.75 miles), so there is something for everyone. Each route includes a detailed description, the Ordnance Survey map for the route, GPS waypoints and key historical and landscape features to spot.
This guidebook covers Wales' capital city, Cardiff, which has a thriving heritage and cultural scene and is surrounded by the beautiful vale of Glamorgan, with includes coastal fringes, pleasant villages and industrial tradition to explore. Swansea and Gower offers superb scenery with glorious sandy beaches, wooded valleys, open moorland and pretty villages.
The varied walks this allows are fully explored in this book. Each has detailed notes to help you find the route and make the most of your time. There are 28 circular, graded walks across the area.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 41, Mid Wales: Outstanding Circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (sep.2017), ISBN 9780319090879,  paperback, bevat OS Explorer maps, €18,80
Explore Mid Wales over 28 walks with this walking guidebook from the Pathfinder series. Each walk is listed by distance and difficulty, and range from a family-friendly 4km (2.5 miles) to a challenging 20km (12 miles)
Often ignored in favour of the more popular Snowdonia and Brecon Beacons National Parks to the north and south, mid Wales still offers some stunning views and beautiful walks. Both coastal routes and upland walks are featured, and include Catti's Cave, Devil's Bridge and the Mynach Valley, The Claerwen Valley and the source of the river Severn
Each of the 28 circular walks has been created by experienced walkers, and includes a route description, extracts of the OS Explorer map for the route and key features and points of historical interest to look out for. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, the Pathfinder Guides are Britain’s best-loved walking guides and are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 32, North Wales, Snowdon and Offa's Dyke, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (okt.2017), ISBN 9780319090824,  paperback, bevat OS Explorer maps, €17,40
28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone.
Discover far more than Wales' highest mountain with the Pathfinder guidebook for North Wales and Snowdonia. Routes include Great Orme, Tal Y Fan, the Clocaenog Forest, as well as Snowdon itself.
Each of the 28 circular routes include an OS map, route description, photos and notes on key landscape features and wildlife to look for on your way. The walks ranging from 5km (3 miles) to 14.5 km (9 miles); each has been planned and tested by an experienced walker to help you make the most of the area, whether you are local or visiting.
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*  CARTER, Keith - Offa's Dyke Path: Chepstow to Prestatyn & Prestatyn to Chepstow, uitg.: Trailblazer (5e ed.mei 2019), ISBN 9781912716036, paperback, 224 blz., €18,80
New two-way guide. This new edition has been rewalked in both directions - from Chepstow to Prestatyn and from Prestatyn to Chepstow and reformatted for use by walkers hiking south to north and north to south.
The Offa's Dyke Path is a superb National Trail that runs from the North Wales coast to the Severn Estuary following the line of Offa's Dyke, an impressive 8th-century earthwork along the English/Welsh border. The ever-changing landscape – the Clwydian Range, the Shropshire Hills, the Black Mountains and the Wye Valley – is steeped in history and legend providing 177 miles (285km) of fascinating walking.
Includes 98 detailed walking maps: the largest-scale maps available At just under 1:20,000 (8cm or 3.15 inches to 1 mile) these are bigger than even the most detailed walking maps currently available in the shops.
Unique mapping features Walking times, directions, tricky junctions, places to stay, places to eat, points of interest. These are not general-purpose maps but fully-edited maps drawn by walkers for walkers.
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*  STEDMAN, Henry - Pembrokeshire Coast Path: Amroth to Cardigan (British Walking Guide), uitg.: Trailblazer (6e ed.mei 2020), ISBN 9781912716135, paperback, 208 blz., bevat 96 landkaarten/ plattegronden, €18,80
Practical guidebook to walking the Pembrokeshire Coast Path with 96 large-scale trail maps and 15 town plans, Planning, Places to Stay, Places to Eat, What to See.
The Pembrokeshire Coast Path follows a National Trail for 186 miles (299km) around the magnificent coastline of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in south-west Wales. Includes 96 walking maps - the largest-scale maps available - at a scale of just under 1:20,000 (8cm or 3-1/8 inches to 1 mile) these are bigger than even the most detailed walking maps currently available in the shops. Unique mapping features - walking times, directions, tricky junctions, places to stay, places to eat, points of interest. These are not general-purpose maps but fully-edited maps drawn by walkers for walkers. Itineraries for all walkers - whether hiking the 186-mile route in its entirety or sampling the highlights on day walks or short breaks. Includes detailed public transport information for all access points.
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* TOD, George & Richard Tyler - The Cambrian Way: Classic Wales mountain trek - south to north from Cardiff to Conwy, uitg.: Cicerone (juli 2019), ISBN 9781852849900, paperback/gelamineerd, 264 blz., formaat 17X11,5cm,  €19,90
Guidebook to the Cambrian Way, a challenging three-week mountain trek through Wales from Cardiff to Conwy. The 470km unwaymarked route is presented from south to north. Often sticking to long, beautiful ridgelines, it crosses wild and rugged terrain and visits many of Wales's highest mountains, including Snowdon.
Centres: Cardiff, Pontypool, Abergavenny, Crickhowell, Llandovery, Strata Florida, Devil's Bridge, Ponterwyd, Dinas Mawddwy, Barmouth, Beddgelert, Pen-y-Pass, Ogwen, Conwy.
Difficulty: Suitable for those with experience of long-distance walking (either with or without camping equipment), the route demands a good level of fitness and navigational competence.
Must See: Cardiff, capital of Wales, and its castle; the Black Mountains; the Brecon Beacons; the Carmarthen Vans; the Elenydd wilderness; Devil's Bridge and Rheidol Falls; Pumlumon; Cadair Idris; Barmouth; Rhinog Fawr and Rhinog Fach; Beddgelert; Snowdon; the Glyders; Ogwen Valley; Tryfan; the Carneddau; Conwy and its castle.
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50 Walks in Snowdonia & North Wales, uitg.:  AA Publishing (4e ed.mei 2019), ISBN 9780749581220 , paperback, 176 blz., €17,40
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in Snowdonia & North Wales features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities.
Featuring a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities, these helpful guides feature all the necessary practical details, including information on distance, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking, and restrooms. Fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the area is provided, and local points of interest are indicated on accompanying, full-color maps. All walks are annotated with places to visit along the way—including churches, country houses, museums, villages, and towns—as well as refreshment information on local restaurants, tea rooms, and pubs, with extra details on their character and menus. Revised with new routes and updated maps and information, these guides are your key to experiencing the beauty and variety of the British landscape.
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*  KENDALL, Alex - Snowdonia South: 30 Low-level and easy walks: From Ffestiniog to the Dyfi, and Bala to the coast, uitg.: Cicerone (sep.2020), ISBN 9781852849856, paperback, 168 blz., €14,50
Through 30 day walks ranging from 3km to 18km, this guide offers opportunities for walkers of all abilities to explore the lowlands, moorland and estuaries of Snowdonia National Park. The second of two volumes to low-level and easy walking in Snowdonia, this guide covers the southern region between Llan Ffestiniog and Machynlleth. Other centres include coastal towns of Harlech, Barmouth and Aberdyfi, and lakeside settlements of Trawsfynydd and Y Bala.
Famous for its northern mountains, the Snowdonia National Park also features an expansive coastline of sandy beaches and wildlife-rich estuaries. Inland, the landscape showcases mossy-banked rivers, gorges and thundering waterfalls in ancient broadleaved woodlands, while tranquil valleys and moorlands dotted with ruined castles, mines and forts provide panoramic views of surrounding mountains and lakes.
Each walk features in-depth route description and 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 OS mapping, alongside a wealth of insights into the history, geology and wildlife of the area. The guide supplies what3words addresses for start and finish points and postcodes for car parks, as well as refreshments and facilities available on each route and an appendix of useful contacts.
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wandelgidsen Midden Engeland
*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 34, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire: Outstanding Circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (juni 2016), ISBN 9780319090077, paperback, 96 blz., formaat: 22.8x1.4x13.5cm,  €17,40
28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone.
Hertfordshireand& Bedfordshire tend to be underrated by walkers, often overlooked in favour of the Thames Valley or the hillier Chilterns. But they do possess much fine walking country, with a diversity of terrain, gentle hilly regions, lots of pleasant woodland, attractive riverside landscapes and an impressive collection of pretty villages. The 28 circular walking routes in the Pathfinder guide include explorations along the Greensand Ridge Walk, the Icknield Way Path, the Ouse Valley Way, the Lea Valley Walk, as well as the Grand Union Canal Walk, the Bunyan Trail and a part of the Chiltern way. Each has a detailed description, OS map, waypoints and information on parking and refreshments.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 33, Sherwood Forest and the East Midlands Outstanding Circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (jan.2019), ISBN 9780319091098, paperback, 96 blz., formaat 14.1x0.5x23cm, €17,40
Pathfinder Guide to Sherwood Forest and the East Midlands features 28 outstanding circular rambles across the comparatively gentle countryside of parklands, woodlands and farming countryside through Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire. There are a range of easy-paced, moderate and lengthier walks designed to suit a range of walking tastes. From the north Nottinghamshire village of Blyth, where there is a relaxing stroll to the gatehouse of medieval Hodstock Priory, via Hatton, one of Leicestershire s prettiest villages, and a circuit of the Hambleton peninsula at Rutland Water, to woodland trails in Sherwood and in Salcey Forests there is something for everyone. Walks are professionally authored and depicted with GPS waypoints, Ordnance Survey maps and beautiful photography.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 14, Shropshire, Staffordshire and the Heart of England, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (okt.2017),  ISBN 9780319090855, paperback, 96 blz.,  €17,40
Shropshire oozes countless opportunities to experience the very essence of England; a tangled web of history, heritage, tradition and culture that is best explored along the tranquil countryside tracks, paths and byways of this most endearing of counties.
The walks in this guide cover Shropshire and Staffordshire to the north and west of Birmingham, up to the edge of the Peak District. Routes vary from woodland walks through the forests of Wyre to the dramatic rocks of Stiperstones. Each of the 28 circular walks are has been created by an experienced walker and graded for difficulty, with notes on the route, as well as key features to look for and background information on the history, wildlife and landscapes. Each also includes an extract of the 1: 25 000 scale OS Explorer map for the area.
Routes are from 6.2km (4 miles) to 15km (just over 9 miles), giving plenty of choice for everyone.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 29, Wye Valley and Forest of Dean, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (mei 2017), ISBN 9780319090442, paperback, 96 blz.,  €17,40
The Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Pathfinder guidebook contains 28 circular walks for all abilities. Walks are from 4km to 17km long, and each route includes a difficulty rating, route directions, an extract of the Ordnance Survey map and notes and photos of key features to look for. All of them have been created and tested by experienced walkers to help you make the most of the area.
This guide focuses on the middle and lower sections of the Wye Valley, roughly where the river leaves its upper reaches in mid-Wales to enter Herefordshire. Hay-on-Wye, Hereford and the walled town of Chepstow are also covered, as is the classic view over the winding Wye Valley from Symonds Yat. The imposing ruins of medieval castles can often be found, a striking reminder of ancient warfare in the area.
This guide is part of the Pathfinder series of guidebooks, which have carefully selected walks in the most popular areas of Britain.
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wandelgidsen Oost Engeland
*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 51, Cambridgeshire and the Fens: Outstanding circular walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (sep.2017), ISBN 9780319090794, paperback, 96 blz.,  €17,40
It is the flattest place place in the country - but there is still a lot of landscape to discover. The Fens cover a large section of Cambridgeshire, with low-lying waterlands, tranquil riverside scenery, charming towns, villages and country houses. The area is rich in heritage, wildlife and history just waiting to be discovered.
This walking guidebook book features 28 circular, graded walks by seasoned walkers. Each includes an extract of the OS Explorer map, route description, images and tips on features to look for.
This book is part of a series of Pathfinder walking guidebooks designed to help both visitors and locals discover the best routes each area has to offer.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 44, Essex: Outstanding circular walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (jan.2019), ISBN 9780319091166, paperback, 96 blz.,  €17,40
This book has 28 circular, graded walks all around Essex. The routes range from extended 4.8km (3 miles) up to 15.6km (10 miles), so there is something for everyone of all abilities. Each walk includes a detailed description, an extract of the OS Explorer 1:25k map, GPS waypoints and key features to look out for. You can also find information on parking, refreshments and more.
The Essex landscape gently undulates, with the hilliest country is in the north and west, near the Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire borders. On the marshes of Essex, for example, there is a genuine feeling of solitude that is hard to find anywhere else in southern England.
Colchester, the oldest recorded town in Britain, is featured in one of the walks, and there are routes through Epping and Hatfield forests, which contain some of the finest surviving fragments of England's medieval forests.
Routes include Burnham, Epping Forest, the Blackwater Estuary, The Naze, Stour Valley and two country parks.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 48, Suffolk: Outstanding Circular Walks, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (maart 2017), ISBN 9780319090381, paperback, 96 blz.,  €17,40
An updated Pathfinder walking guide to Suffolk, featuring 28 circular rambles clearly arranged by length and grade, visiting the landscape famed for its 'wool churches', attractive villages and network of rivers that inspired Constable. All walks accompanied by GPS waypoints and Ordnance Survey maps.
This walkers guide has 28 circular, graded walks in Suffolk, all tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, from under three to over ten miles, so there is something for everyone.
Each walk includes a detailed, turn by turn description, an extract of the large-scale OS map, photos and notes identifying key features to look out for.
Walks include Suffolk's riverside meadows of the Stour and a walk through Flatford and East Bergholt passes one of Constable's most famous viewpoints. There is a choice of coastal walks, including routes through Southwold, Shingle Street, Dingle Marshes, Thorpeness and the Shotley peninsula.
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wandelgidsen Noord Engeland
*  GILCHER, Sabine - Rother wandelgids Noord-Engeland: met het Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, Northumerland, uitg.: Elmar (nov.2018), ISBN 9789038926841, pocketformaat 16,5X11,5cm, 184 blz., €18,99
Het Lake District, Yorkshire Dales en Northumberland behoren tot de mooiste wandelgebieden van Groot-Brittannië en kunnen zelfs de meest veeleisende wandelaars bekoren. het landschap is buitengewoon gevarieerd: er zijn om ruige bergen, uitgestrekte heidevelden, veelvormige kustlijnen, merenlandschappen en idyllische heuvels. Deze Rother wandelgids beschrijft de verschillende landschappen en regio's in het noorden van Engeland in 60 tochten. De eisen variëren van een simpele wandeling voor het hele gezin tot een ambitieuze tocht met alpine karakter.
Naast de prachtige natuur zijn er ook veel culturele en historische bezienswaardigheden die perfect geïntegreerd kunnen worden in een wandeling: met prehistorische steencirkels en Romeinse forten, typische kastelen en ruïnes, ruime herenhuizen, tuinen en parken zijn spannende ontdekkingen gegarandeerd. Eersteklas wandelregio's met adembenemende landschappen zijn ook de North York Moors of de Cheviot Hills. Mooie dorpjes en gezellige pubs ronden menige wandeling af.
Alle routesuggesties zijn gemakkelijk te begrijpen dankzij de betrouwbare routebeschrijving, waarbij alle wandelingen nauwkeurig op topografische kaartjes zijn ingetekend. GPS-tracks kunnen worden gedownload vanaf de website van fe uitgever. Veel tips over bezienswaardigheden, steden die de moeite waard zijn, kastelen en musea en nog veel meer maken de wandelgids tot een compacte en informatieve metgezel.
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*  Pathfinder Walking Guide 42, Cheshire, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (dec.2016), ISBN 9780319090312, paperback, 96 blz., €17,40
This walking guidebook for Cheshire contains 28 outstanding walks all tried and tested by experienced walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes - four to eleven miles in length.
Each walk includes a detailed description of both the route and the areas you will pass through, as well as an extract of the OS map for the route. They include routes visiting the Shropshire Union Canal, the Delamare Forest, Little Moreton Hall and the hilltop village of Wybunbury.
This book is part of a series of Pathfinder walking guidebooks designed to help both visitors and locals discover the best routes each area has to offer.
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*  STEDMAN, Henry - Coast to Coast Path: St Bees to Robin Hood's Bay (British Walking Guide), uitg.: Trailblazer (9e ed. feb.2020), ISBN 9781912716111, paperback, 268 blz., bevat 109 wandelkaarten en vele foto's, €17,40
109 Large-Scale Walking Maps & Guides to 33 Towns & Villages.  Practical, complete guide to walking the Coast to Coast Path across northern England, with large-scale trail maps, accommodation, places to eat, what to see with reviews, and public transport information. 
The Coast to Coast Path is a 191-1/2-mile (307km) trail that runs from St Bees on the Irish Sea across the width of Northern England to the North Sea at Robin Hood's Bay. This spectacular two-week walk crosses three National Parks - the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the North Yorkshire Moors.
Features:  The largest scale walking maps available  – at just under 1:20,000 – our maps are bigger than even the most detailed walking maps currently available elsewhere.  Unique mapping features:  in many walking guides the reader has to read a route description then try to relate it to the map. Our guides are easier to use because walking directions, tricky junctions, places to stay and eat, points of interest and walking times are all written onto the maps themselves in the places to which they apply.  Downloadable GPS waypoints and tracklog also included.
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*  RICHARDS, Marc - Hadrian's Wall Path, uitg.: Cicerone (4e ed.sep.2023), ISBN 9781786311504, paperback, 248 blz., 107 photographs 16 route maps 2 public transport maps,  €24,90
De onmisbare gids voor het lopen van het 84 mijl lange Hadrian's Wall Path. Dit is een van de meest belopen National Trails van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het pad loopt over de hele lengte van de Romeinse muur van Bowness-on-Solway in Cumbria tot Wallsend, Newcastle.
The trail is presented here in 10 stages, with suggestions for five and eight-day itineraries. It is suitable for beginners, although a reasonable level of fitness is required if doing it as a multi-day walk. The route is described both west to east and east to west, and the guidebook also features extensions to Maryport on the far west coast of Cumbria and to South Shields on the east coast.
This full-colour guidebook contains a wealth of information on the history of the Wall, and a range of practical information for walkers, from accommodation and itinerary planning, to details on public transport and refreshments. A separate map booklet of 1:25,000 scale OS maps shows the full route. Clear step-by-step route descriptions in the guide are illustrated by 1:100,000 OS map extracts. The route description links together with the map booklet at each stage along the way, and the compact format is conveniently sized for slipping into a jacket pocket or the top of a rucksack.
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*  STEDMAN, Henry - Hadrian's Wall Path, uitg.: Trailblazer (6e ed.juni 2020), ISBN 9781912716128, paperback, 256 blz., formaat 120mm x 180mm,   €17,40
A practical guide with 58 large scale maps, including accommodation, pubs, restaurants and public transport information, as well as walking times, directions, tricky junctions and any points of interest. There is also a Newvastle city guide.
Hadrian’s Wall Path, 84 miles (135km) from end to end, follows the course of northern Europe’s largest surviving Roman monument, a 2nd-century fortification built – in the border country between England and Scotland – on the orders of the Emperor Hadrian in AD122.
Hadrian’s Wall Path is the first National Trail to follow the course of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This week-long walk is regarded as one of the least challenging of the National Trails.
New two-way guide re-researched in both directions: Bowness to Newcastle and Newcastle to Bowness. Route descriptions included for both directions and all maps redrawn.
7 town plans, 12 colour overview maps and 45 large scale walking maps – at just under 1:20,000 – showing route times, places to stay, points of interest.  Itineraries for all walkers – whether walking the route in its entirety over seven to eight days or sampling the highlights on day walks and short breaks.  Practical information for all budgets, all updated for the new edition.
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*  ORDNANCE SURVEY - Pathfinder Walking Guide 53, Lancashire: Outstanding Circular Walks - Pathfinder Guide  1:25 000 scale, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (juli 2018), ISBN 9780319091203, paperback, €17,40
28 fabulous country walks from the shores of Morecambe Bay, through the Forest of Bowland, Pendleside and the Ribble valley to the Pennine moorland. Graded by length and ranging from 3 to 10 miles, all routes come with a clear, large-scale OS map, GPS waypoints and highlight where to park, good pubs and places of interest en route.
With its fen-like lowlands, coastal scenery, high fells of Bowland and the lush river valleys of the Ribble and Lune, Lancashire is a secret gem for walkers. It is a county of surprising diversity from its great Industrial heritage towns to its attractive, rural villages and its numerous historic monuments.
There can be no better way of exploring Lancashire than by foot; it has a number of satisfying long-distance paths - both inland and coastal - and, as this book shows, opportunity for a great number of circular walks in highly distinctive surroundings, including the Lune Valley, Formby Point and Forest of Bowland.
This walkers guide has 28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. Each includes an extract of the map showing the route, detailed directions and notes on things to see and do. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone.
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*  ORDNANCE SURVEY - Pathfinder Walking Guide 28, North York Moors: Outstanding circular walks - Pathfinder Guide  1:25 000 scale, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (sep.2016), ISBN 9780319090251 , paperback, €17,40
Discover 28 walks around the iconic The North York Moors, graded by length and ranging from 3.5 to 11 miles in this walking guidebook created by Pathfinder Guides and Ordnance Survey.
The Pathfinder guidebook for The North York Moors is designed to help you make the most of your time in the area. It contains 28 walks, each graded by difficulty and ranging from 3.5 miles up to 11 miles in length. All the routes are created by seasoned walkers, and designed to help you make the most of the area.
Highlights of The North York Moors available on these walks include Robin Hood's Bay, Rievaulx Abbey, the River Esk valley and the Cook Monument. Routes across wild and remote moorland, such has Ingleby Moor, Westerdale Moor and Ainthorpe Rigg are contrasted with coastal and clifftop walks around Runswick Bay and Staithes, Whitby and Saltwick Bay and Ravenscar.
Each walking route has a description, and extract of the OS map to keep you on course and notes with highlights of the area.
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*  ORDNANCE SURVEY - Pathfinder Walking Guide 35, Northumberland & the Scottish Borders: Outstanding circular walks 1:25 000 scale, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (sept. 2016), ISBN 9780319090268, paperback, 96 blz., €17,40
Discover 28 brilliant walks in Northumberland and the Scottish Borders, graded by length and ranging from 2 to 13 miles in this walking guidebook created by Pathfinder Guides and Ordnance Survey.
This revised version of the Pathfinder walking guidebook for Northumberland and the Scottish Borders contains 28 carefully selected walking routes to help you make the most of the area. All the routes have been created and tested by seasoned walkers, and range from two to thirteen miles in length.
Each route includes a detailed route description, and extract of the OS map for the area and notes on key features and historical information to help you make the most of your walk.
The area includes medieval castles such as Dunstanburgh and Hermitage, as well as Hadrian's Wall. You can also see the ruins of Kelso Abbey, visit Kielder Forest Park or explore the tranquil beauty of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne
This book is one of a series that covers the best walking areas in Britain, giving details to help you find the best walking routes and places to visit.
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*  AA - 50 Walks in The Peak District, uitg.:  AA Publishing (mei 2019), ISBN 9780749581213, paperback, 176 blz., €17,40
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in the Peak District features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the Peak District, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use. Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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*  BESLEY, Paul - Walking in the Peak District: White Peak East, 42 walks in Derbyshire including Bakewell, Matlock and Stoney Middleton, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.mei 2020), ISBN 9781852849764, paperback, 232 blz., €17,50
This guidebook provides 35 day walks and 7 longer walks and trails exploring the eastern section of Derbyshire's limestone area. The walks are spread across the area, starting in pleasant towns and villages including Bakewell, Tissington, Eyam and Middleton. Largely travelling along well-marked paths over gentle rolling landscapes, these walks are suitable for walkers of all abilities.
The day walks range between 4 and 12 miles in length, and are illustrated with extracts of 1:50,000 OS mapping, while the longer walks and trails are covered by 1:100,000 scale mapping. Walkers can use the longer trails to link day walks into longer routes or explore the area on the three-day White Peak Circular, starting in Birchover.
While geologically fascinating with its layers of limestone and gritstone, the White Peak is also a landscape rich in history and art. These walks visit sites including medieval churches, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Cromford Mill, and Eyam, a village devastated by plague in the 1660s. Out on the hills are stone circles and ancient sites such as the Neolithic burial site of Arbor Low.
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*  COATES, Neill - Pathfinder Walking Guide: South Pennines, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (aug.2016), ISBN 9780319090046, paperback, 96 blz., €17,40
Discover 175 miles of wonderful walking with this Pathfinder guidebook for the South Pennines. It contains 28 fantastic country walks complete with detailed route notes, OS mapping, GPS references, places of interest, parking and places to eat - ideal for visitors and locals alike.
This book gives details of 28 amazing walks across the Pennines (Lancashire and Yorkshire), including South Pennines’ most famous viewpoint at Stoodley Pike and the parts of the Pennine Way. Each of the routes has information on local amenities, a detailed route description, and extract of the large-scale OS Map for the area and notes and pictures to help you make the most of your time.
The routes are all graded for difficulty by experienced walkers and range from 3.5 to 10 miles long. They include Blackstone Edge and reservoirs, several Railway Children locations, the Alcomden Stones and Boulsworth Hill.
Pathfinder Guides are Britain’s best-loved walking guides. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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*  DILLON, Paddy - The Pennine Way: from Edale to Kirk Yetholm, uitg.: Cicerone Press (maart 2017), ISBN 9781852849061, paperback, 240 blz., formaat 17.2x11.6x1.4cm,   €22,90
The Pennine Way is Britain's oldest, toughest long-distance footpath - and arguably its most iconic. Now a National Trail, the 427km (265½ mile) route from Edale in Derbyshire to Kirk Yetholm in the Scottish Borders offers wayfarers the opportunity to immerse themselves in wild beauty of the North. The Pennines boast rolling hills, sweeping moorland and wide glacial valleys, and the Pennine Way has come to embody personal challenge and adventure.
This guidebook presents the route in 20 daily stages of 10.5-31.5km (6½-19½ miles). Step-by-step route description is accompanied by 1:100,000 mapping and information about points of interest along the way, as well as advice on facilities and planning your trip, tips for walking the route and an alternative 15-day itinerary. Useful contacts and full accommodation listings can be found in the appendices. In addition, the guide includes a pocket-sized map booklet containing all the OS 1:25,000 mapping needed to complete the trail, saving the need to carry numerous map sheets.
With a wealth of information to help you get the most from your trip, Paddy Dillon's guide is an ideal companion to discovering this classic trail.
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*  ORDNANCE SURVEY - Pathfinder Walking Guide 49, Vale of York & the Yorkshire Wolds, uitg.: Crimson Publishing (juli 2017), ISBN 9780319090732 , paperback, €17,90
With 28 circular, graded walks all tried and tested by seasoned walkers, this walking guidebook for Vale of York & Yorkshire Wolds leads you on some of the best routes in Yorkshire. Ideal for holidaymakers and locals alike.
Routes range from 4km (2.5 miles) up to 15.3km (9.5 miles), so there is a route to suit all abilities and available time.
While most visitors to the area go to Yorkshire's two national parks, the flat plains of the Vale of York and the rolling uplands the Wolds are a great alternative, and still provide a huge diversity of scenery and walking opportunities. Highlights of the 28 walks shown include the coast at Flamborough Head, the deserted medieval village of Wharram Percy and the Pocklington Canal.
Each walk includes a full description and an extract of the OS map for the route as well as notes and photos of key features not to miss. This is one of a series of Pathfinder Guides, which are Britain’s best-loved walking guides. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain.
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*  KELSALL, Dennis and Jan - The Yorkshire Dales: North and East, uitg.: Cicerone (jan.2018), ISBN 9781852847982, paperback, 256 blz., formaat 17.2x11.6x1.5cm,  €17,40
A guidebook to 43 circular day walks covering the northern and eastern Yorkshire Dales. The walks range between 3 and 11.5 miles in length, and there are suggestions for devising longer days by combing routes. Step by step route directions include lots of information about the area, and each walk is illustrated with clear OS mapping and vibrant photographs.
From Pateley Bridge and Aysgarth in the East to Kirkby Stephen and Richmond in the north, each valley has a character and history of its own and this guide covers the varied fell and dale landscapes of the Howgills, Mallerstang, Swaledale, Wensleydale, Coverdale and Nidderdale. The north and eastern regions of the Yorkshire Dales are full of wild, rugged fell tops carved by limestone crags, deep scooped-out dales with lonely farms far from villages, the ruins of medieval castles as well as the warm bustle of Dales villages and good pubs. The Howgills north of Sedbergh have a different look, with their wide domes, steep sides and long miles of grassy ridges.
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*  AA - 50 Walks in The Yorkshire Dales, uitg.:  AA Publishing (mei 2019), ISBN 9780749581251, paperback, 176 blz., €17,40
Walking is one of Britain's favourite leisure activities, and AA 50 Walks in the Yorkshire Dales features a variety of mapped walks of two to ten miles, to suit all abilities. The book features all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the Yorkshire Dales, and clear full colour mapping for ease of use. Every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilets.
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National Trail Guides
*  SAMPSON, Ian - Cleveland Way National Trail Guide: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (juli 2017), ISBN 9781781315033, paperback, 144 blz., €19,90
The beautifully varied Cleveland Way winds for over a hundred miles around the North York Moors National Park, from the ancient moorland town of Helmsley to the seafront at Filey, passing stunning historic sites like Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Abbey along the way.  Attractive farmland, woods and heather moorland, a blaze of purple in late-summer, dominate the first half of the walk, later replaced by dramatic cliffs, secluded coves and sandy beaches.
This comprehensive, fully updated official guide is the only companion you need – whether you’re interested in the industrial history of ironstone mining, or a weekend stroller seeking a coastal walk out of the seaside resort of Scarborough.
Ordnance Survey maps for the whole route.
Background information on everything from archaeology to wildlife.  Comprehensive information on places of interest, public transport and accommodation. 
Lavish colour photography throughout.
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*  BURTON, Anthony - Hadrian's Wall Path National Trail Guide: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (nov.2016), ISBN 9781781315712, paperback, 144 blz., formaat 130x210mm,  €21,80
The official guide to this superb National Trail, published in conjunction with Walk Unlimited.
Comprehensive, this is the only companion you need to walk this well-loved path. Since it opened in 2003, Hadrian’s Wall Path has become one of Britain’s most popular long-distance paths. Its 84 miles are a convenient week’s walking, shadowing for the most part the historic line of Hadrian’s Wall in its spectacular progress across the superbly wild landscape of the north of England.
Starting in what used to be Tyneside’s shipbuilding heart, and joining Newcastle in the east with Carlisle in the west, it takes you via the extraordinary Roman forts of Vindolanda and Housesteads, close to handsome towns like Hexham and Corbridge, to finish on the lonely shores of the Solway Firth with views of Scotland.
The author:  Anthony Burton is the author of a number of books in the National Trail Guides series for Aurum, including The West Highland Way, Hadrian's Wall Path, The Cotswold Way and The Ridgeway, as well as a biography of Richard Trevithick and Thomas Telford and numerous other works of industrial history.
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*  SAUNDERS, Colin - North Downs Way: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (jan.2016), ISBN 9781781315002, paperback, 192 blz., formaat 13X21cm,   €19,90
The official guide to this superb National Trail, published in conjunction with Walk Unlimited.
Whether you're an experienced long distance walker or a weekend stroller, this is the only companion you need. The North Downs Way is the National Trail that follows the official acorn waymarks from Farnham to the coast at Dover. This picturesque trail takes in chalk ridges, river valleys and sections of the Pilgrims’ Way. At the eastern end you can either walk via Canterbury (a total distance of 130 miles, 208 km) or follow the southern route (123 miles, 197 km). This is the complete official guide to walking the well-loved and popular North Downs.
The author:
Colin Saunders is a member of the London Walking Forum, which first conceived two London orbital walking routes, and is the author of Aurum's guide on The Capital Ring, as well as of the new guide to The North Downs Way.
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*  TARR, Roland - Northumberland Coast Path: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (maart 2016), ISBN 9781781315620, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm, €21,80
The Northumberland coastline stretches from the outskirts of Newcastle up to the Scottish border at Berwick-upon-Tweed – a popular holiday destination for its wild and sweeping landscape of endless beaches of pale sand, succession of spectacular castles like Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh, congenial resorts like Alnmouth, and unique offshore attractions like Holy Island and the Farne Islands. Now, Roland Tarr’s new Trail Guide maps out the walker’s route along the entire coast, starting from the centre of Newcastle and including an extension beyond Berwick to the seabird crags of St Abb’s Head.
Along the way the guide covers the remarkable industrial heritage of this coastline – the coalmining town of Ashington that gave birth to both the Ashington Group of Pitmen Painters and the Charlton brothers – and its fabulous wildlife, with seals and puffins off the shore. From a handsome Tyneside city to a distinguished border town straddling the Tweed, this is a superbly bracing walking country for the ever-increasing number of tourists who discover Northumberland every year.
The author:  Roland Tarr, modern linguist and outdoor enthusiast, has served as Assistant Countryside Officer in Cheshire, Heritage Coast Officer in Dorset, and has worked as a consultant in informal countryside recreation for councils throughout the south-west, national government and the European Commission. He has always used photography to promote conservation and countryside recreation causes.
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Offa's Dyke Path  National Trail Guide: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (juni 2014), ISBN 9781781310663, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm,   €19,90
The official guide to the northern section of the Offa's Dyke Path National Trail, published in association with Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales. With a complete description of the route divided into 7 chapters, this trail follows the earthwork of Offa's Dyke Path from Knighton to Prestatyn, over 177 miles. For the long-distance walker.
Offa's Dyke Path (Gogledd Llwybr Clawdd Offa) is the 177-mile National Trail following the ancient earthwork that criss-crosses the border country of modern England and Wales, from the Severn Estuary to the seaside resort of Prestatyn on the Irish Sea. This is the complete, official guide for the long-distance walker or the weekend stroller. All you need is this one book. It contains: * the route split into convenient sections * Ordnance Survery mapping for the entire route * comprehensive, up-to-date information on public transport, accommodation and places of interest * background information on everything from archaeology to wildlife * lavishly illustrated with colour photography throughout.
The author:  Tony Gowers was Natural England's Trail Officer for the North Downs Way. He is also co-author of the National Trail Guide to the Thames Path in the Country.
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*  ROBINSON, Bruce - Peddars Way & Norfolk Coast Path: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (aug.2015), ISBN 9781781315019, paperback, 144 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
Running 93 miles from the heathland and forest on the Norfolk-Suffolk border, via stunning sandy beaches, picturesque villages and wild, empty salt marsh to the traditional seaside resort of Cromer on the north Norfolk coast, the Peddars Way and Norfolk Coast Path is a wonderfully varied and interesting National Trail.
There is the archaeological interest of the Roman road whose route the trail first follows to the coast, the magnificent architecture of Norfolk’s characteristic flint churches, and for birdwatchers an embarrassment of riches, from the rare stone curlews of Breckland to the marsh harriers sailing above the reedbeds at the spectacular nature reserves of Titchwell and Cley.
This official guide, published in conjunction with Natural England, is the only companion you need.
The author:  Bruce Robinson, now retired, was a journalist for newspapers in Lincolnshire and Norfolk for forty years. He has written or co-written eleven books, including two books on walking, two novels and three titles in a series on Norfolk history, written in conjunction with county archaeologists. He is co-author, with Mike Robinson, of The National Trail Guide Peddar's Way and the Norfolk Coast Path.
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*  JOHN, Brian - Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail Guide: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mei 2017), ISBN 9781781315729, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm, €19,90
180 miles of cliff top, beach and cove around the magnificent Welsh coast, The Pembrokeshire Coast Path (Llwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro) is the 186-mile National Trail around Wales’s magnificent southern headland. Winding around the coast from St Dogmaels to Amroth, it clings to soaring cliff tops, seeks out fabulous sweeping beaches like Marloes Sands and Freshwater West, visits lovely towns like St David’s and Tenby, castles at Manorbier and Pembroke, and is rich in wildlife from teeming seabird colonies to the rare chough. It is now part of the Welsh Coast Path, fully open in 2012. Whether you’re a long-distance walker or a holiday stroller, this is the only book you need.
The author:  Brian John is a Pembrokeshire man and a geographer by training. He lectured at Durham University for 11 years before returning to Pembrokeshire, where he now runs his own small publishing company. He is also greatly involved in local environmental and conservation organisations.
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*  HALL, Damian - Pennine Way National Trail Guide: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mrt.2016), ISBN 9781781315651, paperback, 192 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €21,80
The Pennine Way is Britain's toughest long-distance path, running 268 miles from Derbyshire's Peak District up through the Yorkshire Dales, Cumbria and Northumberland into the Scottish Borders. Reissue.  A one-volume guide with new features including gradients, GPS references, transport links and natural history information.
Now, Damian Hall, one of Country Walking’s senior contributors, has written a completely new guide, giving all the information the modern walker requires: GPS references, gradients of each section, public transport links, extensive details of the wildlife and flora to be seen along the way, and a guide for occasional walkers to the real highlight stretches of the path.r
Damian Hall is an outdoor journalist and ultramarathon-runner who has completed many of the world’s famous and not-so-famous long-distance walks, including the Everest Base Camp trek for his honeymoon. His most memorable trek, however, was when a possum stole his walking boot on the Six Foot Track in Australia’s Blue Mountains.
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*  BURTON, Anthony - The Ridgeway: The Official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (juni 2016), ISBN 9781781315736, paperback, 144 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
The official guide to this superb National Trail along Britain's oldest road, published in conjunction with Walk Unlimited.
Whether you're an experienced long-distance walker or a weekend stroller, this is the only companion you need. The Ridgeway follows one of the oldest ‘green roads’ in Europe, running for 87 miles (140 km) from Overton Hill in the west, across the Marlborough Downs and the Vale of the White Horse, to Ivinghoe Beacon on the northern edge of the Chilterns. 
The author:  Anthony Burton is the author of a number of books in the National Trail Guides series for Aurum, including The West Highland Way, Hadrian's Wall Path, The Cotswold Way and The Ridgeway, as well as a biography of Richard Trevithick and Thomas Telford and numerous other works of industrial history.
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South West Coast Path National Trail Guide - Exmouth to Poole: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mei 2016), ISBN 9781781315675, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
The South West Coast Path is the spectacular 630-mile (1008-km) National Trail around the tip of Britain. This volume features the section of the Path from Exmouth to Poole, a distance of 116 miles (186 km) along the Jurassic Coast, a designated World Heritage Site.
Following Natural England’s acorn waymarks, the route wends its way along the cliffs, past The Cobb at Lyme Regis and the impressive sweep of the Chesil Beach to Lulworth Cove and Studland Bay.
This complete, official guide for the long-distance walker or the weekend stroller has been fully revised and updated for 2016. It has also been completely re-designed, and features many more colour photographs and much more backgrpound information on local history and wildlife. It is less a guidebook than a complete companion for anyone visiting this part of the landscape.
National Trail Guides are the official guidebooks to the fifteen National Trails in England and Wales and are published in association with Natural England, the official body charged with developing and maintaining the Trails.
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*  Messurier, Brian Le - South West Coast Path National Trail Guide - Falmouth to Exmouth: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mei 2010), ISBN 9781845135645, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
The South West Coast Path followsBritain’ s stunning coastline for 630 miles around the southern tip ofBritain. This volume covers the 172 miles of the National Trail along the south Cornwall and Devon coast from Falmouth to the mouth of the Exe. It takes in some of Britain’ s most popular beaches and resorts, as well as arresting clifftop scenery, romantic coves and the spectacular ‘ drowned’ estuaries of the Fal, the Yealm and the Dart. Whether you want golden sands, the steep streets of picturesque fishing villages, or a sight of the rare cirl bunting, this book is all you need as your guide to this wonderful walk.
This new edition has been fully revised and updated for 2010 and completely resdesigned to feature many more colour photographs and much added information on the history, wildlife and cultural asociations of the landscape this stretch of the Trail traverses.
National Trail Guides are the official guidebooks to the fifteen National Trails in England and Wales and are published in association with Natural England, the official body charged with developing and maintaining the Trails.
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*  MACADAM, John - South West Coast Path National Trail Guide - Padstow to Falmouth: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (maart 2013), ISBN 9781781310625, paperback, 144 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
This volume features the route from Padstow to Falmouth, a distance of 169 miles/270 km, hugging the coast right around Land's End and the Lizard via St Ives and Penzance.
The longest of Britain’s National Trails, the South West Coast Path follows the spectacular coastline for 630 miles around the southernmost tip of England from Somerset all the way to Dorset.This volume of the Official National Trail Guide, published in association with Walk Unlimited, features the second section of 169 miles (271 km), from Padstow in north Cornwall to Falmouth on the south coast.
From the surfing mecca of Newquay and St Ives’ s golden beaches it hugs the rugged clifftops round Land’ s End and the Lizard – as far west and south as it is possible to go in Britain – visiting serpentine harbours and craggy coves such as Cadgwith and Porthcurno with its dramatic open-air theatre. Besides truly wild sea-life like seals and fulmars, the Path offers the only chance anywhere in the country to see the delightful red-beaked chough.
Whether you're a holiday stroller or an experienced long-distance walker, this official guide contains everything you need to walk this well-loved path.
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*  TARR, Roland - South West Coast Path National Trail Guide- Minehead to Padstow: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mei 2016), ISBN 9781781315644 , paperback, 144 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
The South West Coast Path is the spectacular 630-mile (1008-km) National Trail around the tip of Britain.
This volume features the section of the Path from Minehead to Padstow, a distance of 163 miles (262 km). It skirts the Exmoor National Park, taking in the precipitous harbour towns of Lynton, Lynmouth and Ilfracombe, before heading south-west into Cornwall along the surfers' coast via Westword Ho! and Arthurian Tintagel, to reach the gastronomic mecca of Padstow. Along the way there is the coastal path around Lundy Island, with its puffins, and other arresting wildlife from shearwaters to basking sharks.
This guide has been fully revised and updated for 2016, and completely resdesigned to feature many more colour photographs and much more information on local history, cultural associations and wildlife. It is not so much a walking guide as a complete companion to the landscape of the Path, whether you are a dedicated long-distance walker or a weekend stroller.
National Trail Guides are the official guidebooks to the fifteen National Trails in England and Wales and are published in association with Natural England, the official body charged with developing and maintaining the Trails.
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*  MILLMORE, Paul - South Downs Way National Trail Guide: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (maart 2016), ISBN 9781781315637, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm, €19,90
Whether you're an experienced long-distance walker or a weekend stroller, this is the only companion you need. The South Downs Way runs for 100 miles (160 km) over the chalk downland of Sussex and Hampshire, from Eastbourne to Winchester.
One of only two National Trails that can be used not only by walkers but also by cyclists and horse-riders for its entire length, this is the complete official guide to walking, cycling or riding the well-loved and popular South Downs.
The author:  Paul Millmore now works as a freelance conservation consultant. For more than 30 years he has been involved with the conservation of the special landscape of the South Downs, and he has successfully campaigned, with many others, for the whole area to be made a National Park.
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* CLAPHAMP, Phoebe - The Thames Path in the Country: National Trail Guide: The official National Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (mei 2016), ISBN 9781781315750, paperback, 168 blz., formaat 13X21cm,  €19,90
The official guide to the riverside path from its Gloucestershire source all the way to the outskirts of London.
With the London Thames now covered by Aurum’s separate new guide, a companion volume can concentrate on the appeal of the full 150 miles of the country Thames, which winds all the way from its Gloucestershire source near Cirencester to Hampton Court on the edge of the London conurbation.
This new edition has a wealth of new information about the many sights and places of interest along the way, from Wittenham Clumps that Paul Nash used to paint to Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck restaurant at Bray, as well as full walking tours of historic Oxford and Windsor & Eton. There are sections on Stanley Spencer at Cookham, and Cliveden and the Cliveden Set, as well as on handsome and interesting towns like Henley and Abingdon. There is also a new section on the wildlife and natural history of the Thames, and plenty of extra information on transport links to and from individual sections.
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*  GOWERS, Tony & Roger Ratcliffe - Yorkshire Wolds Way Trail Guide, uitg.: Aurum Press (aug.2016), ISBN 9781781315682, paperback, 144 blz., formaat 13X21cm, €19,90
The Yorkshire Wolds were brought to international attention in 2012 by David Hockney’s magnificent Royal Academy exhibition of paintings of the region. Now, Tony Gowers’ completely updated, expanded and re-designed National Trail Guide offers the essential companion to the forgotten but fascinating landscape through which this Trail runs.
The Trail runs from Hessle in the south, by the Humber Bridge, to Filey on the North Yorkshire coast, through the Wolds' secluded and special 'dry valleys', a succession of tranquil villages, and past cel;ebrated locations like Thixendale woods now immortalised in Hockney's vast and dazzling paintings.
As well as comprehensive route descriptions accompanied by OS 1:25,000 maps, the book features a Philip Larkin Trail around Hull, digressions to the handsome town of Beverley with its beautiful Minster, the Holderness region made famous by Winfred Holtby’s South Riding, the seabird colony at RSPB Bempton Cliffs, as well as circular walks to all of the principal locations of Hockney’s Wolds paintings. The result is a n essential purchase, not just for those walking the Trail, but for every visitor to the area.   
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reisverhalen, -literatuur
*  BRYSON, Bill - De weg naar Little Dribbling: een reis door Groot-Brittannië, uitg.: Atlas Contact (6e ed.okt.2019), ISBN 9789046707340, paperback, 320 blz., €17,50
Bill Brysons kennis over Groot-Brittannië ontwikkelde zich van 'weet bijna niets', naar 'grondige vertrouwdheid', tot 'complete verbijstering: wat weet ik eigenlijk weinig'. Ineens realiseert Bryson zich namelijk dat hij in een land woont dat zich zo snel ontwikkelt dat het hem vreemd aandoet, een plek vol beroemdheden wier namen en talenten hij niet kan onderscheiden, acroniemen die hem moeten worden uitgelegd, gespreksonderwerpen die hij niet langer kan volgen. En precies op dat moment wordt Bryson opgeroepen om een test te doen voor het Brits staatsburgerschap.
Twintig jaar na zijn eerste kennismaking met Groot-Brittannië, dat hij uitgebreid heeft beschreven in Een klein eiland - een van de meest geliefde reisboeken van het afgelopen decennia - besluit hij tot een gloednieuwe reis om 'zijn' land te herontdekken. Wederom leidt dat tot hilarische anekdotes waarmee hij de typische kijk van de Engelsen op hun eiland schitterend tot uitdrukking weet te brengen.
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AA: Fully updated, this map combines clear design and an easy-to-read scale with more road detail to ensure that you never lose your way. Including information on toll points, service areas, road numbers, motorways, dual carriageways and wide and narrow local roads. National Parks and places of interest are also highlighted including National Trust, English Heritage and Scottish and Welsh heritage sites. The map is presented in a practical slimline format, with a durable weatherproof cover for protection from the elements.
*  AA Road Maps, blad 1 West Country and South Wales 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 2 Central Southern England 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 3 South East England 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 4 East Anglia 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 5 Midlands and Central England 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 6 Wales 1:250.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 7 Northern England 1:200.000, €9,90
*  AA Road Maps, blad 8 North England & Scottish Borders 1:200.000, €9,90
*  OS Road Maps 1:250.000 blad 4, Northern England,   €11,95
*  OS Road Maps 1:250.000 blad 5, East Midlands & East Anglia including London,   €11,95
*  OS Road Maps 1:250.000 blad 6, Wales & West Midlands,   €11,95
*  OS Road Maps 1:250.000 blad 7, South West England & South Wales,   €11,95
*  OS Road Maps 1:250.000 blad 8, Southern England including London,   €11,95
De OS Tour Maps raken in snel tempo uitverkocht; deze kaartserie wordt voorlopig niet herdrukt.
*  OS Tour Maps 1:100.000 blad 1, Cornwall,  ISBN 9780319245187, €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:110.000 blad 3, Lake District & Cumbria,  ISBN 9780319245224,  €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:100.000 blad 4, Peak District & Derbyshire, ISBN 9780319245262, €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:130.000 blad 5, Devon & Somerset West,  ISBN 9780319245195,  €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:100.000 blad 8, The Cotswolds & Gloucestershire, ISBN 9780319245279, €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:175.000 blad 10, North & Mid Wales,  ISBN 9780319245231, €11,95
*  OS Tour Maps 1:175.000 blad 11, South & Mid Wales, ISBN 9780319245248, €11,95
*  World Mapping Project - Northern England & The Midlands 1:400.000, uitg.: Reise Know-How (feb.2022), ISBN        9783831774364, landkaart gedrukt op Polyart: super scheurvast en waterproof, formaat 26X11,5cm/70X100cm uitgevouwen,  €13,95
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Ordnance Survey Landranger Maps 1:50.000 
1:50.000 topographical maps covering all of Great Britain (pink covers). Landranger maps are an all purpose map packed full of information to help you to get to know an area. Each maps contains tourist information, viewpoints and selected places of interest, along with rights of way information. Each map covers 40 km by 40 km (25 miles by 25 miles)
*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 70,  Ayr, Kilmarnock & Troon, ISBN 9780319261682, €18,95
*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 71,  Lanark & Upper Nithsdale, ISBN 9780319261699, €18,95
*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 72,  Upper Clyde Valley, ISBN 9780319261705, €18,95
*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 73,  Peebles, Galashiels, ISBN 9780319261712, €18,95
*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 74,  Kelso & Coldstream, ISBN 9780319261729, €18,95
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*  OS Landranger Maps 1:50.000 blad 79,  Hawick & Eskdale, ISBN 9780319261774, €18,95
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vlag van het Verenigd Koninkrijk
kaart van het Verenigd Koninkrijk (United Kingdom), Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland
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Isles of Scilly
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland is verdeeld in 4 gebieden.
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk is gelegen op twee eilanden.
Het eiland Groot-Brittannië omvat:
1. Engeland in het zuiden (50.714.000 inwoners);
2. Schotland in het noorden (5.108.000 inwoners);
3. Wales in het westen (2.977.000 inwoners);
het noordoostelijk deel van het Ierse eiland vormt:
4. Noord-Ierland (1.733.000 inwoners).
Ook een aantal kleinere eilanden hoort bij het koninkrijk: het eiland Wight (Isle of Wight, aan de zuidkant van Engeland), Lundy (tussen Devon en Wales), de Scilly-eilanden (ten zuidwesten van Engeland), Anglesey (aan de noordwestkant van Wales) en de eilandengroepen bij Schotland, waaronder de Hebriden, de Orcaden of Orkney-eilanden en de Shetlandeilanden.
Het eiland Man (Isle of Man) en de Kanaaleilanden (Channel Islands, waaronder Jersey, Guernsey, Herm, Alderney en Sark) horen hier in geografisch opzicht wel bij, maar zij horen formeel staatkundig niet tot het Verenigd Koninkrijk; zij hebben een aparte status als zogenaamde Dependencies of the Crown (onderhorig aan de Kroon).
Overzeese gebiedsdelen:
Brits Antarctisch Territorium
Britse Maagdeneilanden
Brits Territorium in de Indische Oceaan
Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia (op Cyprus)
Turks- en Caicoseilanden
Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden
Wales, het eiland Anglesey
Op Anglesey ligt de stad met de langste plaatsnaam van Europa: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych wyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.
Dit is Welsh voor "De kerk van Maria in de laagte van de witte hazelaar nabij de hevige draaikolk en de kerk van Tysilio bij de rode grot". Deze plaatsnaam is zó lang dat hij in atlassen, op wegenkaarten en dergelijke vaak niet volledig afgedrukt wordt.
*  BEKHOVEN, Lia van - Klein-Brittannië: Hoe macht en mythe het VK verscheurden, uitg.: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts (2022), ISBN 9789463936675, paperback, 230 blz., formaat ca.15X22cm,  €22,99
Lia van Bekhoven woont al meer dan veertig jaar in Londen. Bijna al die tijd werkte ze voor Vlaamse en Nederlandse radio en televisie, kranten en bladen om verslag uit te brengen van wat er in Groot-Brittannië gaande is. Met kennis van zaken, maar vooral ook met spitse humor en verrassende inzichten. Lia is een lust om naar te luisteren, en nu ook om te lezen. Haar portret van het VK is verrassend en veelzijdig. Ze prijst de Britse humor en cultuur, de openheid en verdraagzaamheid van de Britten, hun vermogen tot zelfrelativering... Maar tegelijk ergert ze zich aan hun vasthouden aan tradities en hun hang naar het verleden, aan hoe ze aan politiek doen, aan de enorme sociale tegenstellingen en aan de manier waarop Brexit er is gekomen en het land heeft teruggeworpen tot Klein-Brittannië, hoe een ooit groot land klein kan zijn. Dat schrijft ze met bravoure en met luim, dat illustreert ze met talloze wetenswaardigheden en verhalen uit haar Britse leven gegrepen.
"Ik ben geen anglofiel. Ik heb het grootste deel van mijn leven - ruim 40 jaar - met Britten doorgebracht, maar ik ben geen Britse geworden, wel een Londense."
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*  EDENS, Harm - Volkomen onnatuurlijk gedrag: De erfenissen van mijn jeugd, uitg.: Het Spectrum|Unieboek (juni 2021), ISBN 9789000376568, gebonden, 312 blz.,  €27,99
In de jaren zestig groeit Harm Edens op in een gezin met Groningse roots waarin hij vaak het gevoel heeft dat hij er niet bij hoort. Hij lacht om dingen waar niemand de humor van inziet, ziet dingen die niemand ziet en zegt dingen die niemand begrijpt. Hij is een buitenstaander in zijn eigen leven. Totdat hij op zijn vijftiende met school naar Londen gaat en zich daar helemaal op zijn plek voelt.
In Volkomen onnatuurlijk gedrag neemt Harm Edens je mee op een reis van het zuidelijkste puntje van Ierland tot de meest westelijke eilanden van Schotland naar Saint Kilda. Aan de hand van een twintigtal bijzondere ontmoetingen probeert Harm te achterhalen waarom hij zich zo thuis voelt op de Britse eilanden. Hij laat zijn gedachten de vrije loop, herbeleeft zijn eigen jeugd en deelt herinneringen, verhalen en momenten uit zijn leven. Het resultaat is een bijzonder, openhartig, humoristisch coming-of-ageverhaal over een jongen die zijn thuis aan de andere kant van de Noordzee vond.
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* O'LEARY, Beth - De roadtrip, uitg.: De Fontein (okt.2021), ISBN 9789026157257, paperback, ca.320 blz., formaat 14x21,5cm, €20,00
Addie en haar zus Deb zijn voorbereid op een epic roadtrip van het zuiden van Engeland, waar ze wonen, naar een bruiloft in Schotland. Snacks, playlist, route: alles ligt klaar.
Eén kleine botsing later, en hun Mini heeft opeens drie extra passagiers: Dylan, Addie’s ex-vriend; zijn beste vriend Max, die meer issues heeft dan een gemiddeld weekblad; en de onbekende Rodney, die niemand eigenlijk kent maar die ook een lift naar de bruiloft nodig had.
Wat zal het eerder begeven, de auto of de gespannen vrede tussen de passagiers?
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*  ROBERTS, Andrew - George III: Het leven van de meest onbegrepen koning van Engeland, uitg.: Prometheus (feb.2022), ISBN 9789044649642, gebonden, ca.800 blz., formaat 15x23cm, €49,95
De meest onbegrepen koning van Engeland was zonder twijfel George III, die regeerde van 1760 tot 1820 – op dat moment een absoluut record, later alleen nog verbeterd door Victoria en Elizabeth II. Men kent hem hooguit als de koning die de Amerikaanse koloniën verloor en de laatste jaren van zijn leven krankzinnig was. Ten onrechte, aldus Andrew Roberts. Hij geeft in deze schitterende biografie, op grond van honderdduizenden pagina’s niet eerder bestudeerde documenten, een geheel ander beeld van de vorst: George III was een wijze, welwillende en zelfs verlichte vorst, die werd geteisterd door sluwe vijanden, incompetente ministers, een slopende psychische ziekte en ook veel pech.
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* WINN, Raynor - De wilde stilte, uitg.: Balans (2020, 15e ed.2021), ISBN 9789463822503, paperback, 318 blz., 21,5x13,5cm, €15,00
Voor Raynor en haar man Moth ligt het antwoord in de natuur. Sinds ze hun huis kwijtraakten en alleen met een rugzak en een tentje de bijna duizend kilometer aflegden van het zoutpad, sinds ze maandenlang leefden aan de wilde en winderige kustlijn van Engeland, voelen de kliffen, de lucht en de rotsachtige bodem aan als hun thuis. Moth had een terminale diagnose, maar tegen elke medische verwachting in lijkt hij in de natuur te zijn opgeleefd. Zo ontdekken Raynor en Moth op de ruige strook tussen land en zee dat alles mogelijk is.
Als ze uiteindelijk terugkomen in de bewoonde wereld, blijkt een dak boven je hoofd nog geen thuis. De terugkeer naar een normaal bestaan blijft moeilijk – totdat een ongelooflijk gebaar van iemand die hun verhaal heeft gelezen alles anders maakt.
De kans nieuw leven te blazen in een prachtige, oude boerderij diep in de heuvels van Cornwall en het door landbouw verarmde land stukje bij beetje terug te geven aan de natuur, wordt hun redding. Het wordt het nieuwe pad dat zij volgen.
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* SMITH, Zadie - Swing Time, uitg.: Prometheus (5e ed.2019), ISBN 9789044636796, paperback, 446 blz., €15,00
Twee vriendinnen uit een arme wijk in Noord-Londen dromen ervan danseres te worden. Maar slechts een van hen heeft talent. Het andere meisje moet haar droom prijsgeven, maar zal zijdelings in de wereld van de dans blijven als persoonlijk assistente van een wereldberoemde popster – een bestaan vol glamour, maar altijd de glamour van anderen. De moeilijke relatie met haar moeder confronteert haar bovendien met allerlei vragen over haar afkomst.
Wat hebben muziek, dans en persoonlijke ambitie met elkaar te maken? In hoeverre val je samen met de geschiedenis van je voorouders? En wanneer is een mens eigenlijk vrij?
De hechte maar ingewikkelde vriendschap tussen deze meisjes eindigt abrupt als ze begin twintig zijn, maar ze blijven elkaars leven op afstand bepalen.
Swing Time is een oogverblindend, energiek en hartverwarmend verhaal over vriendschap, muziek en afkomst en hoe al deze dingen bepalen wie we zijn. Deze roman, die beweegt tussen de contrasterende decors van Noordwest-Londen en West-Afrika, is een exuberante dans op de muziek van de tijd.
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