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Interglobaal: Palau of Belau (voluit Republiek Palau, Palauaans: Beluu er a Belau) is een land in het werelddeel Oceanië. Het land ligt in de Grote Oceaan en is een onderdeel van de regio Micronesië. Palau beslaat het uiterste westelijk deel van de eilandengroep Carolinen; het centrale en oostelijke deel van deze groep wordt ingenomen door het land Micronesia. Ten westen van Palau liggen de Filipijnen, ten zuiden Indonesië, en ten oosten Micronesia.
Palau bestaat uit meer dan 340 eilanden waarvan er ongeveer 12 bewoond zijn. De eilanden zijn onder te verdelen in de Palaueilanden in het noorden en de veel minder belangrijke Zuidwesteilanden in het zuiden, die respectievelijk veertien en twee van de zestien staten omvatten. De meeste eilanden zijn vulkanisch van oorsprong. Het grootste eiland is Babeldaob dat 80% van de totale landmassa van Palau vormt, Babeldaob is voornamelijk vulkanisch maar de andere eilanden bestaan voornamelijk uit kalksteen en koraal. Het hoogste punt op Palau is de Mount Ngerchelchuus.

* C
OOK, Ben et al -
Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of Palau (Other Places Travel Guide), uitg.: Other Places Publishing (2010),
ISBN 9780982261934, paperback, 234 blz.,
Micronesia and Palau have long been known to diving enthusiasts for some of the most intriguing and spectacular dive spots on earth. Yet as the reputation of these islands spread, more travelers are looking to escape the modern Western world and become transported to a calmer, slower pace of life. The writers of this guide all lived, worked and played on the islands which they write about. First-hand knowledge, cultural insight, and personal recommendations allow visitors to feel like locals while enjoying the indisputable beauty of these islands and people. "I can't speak to the entire book, but the section on Palau is spot on. Most books give Palau a few short pages. Here, however, there is a wealth of practical information. Having spent a fair amount of time in Palau, I think the information and recommendations are as up-to-date as one is likely to find. I also appreciated the authors' cultural sidenotes. If you are traveling to Palau any time soon, I highly recommend this book. I wish I had read it before my trip."

* H
Papa Mike's Palau Islands Handbook, uitg.: iUniverse, Inc. (2006),
ISBN 9780595376070, paperback, 160 blz., €19,80
The only guidebook devoted entirely to Palau, allowing more in depth coverage than other titles encompassing all of Micronesia. The most extensive and up to date listing of accommodations of any guidebook of the region, including photos, Website listings and E-mail addresses. Complete Inter-Island flight schedules and island ferry boat schedules.
Extensive coverage of activities on each island. Diving, Fishing, Snorkeling, Kayaking, Surfing, Tours and Cultural Events. Over 40 maps and pictures.

* F
Republic of Palau: Adventure & Dive Guide, 1:100.000 en diverse schalen, uitg.: Franko Maps (2013),
ISBN 9781601901996, printed on waterproof material, €10,95
This map and guide is loaded with information for everything there is to see and do in the Republic of Palau. It is a map and a guidebook rolled into one. Enough info to help you plan your trip and a handy reference to carry and use in Palau. Dive and snorkel sites are located and described in detail. There are colorful illustrations of many of Palau's beautiful coral reef creatures.
Side One focuses on scuba diving and snorkeling locations, and has a lot of information about Palau s states, and more. Side Two describes many of the resorts, tourist sites, and has close-ups of Koror, Babeldaob, Peleliu and Angaur.
18.5" x 26", folded to 4.5" x 9" and printed on waterproof, rip-resistant synthetic stock.
* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *