F i l i p p i j n e n
reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides & maps
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* H
ICKS, Nigel -
Wild Philippines, uitg.: John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd (sept.2019),
ISBN 9781912081783, paperback,
208 blz.,
Wild Philippines provides an authoritative and entertaining study of the wide spectrum of wildlife on the land and in the seas of this diverse country. The 7107 islands of the Philippines archipelago represent a wide range of habitats from tidal sand bars to mighty mountain ranges; from coral reefs through rainforests to summit grasslands. he country’s isolation from mainland Asia also gives it a high number of endemic plant and animal species. Nigel Hicks’ stunning photographs and vivid text explores each of the natural environments and habitats. He describes and illustrates species of the open seas, of the coral reefs and sandy shallows, and of the many different types of forests including the 37 species of mangrove tree found in the Philippines. He gives an overview of the protected areas that safeguard a cross-section of these vital environments and discusses the conservation issues past and present. Wild Philippines provides an authoritative and entertaining study of the wide spectrum of wildlife on the land and in the seas of this diverse country.

* I
Philippines Insight Guide, uitg.: APA Publications (13e ed.okt.2023),
ISBN 9781839053474, paperback, ca.
360 blz., €24,90
Insight Guide Philippines is a comprehensive, full-colour travel guide that provides an essential introduction to this little-known Asian country. The Philippines is a destination of thousands of islands fringed by idyllic tropical beaches, plus stunning mountain scenery, colonial architecture and lively festivals. In-depth information on the country's history and culture is provided in a series of lively essays, while chapters on contemporary culture, food, festivals and architecture paint a vivid portrait of life in the Philippines today.
The Places chapters have been comprehensively updated for this new edition, and cover all the sights worth seeing - from the amazing landscapes of northern Luzon to the beaches of the Visayas and the jungles of Palawan.
At the back of the book, the Travel Tips section contains all the practical information you'll need to make the most of your trip, including our independent reviews of carefully selected hotels and restaurants, which will direct you to the best and most authentic establishments.
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* L
ONELY PLANET - Philippines (15e ed. aug.2024),
ISBN 9781838698652, paperback,
432 blz., bevat
93 kaarten/plattegronden, €24,90
The Philippines is defined by its emerald rice fields, teeming megacities, graffiti-splashed jeepneys, smouldering volcanoes, bug-eyed tarsiers, fuzzy water buffalo and smiling, happy-go-lucky people. Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Philippines, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice: inspirational images, highlights and recommendations from our expert authors, planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip, local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique, plus dedicated feature on diving in the Philippines, plus coverage of the region’s other outdoor activities, people and culture, and environment.
Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, prices.
Colour maps and images throughout.
Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreak.
Coverage includes:Planning chapters, Manila, North Luzon, Southeast Luzon, Mindoro, Boracay & Western Visayas, Cebu & Eastern Visayas, Mindanao, Palawan, and the Understand and Survival guide chapters.
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* P
OPPE, Dick -
Reishandboek Filipijnen, uitg.: Elmar (juni 2017),
ISBN 9789038925622, paperback,
320 blz.,
Praktische en culturele reisgids met alle bezienswaardigheden. Het Reishandboek Filipijnen beschrijft naast de bezienswaardigheden van dit bijzondere land ook praktische informatie. Deze reisgids laat je kennismaken met de historie, de flora en de fauna van de Filipijnen. De gids bevat veel praktische tips over het dagelijks leven in de Filipijnen en over het bezoeken van de verschillende eilanden. Dit Reishandboek kan je gebruiken als leidraad bij je voorbereidingen van een onvergetelijke reis. Het Reishandboek Filipijnen, geschreven door een Nederlandse auteur, is een must-have voor elke reiziger die interesse heeft in de Filipijnen.
De Filipijnse archipel omvat circa 7100 eilanden en eilandjes, waarvan slechts een kwart permanent wordt bewoond. Hoewel de Filipijnen al sinds het begin van de jaartelling een belangrijke schakel vormen in de handel en de zeevaart tussen China en de Indische archipel, is het land nog maar weinig ontwikkeld. De reiziger vindt er behalve een aangenaam klimaat en een boeiende flora een verbazingwekkend mooie onderwaterwereld. Duik-en dolfijnexcursies zijn daardoor erg populair. Ook de cultuurminnende reiziger en de liefhebber van een rustige strandvakantie komen er ruimschoots aan hun trekken.

* R
Rough Guide to the Philippines, uitg.: Rough Guides (6e ed. okt.2023),
ISBN 9781789196054, paperback,
480 blz., €25,90
The Rough Guide to the Philippines is the ultimate companion for exploring this stunning Southeast Asian archipelago. Discover the Philippines' highlights in full-colour with information on everything from the sun-kissed islands of the Visayas to the lagoons of Palawan and the tribal villages of the northern Cordilleras. This guide includes detailed listings and essential information on where to stay - regardless of budget - where to eat the best Filipino food, where to see the most exuberant festivals and the best places to drink, dance, surf, trek, kayak and sail. You'll find updated in-depth coverage of major destinations and new details on emerging destinations in Mindanao. The Rough Guide to the Philippines offers an informative background on Filipino history, culture, society, music and politics, and comes with new maps and plans for every area, to make sure you don't miss the unmissable.
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* C
OLIN-JONES, Graham & Yvonne Colin-Jones -
Philippines - Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard (2021),
ISBN 9781787022843, paperback, formaat
168 blz., €14,95
The Philippines, a scattered archipelago of seven thousand islands, appears to be one of the most Westernised countries in Asia. However, the realities of Filipino life are complex, and not immediately evident to the foreign visitor; the façade of the English language does not run deep.
The Philippines has a unique colonial history: it was governed by Spain for over three hundred years and by the United States for fifty. The majority of Filipinos are Roman Catholics, the government is democratically elected, and freedom of speech and education are highly valued.
Culture Smart! Philippines looks at the social, economic, and political issues the country faces. Despite the material disadvantages that much of the population faces, the Filipino people show an amazing resilience. They are warm, charming, and welcoming, and beyond the chaotic traffic jams and heat of Manila there is much to enjoy and appreciate.
Culture Smart! Philippines also includes among its pages case studies, true stories, and advice on what to expect and how to behave in many different situations. First-time visitors and long-term foreign workers will find an abundance of practical information and key insights into Filipino life that will enable them to make the very most of their time in this unique and intriguing country.
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* K
ENNEDY, Robert & Pedro C. Gonzales, Edward Dickinson, Hector C. Miranda, Jr, and Timothy H. Fisher -
A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines [Oxford Ornithology Series], uitg.: Oxford University Press (sept.2019),
ISBN 9780198546689, paperback,
392 blz., bevat
72 kleurenplaten, vele kaarten en lijntekeningen, €69,95
A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines is the first and only guide that covers all 572 species of birds known to occur within the 7,100 islands that make up the Philippines. The Philippine avifauna includes some 170 endemics - species that are not found anywhere else in the world - and is thus of interest to avid birders around the world. Many of these species are also endangered, due to the high levels of habitat destruction in the Philippine forest, and this book is also urgently needed by conservation workers in the region. The Guide is illustrated by 72 specially painted colour plates that show all but the three vagrant species recently recorded there. Its text gives detailed information about the plumage, voice, range, distribution, status, habitat, life history and behaviour of the birds and is accompanied by distribution maps for all the species described. The expert team of authors and artists includes two prominent Philippine ornithologists, and has combined field experience summing to over 100 years. This book clearly will be the standard for Philippine Ornithology for many years to come.
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* T
AÑEDO, Maia & Robert Hutchinson, Adrian and Trinket Constantinol -
A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of The Philippines, uitg.: John Beaufroy Publishing (3e ed.juli 2018),
ISBN 9781912081530, paperback,
176 blz., bevat ca.300 kleurenfoto's, €18,95
A photographic identification guide to the 280 bird species most commonly seen in the Philippines.
High quality photographs from some of the Philippines’ top nature photographers are accompanied by detailed species descriptions which include nomenclature, length, plumage, distribution, habits and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers geography, climate, habitat types, biogeography, the main sites for viewing the listed species and tips for identifying birds in the field.
Also included is an all-important checklist of all of the birds of the Philippines encompassing, for each species, its common and scientific names as well as vernacular names, and its global status.
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* H
Sprachführer Tagalog / Filipino - Wort für Wort, uitg.: Reise Know-How (13e ed.2016),
ISBN 9783831764808, pocketformaat,
144 blz., Aussprachebeispiele über Smartphone zum Anhören, €9,95
Alle fremdsprachigen Sätze im Buch werden zusätzlich zur sinngemäßen Übersetzung ins Deutsche auch einmal Wort für Wort übersetzt. Dadurch wird das Verständnis für die fremde Sprache erleichtert, und einzelne Wörter lassen sich schnell austauschen. Die Grammatik wird kurz und verständlich erklärt, soweit es für einen einfachen Sprachgebrauch nötig ist. Das Wörterbuch am Ende hält einen Grundwortschatz und wichtige Begriffe für Reisende bereit.Mit Aussprachebeispielen: Ausgewählte Wörter, Sätze und Redewendungen aus dem Buch kostenlos anhören, über QR-Codes oder den Link auf der Buchrückseite.
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* A
RNADO, Janet -
Sprachführer Tagalog / Filipino - Wort für Wort, uitg.: Reise Know-How (3e ed.2012),
ISBN 9783894163389, pocketformaat,
144 blz., €9,95
Cebuano ist die Spache der südlichen Philippinen, von Cebu, Mindanao und den Visayas. Die Nationalsprache ist zwar Tagalog (siehe Kauderwelsch Band Nr. 3) - aber gesprochen wird sie nur im Norden, z. B. auf Luzon und Palawan. Im Süden ist dieser Sprechführer nach dem bewährten Kauderwelsch-Rezept jedoch unverzichtbar, wenn Sie sich mit den Menschen im Alltag unterhalten wollen.
Die Grammatik der jeweiligen Sprache wird in einfachen Worten so weit erklärt, dass man ohne viel Paukerei mit dem Sprechen beginnen kann, wenn auch nicht gerade druckreif.- Alle Beispielsätze werden doppelt ins Deutsche übertragen: zum einen Wort-für-Wort, zum anderen in 'ordentliches' Hochdeutsch. So wird das fremde Sprachsystem sehr gut durchschaubar. Denn in einer Fremdsprache unterscheiden sich z. B. Grammatik und Ausdrucksweise recht stark vom Deutschen. Mithilfe der Wort-für-Wort-Übersetzung kann man selbst als Anfänger schnell einzelne Vokabeln in einem Satz austauschen.
Kauderwelsch-Sprachführer sind viel mehr als ein klassisches Lehrbuch. Sie vereinen Sprachführer, Reiseführer und Wörterbuch in einem! Wenn Sie ein wenig Zeit investieren und einige Vokabeln lernen, werden Sie mit ihrer Hilfe auf Reisen schon nach kurzer Zeit Informationen bekommen und Erfahrungen machen, die 'sprachstummen' Reisenden verborgen bleiben.
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* Q
UIN, Aurora -
Filipino (Tagalog) Phrasebook & Dictionary, uitg.: Lonely Planet (6e ed.2020),
ISBN 9781786570857, pocketformaat,
260 blz., formaat
93X140mm, €8,90
Lonely Planet Filipino (Tagalog) Phrasebook & Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance. Great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.
Inside Lonely Planet Filipino (Tagalog) Phrasebook & Dictionary: Full-colour throughout. User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories. Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance on-the-fly cues.
Coverage Includes: Basics: time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules.
Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, senior travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, shopping, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transport.
Social:meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather.
Safe Travel: emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions. Food: ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients.
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* World Mapping Project, Philippinen 1:1.200.000, ISBN 9783831774524, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (2e ed.2015), met hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfaanduiding, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig, €11,95
* ITMB, International Travel Map (5e ed.2019), Philippines | Manilla 1:1.100.000, ISBN 9781771296205, €13,95
* Nelles Maps, Philippines/Manila 1:1.500.000/1:17.500, ISBN 9783865744449, €11,50
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *