M a l e i s i ë
reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides and maps
zie rechterkolom voor bestelinformatie
* Capitool Reisgidsen: Maleisië en Singapore, uitg.: Unieboek/Het Spectrum (2014), ISBN 9789047518174, flexibound., 368 blz., gebonden, geheel in kleur op luxe papier, meer dan 1000 kleurenillustraties, UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
In de reisgids Maleisië is het land opgedeeld in zeven gebieden. Elk gebied wordt in een apart hoofdstuk beschreven. Ieder hoofdstuk bevat foto's, illustraties en kaarten, opengewerkte tekeningen, driedimensionale beelden en plattegronden van de belangrijkste bezienswaardigheden. Met ook geschiedenis, zeeleven, accommodatie, restaurants, amusement, buitenactiviteiten en winkels.

* I
Insight Guide: Maleisië, uitg.: Cambium (okt.2018),
ISBN 9789066554559, paperback,
422 blz.,
250 kleurenfoto's,
18 kaarten/plattegronden,
In de eerste hoofdstukken is er ruim aandacht voor de geschiedenis, volken en cultuur. Het tweede gedeelte neemt u mee op reis door Maleisië. Van de moskeeën in Kuala Lumpur tot de longhouses van de Dayaks. Van de koele bergoorden naar de zonovergoten stranden en de ruïnes uit het koloniale tijdperk. Deze hoofdstukken worden afgewisseld met thema- en wetenswaardpagina's over onder andere specifieke onderwerpen zoals 'Sport en spel in de Kampong' en 'Feesten en Evenementen'. De gedetailleerde kaarten en prachtige kleurenfoto's maken deze gids compleet. In het gedeelte 'Reisinformatie' vindt u alles over vervoer, accommodatie, restaurants, reisbenodigdheden, noodgevallen, gezondheid, toeristische tips, uitgaan, klimaat, winkelen, nuttige adressen en talloze andere wetenswaardigheden. Insight Guide Maleisië is hierdoor niet alleen een bron van informatie en inspiratie, maar ook een bijzonder praktische reisgids.

* L
Borneo (6e ed. sep.2023),
ISBN 9781788684422, paperback,
288 blz.,
39 landkaarten, €21,90
Op slechts een steenworp afstand van de multi-etnische steden van Borneo zijn jungles die wemelen van het leven. Van het gehuil van gibbons in de vroege ochtend tot het koorachtige koor van kikkers in de schemering, alleen al de soundtrack is betoverend. Duik met zeeschildpadden op de Semporna-archipel, bezoek het waterdorp Kampung Ayer of hang tussen de orang-oetans in Tanjung Puting National Park; allemaal met deze gids, je vertrouwde reisgenoot. Ga naar het hart van Borneo en begin nu aan je reis!
Inside Lonely Planet Borneo Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, customs, culture, the cuisines of Borneo, environment, responsible travel. Over 35 maps.
Covers: Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan and Brunei.
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* L
Malaysia Singapore & Brunei (16e ed. aug.2024
), ISBN 9781838698256, paperback,
560 blz.,
160pp color,
95 kaarten en plattegronden, €24,90
Lonely Planet has been the guidebook of choice for Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei for 28 years. We know where to find the most authentic longhouses in Sarawak, the most idyllic beaches in Langkawi, the best places for a shopping spree in Singapore and the most delicious hawker food in Malaysia. 160 pages of colour with colour maps of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur; Expanded coverage of food experiences, incl. a stunning full-colour spread about regional specialties by one of the region's most acclaimed food photographers and writers; Extensive coverage of wildlife tourism including practical planning information about jungle treks. This new 15th edition includes extensive coverage of wildlife tourism, including practical planning information on jungle treks, and an expanded section on food.
Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots.
Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politics.
This guide covers: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Perak, Penang, Kedah, Perlis, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang and Teren.
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* L
Best of Malaysia & Singapore, uitg.: Lonely Planet Publications (2e ed. aug.2019),
ISBN 9781786574961, paperback,
320 blz., geheel in kleur,
Offering visually-inspiring content along with the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you, this photo-rich, user-friendly guide makes planning fun and easy. Inside Lonely Planet Best of Malaysia & Singapore: Eye-catching full-colour design and easy-to-use layout with maps and images throughout. Practical planning and transport tools including a fold-out map (included in print version) that gives instant access to must-see sights to help you navigate as you plot out your itinerary. Short and extended itineraries to help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests to make the most of your time on the road. Insider tips and insights to save time and money, avoid crowds and trouble spots, and to get to know the destination like a local. Honest recommendations for all budgets. Cultural insights and background information to put top sights and experiences in context and to give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience (includes history, multiculturalism, religion, arts, architecture, food, environment). Free, convenient pull-out map. Over 70 color maps.
Covers: Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, the Cameron Highlands, George Town, Palau Langkawi, Kota Bharu, Taman Negara, Palau Tioman, Melaka City, Mt Kinabalu, Semporna Archipelago and Sarawak.
* PETERSE, Leon en Joke Petri - Dominicus Landengids: Maleisië en Singapore, uitg.: Gottmer (9e ed.feb.2013), ISBN 9789025752293, paperback, 347 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Maleisië laat zich het best omschrijven als Azië in een notendop. Maleiers, Chinezen en Indiase immigranten wonen er met en naast elkaar. In het land heeft de modernisering in hoog tempo toegeslagen, maar onder het oppervlak gaat een unieke mengeling van traditionele culturen schuil. Juist die culturele veelzijdigheid oefent op bezoekers een grote aantrekkingskracht uit. Maleisië heeft de bezoeker veel te bieden. In de hoofdstad vind je koloniale gebouwen naast hypermoderne kantoorcomplexen. In Melaka herleeft het Nederlandse koloniale verleden. Dorpen aan de oostkust zijn bastions van traditionele Maleise cultuur. Voor natuurliefhebbers zijn er nationale parken, terwijl eilanden met palmenstranden uitnodigen tot relaxen, snorkelen en duiken. Grottempels, theegebieden en fraaie moskeeën maken het beeld compleet. Maleisisch Borneo biedt de reiziger de mogelijkheid de longhouses van de Iban te bezoeken en in contact te komen met de oorspronkelijke bevolking. Een andere opvallende bewoner, de orang-oetan, leeft in de bossen van Sabah. Het hypermoderne Singapore heeft een uitgesproken Chinees karakter. Het mooie koloniale centrum, de kleurrijke wijken van de verschillende bevolkingsgroepen, het winkelparadijs op Orchard Road, de uitstekende restaurants en een van de mooiste dierentuinen ter wereld bestempelen Singapore tot een uitstekend startpunt van een rondreis.

* R
The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, uitg.: Rough Guides (10e ed. juni 2023),
ISBN 9781839058363, paperback,
592 blz., €26,90
The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei is the ultimate travel guide to these three exciting Southeast Asian destinations. Discover this dynamic region; from the turquoise beaches of Thailand, spectacular Gunung Mulu National Park, Mount Kinabalu, historic temples and the Perhentian Islands, to amazing Singaporean cuisine and lively nightlife. Packed with detailed, practical advice, this guide provides up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei and recommended restaurants, shopping and festivals, for all budgets.
Fully updated and expanded, coverage includes Taman Negara, Penang and Singapore, and magnificent Ulu Muda Forest Reserve. You'll find expert background on Malaysian, Singaporean and Brunei history, with full colour features exploring Malay culture and Borneo's longhouse architecture. Explore all corners of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei with the clearest maps of any guide and practical language tips.
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* T
Maleisië, uitg. Lannoo (nov.2024),
ISBN 9789401401333 , paperback, ca.
432 blz., €24,99
Een uitgebreide selectie logies, restaurants, cafés en winkels voor elk budget en voor elke stemming: goedkoop kamperen, luxueus dineren, authentieke bars afschuimen. Alle bezienswaardigheden worden uitvoerig beschreven en overzichtelijk ingedeeld: 3 Trottermannetjes voor de hoogtepunten, 2 of 1 voor de minder bekende, maar toch niet te missen plekjes. Met handige overzichtskaarten en gedetailleerde stadsplattegronden waarop alle adressen en bezienswaardigheden gelokaliseerd zijn.
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Kuala Lumpur

* L
Kuala Lumpur, Melaka & Penang (4e ed. juni 2017),
ISBN 9781786575302, paperback,
256 blz., 29 kaarten,
Enjoy Kuala Lumpur’s most famous street food on Jalan Alor, visit the busy shrine at Batu Caves, or shop for designer bargains in malls such as Pavilion KL; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Penang and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Kuala Lumpur, Melaka & Penang Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - festivals, cuisine, religion, architecture, environment, wildlife, history, literature, music, cinema, dance. Free, convenient pull-out Kuala Lumpur map, plus over 25 maps.
Coverage Include: Merdeka Square, Chinatown, Brickfields, Kampung Baru, Little India, Masjid India, Bukit Nanas, KLCC, Bangsar, Golden Triangle, Melaka, Penang.

* L
ONELY PLANET - Kuala Lumpur Pocket (3e ed.juni 2020),
ISBN 9781786578440, paperback, 160 blz., €12,90
Lonely Planet Pocket Kuala Lumpur is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you.
Inside Lonely Planet Pocket Kuala Lumpur: Full-colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Free, convenient pull-out Kuala Lumpur map, plus over 12 colour neighbourhood maps.
User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time
Coverage Includes: Golden Triangle, Petronas Towers & KLCC, Chinatown & Merdeka Square, Masjid India, Chow Kit & Kampung Baru, Lake Gardens & Brickfields.
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Sabah Serawak

* F
Borneo Handbook: Sarawak - Brunei - Sabah, uitg.: Footprint Travel Guides (4e ed.sept.2016),
ISBN 9781911082033, paperback,
480 blz., €23,90
The third largest island in the world, Borneo screams adventure. Footprint's 4th edition Borneo Handbook: Sarawak - Brunei - Sabah will guide you from the dense & pristine rainforest to the glimmering golden roofs of Brunei, with mood mountain peaks in between.
Dedicated to the northern half of Borneo: Sarawak - Brunei - Sabah. Also includes what to do in the gateway cities of Singapore & Kuala Lumpur.
Loaded with information and suggestions on how to get off the beaten track, from unparalleled underwater adventures to wildlife spotting and exploring caves. Includes comprehensive information on everything from transport and practicalities to history, culture & landscape.
Plus all the usual accommodation, eating and drinking listings for every budget.
Full-colour planning section to inspire and help you find the best experiences.
Personal recommendations from the author on everything from snorkelling and birdwatching, to colonial splendours and forest longhouses.
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* L
Borneo (6e ed. sep.2023),
ISBN 9781788684422, paperback,
288 blz., 39 landkaarten, €21,90
Op slechts een steenworp afstand van de multi-etnische steden van Borneo zijn jungles die wemelen van het leven. Van het gehuil van gibbons in de vroege ochtend tot het koorachtige koor van kikkers in de schemering, alleen al de soundtrack is betoverend. Duik met zeeschildpadden op de Semporna-archipel, bezoek het waterdorp Kampung Ayer of hang tussen de orang-oetans in Tanjung Puting National Park; allemaal met deze gids, je vertrouwde reisgenoot. Ga naar het hart van Borneo en begin nu aan je reis!
Inside Lonely Planet Borneo Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, customs, culture, the cuisines of Borneo, environment, responsible travel. Over 35 maps.
Covers: Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan and Brunei.
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* T
HIESSEN, Tamara -
Bradt Travel Guide: Borneo, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed. jan.2019),
ISBN 9781784774738, paperback, 320 blz., €24,90
Let op: Deze gids beschrijft alleen Maleisisch Borneo en Brunei! The Bradt guide to Borneo is the only guide dedicated to Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. In this new edition from expert author Tamara Thiessen, a full update has been undertaken, with particular attention paid to ensuring all practical information in the guide is up-to-date. Also revised are the deforestation and conservation sections, along with government and politics in light of changes in the national (Malaysian/Brunei) and state (Sabah, Sarawak) situation. Maps have been rechecked and updated where required, and new 'expert voices' comment boxes have been added. Also included is fully updated insider information for touring the island including regional capitals, rural outposts and National Parks. Straddling the Equator and swept by four seas and several straits, Borneo retains much of its mesmerizing aura of a remote Southeast Asian island of headhunters and wild jungle adventure. Borneo is the only island in the world to house states and a country belonging to three different nations- the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, Indonesian Kalimantan and the oil-rich sultanate of Brunei. This guide is dedicated to Brunei and the Malaysian states.
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* KING, Victor -
CultureSmart: Malaysia: Malaysia - The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard,
ISBN 9781787022768, paperback, ca.
200 blz., €14,90
Don't just see the sights-get to know the people. Malaysia presents visitors with an exciting and fascinating medley of cultures--Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arab, Eurasian, Dayak, and aboriginal.
Though very much a modern nation state, its diverse communities retain a considerable amount of their unique heritage and, in its customs, religions, festivals, costume, cuisine, languages, and architecture, Malaysian society perfectly illustrates the virtues of a vibrant pluralism. Culture Smart! Malaysia sets out to help you navigate this rich and complex cultural mix.
It provides a succinct and straightforward introduction to Malaysian history and society, explains the deeper core values of the different ethnic groups, and guides you through the maze of Malaysian etiquette and behaviour for both social and business settings. Have a more meaningful and successful time abroad through a better understanding of the local culture.
Chapters on values, attitudes, customs, and daily life will help you make the most of your visit, while tips on etiquette and communication will help you navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid faux pas.
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* D
AVISON, Geoffrey and Yeap Chin Aik -
A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of Malaysia and Singapore, uitg.: Beaufroy Books (maart 2018),
ISBN 9781912081639, paperback, 176 blz., bevat ca. 300 kleurenfoto's, €21,50
An easy-to-use identification guide to 280 bird species most commonly seen in Malaysia (including the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo), and Singapore, perfect for resident and visitor alike. High quality photographs from some of Malaysia's top nature photographers are accompanied by detailed species descriptions which include nomenclature, length, plumage, distribution, habits and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers climate, vegetation, biogeography, and the main birdwatching sites. This is the only regional bird guide to include Mann's complete check list of the birds of Malaysia, the definitive reference to Malaysian birds.
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* P
HILLIPPS, Quentin -
Phillipps' Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, uitg.: John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd (jan.2018),
ISBN 9781909612150, paperback,
372 blz., €34,95
Published to great critical acclaim in 2009 and with a 2nd edition in 2011, this is a fully revised and updated edition of the most user-friendly field guide to the birds of Borneo, covering Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, and the Indonesian states of Kalimantan.
The book gives descriptions of 669 species living or reported on the island, including 51 endemic species. These are superbly illustrated in 141 colour plates with more than 2,000 full colour bird images, including most of the sexual variants and immature forms of polymorphic species.
Each plate is accompanied by species descriptions covering taxonomy, size, call, range, distribution, habits and status.
Distribution is shown by detailed thumbnail maps. There are 7 habitat plates, 12 regional maps showing Borneo's top 130 birdwatching sites, fast-find graphic indexes to the birds of Kinabalu, and a full overview of vegetation, climate and ecology.
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* L
ONELY PLANET - Malay Phrasebook (5e ed. 2020),
ISBN 9781786575883, pocketformaat, 312 blz., €8,90
The national language of Malaysia is a surprisingly easy language to wrap your tongue around. Words are largely pronounced phonetically - so dive in and leave that language barrier in the dust.
With Lonely Planet's Malay Phrasebook, let no barriers - language or culture - get in your way. Grab this phrasebook and try Malaysia's amazing street food, soak up sun and sand at Palau Langkawi or Palau Tioman, or trek to the summit of Mt Kinabalu, Malaysia's tallest peak.
Coverage Includes: Introduction, Pronunciation, Grammar, Meeting People, Getting Around, Accommodation, Around Town, Going Out, Family, Interests, Food, In the Country, Shopping, Health, Time Date & Holidays, Numbers & Amounts, Emergencies, Dictionary and Sustainable Travel.
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* World Mapping Project, Malaysia (West) 1:800.000 / (Oost) 1:1.100.000, ISBN 9783831774142, (met natuurparken, beschermde natuurgebieden, hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfweergave, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig) uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, €11,95
* FREYTAG & BERNDT - wegenkaart, Malaysia 1:600.000/1:900.000, ISBN 9783707914078, €14,95
* ITMB, International Travel Map, Malaysia 1:750.000(west)/1:1.100.000(east), ISBN 9781553411963, €13,95
* Nelles-Map Malaysia - Brunei 1:1.500.000, ISBN 9783865742827, 4-kleurige overzichtskaart met reliëfschaduwing, afstandsaanduidingen, bijkaarten van Kuching, Kota-Kinabalu, Penang, Malacca en Kuala Lumpur €11,50
* Nelles-Map Malaysia West, Singapore 1:1.500 000/1:15.000, ISBN 9783865745392, 4-kleurige overzichtskaart met reliëfschaduwing, km-aanduidingen, bijkaarten van Kuala Lumpur, George Town en Melacca, €11,50
* ITMB, Travel Map Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah Travel Reference Map 1:620 000, ISBN 9781553410942, hoogtelijnen €13,95
* ITMB, International Travel Map, Kuala Lumpur, Malay Peninsula 1:10.000/1:730.000, ISBN 9781771294102, €13,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel Interglobe, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *