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reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides & maps
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* M
Yemen, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (2007),
ISBN 9781841622125, paperback,
288 blz., bevat 25 kaarten/plattegronden,
Yemen is shrugging off its image of being a country with a security issue, to reveal its stunning landscape and fascinating culture - justifiably worth visiting by professional archaeologists, historians, the business traveller, or those making the most of Yemen's adventure sports such as hiking and scuba-diving. All will gain thrills treading on ground which is the site of the Sabaean dynasty - the era of the fabled Queen of Sheba. Yemen is undoubtedly the choice of those interested in digging deeper into regional culture. The only up-to-date dedicated guide to Yemen on the market. The latest information on visas, security and obtaining travel permits, plus living and working in Yemen. Tribal culture, desert areas inhabited by nomads, Mar'ib and other archaeological sites.
* S
IMPER, Gerd & Petra Brixel -
Jemen: Handbuch für individuelles Entdecken, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump (7e ed. 2008),
ISBN 9783831716548, paperback,
552 blz., €23,90
Das vorliegende bewährte Reisehandbuch beschreibt das Land in seiner ganzen Vielfalt. Verfasst wurde es von ausgesprochenen Landeskennern, die mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, zu Fuß und mit Mietwagen durch das ganze Land, seit der Wiedervereinigung auch durch den südlichen Teil, reisten. Das so entstandene Buch ist in seiner Ausführlichkeit und Genauigkeit einmalig.
Übersichtlich gegliedert vermittelt der Reiseführer alle wichtigen Informationen für eine sinnvolle Reisevorbereitung und für einen gelungenen Jemenurlaub.
Die zwei Rundreisevorschläge führen den Leser zu den touristischen Hauptattraktionen, aber auch in weniger bekannte Regionen dieses so interessanten Urlaubszieles. Zusätzlich wird in Exkursen Landestypisches wie z. B. über die jeminitischen Genußmittel Kaffee und Kat oder historische Rückblicke über die Entdeckungsgeschichte des Wadi Hadramaut vermittelt. Eine Vielzahl von Karten und Stadtplänen erleichtert die Planung und Durchführung von Touren. Routenbeschreibungen und Tipps für Wanderer und Bergsteiger ergänzen die Rundreisevorschläge. Mit Sicherheitshinweisen für alle Landesteile.
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* W
Het huis in de wolken: Een liefde in Jemen, uitg.: Alfabet uitgevers (aug.2023),
ISBN 9789021340906, paperback,
288 blz., formaat ca.
13,5X21,5cm, €22,99
In het voorjaar van 2015 breekt op het zuidwesten van het Arabisch schiereiland een verwoestende oorlog uit als een coalitie van elf landen onder leiding van Saoedi-Arabië buurland Jemen aanvalt. Deze ‘vergeten oorlog’ – die nog altijd voortduurt – vormt het decor van een aangrijpende familiegeschiedenis.
Auteur Dirk Wanrooij werd in 1983 in Jemen geboren. Dertig jaar, vele omzwervingen en een studie Arabisch later, loopt hij tijdens de Egyptische opstand van 2011 zijn toekomstige vrouw tegen het lijf in een van de vervallen uitgaansgelegenheden van de Egyptische hoofdstad. Het is de Schots-Jemenitische Sara Ishaq. Samen beleven ze het verloop van de Jemenitische oorlog – de pijn, de frustratie en het gemis die daarbij komen kijken – om uiteindelijk een ingrijpende beslissing te nemen.
Wanrooij neemt de lezer mee naar historisch en hedendaags Jemen, Caïro, Berlijn en Amsterdam. Het huis in de wolken gaat over revolutie, opstand, oorlog – maar ook over familiebanden en grensoverschrijdende liefde.
* C
LARK, Victoria -
Yemen: Dancing on the Heads of Snakes, uitg.: Yale University Press (april 2010),
ISBN 9780300117011, paperback,
320 blz.,
Yemen is the dark horse of the Middle East. Untangling Yemen's history before examining the country's role in both al-Qaeda and the wider jihadist movement, this title presents an account of a little-known state whose chronic instability is increasingly engaging the general reader.
Clark returns to Yemen, the country where she was born, to discover a fragile state that deserves more of our understanding. Between 2004 and 2009, she meets a wide range of Yemenis and untangles the nation's history as well as its current role and links to al-Qaeda.
Victoria Clark is a former correspondent and Moscow bureau chief for the Observer. She now works as a freelance journalist and writer.
* B
RADT, Hillary & Janice Booth -
Socotra, uitg.: Bradt Guides (2e ed.jan.2025),
ISBN 9781804692240, paperback, ca.
192 blz., €27,90
The new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt's Socotra remains the first and only guide available to the largest of the four islands that make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Socotra Archipelago in the Arabian Sea, 390 km offshore from their mother land, Yemen. Everything you might need for a successful trip is covered, from pre-departure planning, getting there, tour operators and where to stay to the full range of information for making the most of your time while there. Background information on history, people, language and culture is followed by an easy-to-follow geographical breakdown covering everywhere from the capital Hadibo to Ayhaft Canyon National Park, Qaria Lagoon, Rosh Marine Protected Area, Homhil Reserv, Terbak village and Hoq cave, Qalansiyah, Diksam Plateau and the forest of Firhimin to name just a few of the places detailed. There is also a section on vocabulary, an endemic wildlife check list and suggested sources of further information.
Socotra is unique. Sometimes known as ‘The Galapagos of the Indian Ocean’, the archipelago has an exceptionally large number of endemic species. Of the 220 bird species recorded, 11 are endemic, including the relatively recently identified Socotra Buzzard. Closer to the ground, an estimated 307 plant species are endemic. More than 600 species of insects, some 100 land and freshwater molluscs, around 80 arachnids, some dozen myriapods, four land- and fresh-water crabs, 30 reptiles and 14 mammals have been found to occur, of which all the land snails, 90% of the reptiles and about 60% of the spiders are unique to the archipelago.
Bradt’s full-colour guide covers everything needed for a successful visit, including pre-departure planning, getting there, tour operators, where to stay and what to see. Background information on history, people, language and culture is followed by an easy-to-follow geographical breakdown covering all parts of the island, from the capital Hadiboh to Ayhaft Canyon National Park, Qaria lagoon, Rosh Marine Nature Sanctuary, Homhil Nature Sanctuary, Terbak village, Hoq Cave, Qalansiyah, Diksam plateau and Firmihin Forest.
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* B
OGGS, Richard -
The Lost World of Socotra, uitg.: Stacey International (juni 2009),
ISBN 9781905299959, paperback,
160 blz.,
Like a lesser Galapagos, these islands boast flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. Moreover, the Socotran people have their own language (which lacks a script) and distinctive culture, cuisine and architecture: neither Arabian nor African, yet strongly and distinctively Socotran. Richard Boggs spent many months in this remote and other-worldly archipelago, mixing with the Socotran peoples and capturing in world class photographs the uniqueness of the land and its life.
The Lost World of Socotra brings this remarkable location to a new audience and is, truly, a journey through lands like no other. It is a large-format photographic book, which will hold strong appeal to all those with an interest in foreign places, world geography and ethnology, natural history, photography and travel. CONTENTS: Introduction, Chapter 1: A Place Apart, Chapter 2: Frankincense, Chapter 3: People, Chapter 4: Culture, Chapter 5: Development, Chapter 6: Tourism, Bibliography, Index.
* Freytag & Berndt,
wegenkaart Jemen 1:700 000,
ISBN 9783707909784, 98×69 cm; toeristische informatie (o.a. hotels, wadis, waterputten), plattegronden Sanaa en Aden, register €14,95
* World Mapping Project, Jemen 1:850.000, ISBN 9783831770953, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, met bijkaart Socotra, €11,95
* ITMB, International Travel Map Oman & Yemen 1:1.400.000 (4e ed. 2019), ISBN 9781771295918, bevat: Roads by classification, Airports, Seaports, Ferries, Hotels, Museums, Mosques, Forts/Castles, Caves, Waterfalls, World Heritage Sites, Archaeological Sites, Point of Interests, Post Offices, Shopping Centres, Gas Stations, Lighthouses, Hospitals, €13,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *