J a m a i c a
reisboeken en landkaarten
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* B
AYER, Marcel -
Dominicus: Jamaica, uitg.: Gottmer (2013),
ISBN 9789025749873, paperback,
292 blz.,
In de diepgroene bergen van het binnenland en in de hectische hoofdstad Kingston klopt het hart van de Jamaicaanse cultuur. De historische en culturele aspecten van het zonnige en swingende Jamaica krijgen in dit boek ruimschoots aandacht, net zoals de vele recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzaam toerisme en recreëren.
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* D
AVIES, Nick -
Culture Smart! Jamaica, uitg.: Kuperard (2011),
ISBN 9781857335286, pocketformaat,
168 blz., €13,90
Jamaica has world recognition. There may be millions of people who cannot pinpoint it on a map but who will have heard of it, helped in no small part by the contribution of its bass-heavy heritage—it’s one of the only countries with its own soundtrack. This island overachieves for its small size, and its people are bursting with energy and drive—Jamaica’s dominance in athletics is just another example of that.
Music and sports aside, Jamaica’s greatest export and asset is its warm, strong, and spirited people. Their ancestors, forced into a system designed to break the human spirit, remained unbroken. Despite the many hurdles the country still has to clear, the overriding feeling is that the Jamaicans will do it.
The country’s recent history has been dominated by the rocky road to independence and the path its leaders have since trodden. It went from a situation where a small minority controlled much of the wealth to a form of socialism that saw much of that same wealth and experience flee.
There is a great deal more to Jamaica, however, than its troubled politics or the palm-fringed beaches and “all-inclusive” holiday resorts that have come to typify it. One of the most intriguing countries in the region, it leaves an impression that is, like the character of its people, larger than life. Culture Smart! Jamaica will take you through the gates and beyond the clichés to the real life of the island. It will show you the roots and explain the nuances of modern-day Jamaican society, and help you to enjoy and make the most of your visit to this amazing and invigorating country.
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HILL, Oliver -
Moon Handbooks Jamaica, uitg.: Avalon Travel (8e ed.april 2020),
ISBN 9781640490925, paperback,
344 blz., €23,90
Packed with information on dining, transportation, and accommodations, Moon Jamaica has lots of options for a range of travel budgets. Every Moon guidebook includes recommendations for must-see sights and many regional, area and city-centered maps. Complete with details on the best beaches and great day trips off the beaten tourist path, Moon Jamaica gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience. With expert writers, first-rate strategic advice, and an essential dose of humor, Moon guidebooks are the cure for the common trip.
You will find in Moon Jamaica: Expert advice from local author Oliver Hill, who shares the best-kept secrets of his island home. Full-color, vibrant, helpful photos. Detailed directions and maps for exploring on your own.
In-depth coverage of Negril and the West Coast, Montego Bay and the Northwest Coast, Ocho Rios and the North Central Coast, Port Antonio and the East Coast, Kingston and the Blue Mountains and the South Coast.
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* L
Jamaica Travel Guide, uitg. Lonely Planet Publications (9e ed. mrt.2023),
ISBN 9781787015869, paperback,
232 blz., bevat 35 kaarten/plattegronden, €21,90
Jamaica has long been a jewel in the Caribbean tourism industry crown, but there’s far more to discover than just beaches and all-inclusive resorts. Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Jamaica, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice: inspirational images, the best of local knowledge and recommendations from our expert authors; planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip; local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique, plus Eat & Drink like a local, outdoor activities, landscapes and culture.
Coverage includes: Planning information, Kingston, Blue Mountains & Southeast Coast, Ocho Rios, Port Antonio & North Coast, Montego Bay & Northwest Coast, Negril & West Coast, South Coast & Central Highlands.
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The Rough Guide to Jamaica, uitg.: Rough Guides (8e ed. april 2023),
ISBN 9781839057618, paperback, 312 blz., €21,90
The new full-colour The Rough Guide to Jamaica is the ultimate travel guide to the most captivating of Caribbean Islands. In-depth coverage and clear maps will help you discover the best that the island has to offer – from white-sand beaches and rum bars to misty mountains and vibrant towns – while detailed practical information will help you get around. Fully updated, with expert information on everything from reggae and street parties to the best coffee and the quietest beaches, plus insider reviews of the best places to stay, eat and drink for all budgets, brought to life by stunning photography. Whether you want to flop on the beach or explore every corner of the island, the Rough Guide will make sure you make the most of your time in Jamaica.
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* W
AARD, Paul de -
Reishandboek: Jamaica, uitg.: Elmar (2e ed.sep.2019},
ISBN 9789038927046, paperback, ca.
144 blz., bevat, kaarten, €19,99
In het Reishandboek Jamaica vind je uitgebreide informatie over de bezienswaardigheden van dit bijzondere land. Deze reisgids laat je ook kennismaken met de historie, de flora en de fauna van Jamaica. Dit reishandboek kan je gebruiken als leidraad bij je voorbereidingen van een onvergetelijke reis, maar ook als informatiebron als je meer wilt weten over het land en de bevolking van Jamaica. Het Reishandboek Jamaica, geschreven door een Nederlandse auteur, is een must-have voor elke reiziger die interesse heeft in Jamaica.
Veel achtergrondinformatie.
* Praktische informatie: onder andere accommodatie, vervoer, gezondheid, geldzaken etc.
* Alle bezienswaardigheden
* Kaarten en plattegronden in kleur
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* World Mapping Project,
Jamaica 1:150.000,
ISBN 9783831774098 , uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, €11,95
Deze landkaart verschijnt in de landkaartenserie World Mapping Project bij Reise Know-How. Kenmerkend zijn de hoogwaardige, duidelijke en moderne kartografische weergave. Formaat: ca. 70x100 cm, op 2 zijden bedrukt: PolyArt (scheur- en watervast, beschrijfbaar). Kartonnen omslag (Kaart kan uit omslag gehaald worden en zonder omslag worden gebruikt). Hoogtelijnen met hoogteaanduidingen. Geclassificeerd wegennet ,met afstandsaanduidingen, bezienswaardigheden, uitvoerig register, geschikt voor GPS. Mit Gradnetz. Viertalige legenda (duits, engels, frans en spaans).
* ITMB, Jamaica & Cayman Islands Travel Reference Map 1:37.500/1:250.000, ISBN 9781553411604, hoogtelijnen, gemeentegrenzen, plattegrond Kingston €13,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel Interglobe, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *