Trinidad en Tobago
reisboeken en landkaarten
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* F
Trinidad & Tobago Handbook, uitg.: Footprint Guides (2e ed. 2016),
ISBN 9781911082057, pocketformaat, 128 blz., €12,90
Trinidad & Tobago offer a fantastically cosmopolitan mix of cultures. From dancing to calypsoes at the Trinidad carnival to relaxing in one of Tobago's glorious bays, they make a fascinating travel destination. Footprint's Handbook provides invaluable information on transport, accommodation, eating and entertainment to ensure that your trip includes the best of these diverse islands. Essentials section with useful advice on getting to and around Trinidad and Tobago.
Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, sleep and 'lime'.
Includes information on tour operators and activities, from spotting wildlife in the wetlands to snorkelling in clear, coral-filled waters. Detailed maps for Trinidad and Tobago. Slim enough to fit in your pocket.
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* R
The Rough Guide to Trinidad & Tobago, (7e ed. aug.2018),
ISBN 9780241308844, paperback, 296 blz., €19,90
The Rough Guide to Trinidad and Tobago is the definitive guide to these high-spirited twin islands. White-sand beaches, swaying palms and reef-studded waters are all here for the taking, but Trinidad and Tobago turns the Caribbean stereotype on its head, offering a whole lot more than sun and beachlife. The Rough Guide to Trinidad and Tobago gives you insider information on everything from watching leatherback turtles lay eggs on the beaches, to navigating the multitude of Carnival fetes and Calypso tents and playing “mas” on the streets of Port of Spain. Up-to-date listings and tips give you the lowdown on the islands’ brilliant dining and nightlife scenes. And from boutique hotels on the sand to budget rooms, local guesthouses to lavish villas, our accommodation reviews will help you find a room that suits your needs. Whether your tastes are striking out on rainforest hikes, cooling off in hidden waterfalls, or exploring Hindu temples and Indo-Trinidadian food, The Rough Guide to Trinidad and Tobago will ensure you get the very best out of your stay.
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* E
WBANK, Tim -
Trinidad & Tobago - Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard (2011),
ISBN 9781857335439, paperback, 168 blz., €11,50
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is comprised of two Caribbean islands and several islets off the coast of Venezuela. The vast majority of the population live on Trinidad, previously a colony of shifting ownership from Spain to France, Netherlands and England. As a melting-pot of multiculturalism, the island explodes into full expression each February in celebration of Carnival; a welcome-to-all celebration of its ethnic diversity and rich cultural history. The originators of calypso, limbo and steelpan, Trinbagonians can be an exhilarating, radiating people – but the picturesque isle of Tobago remains a contrasting paradisiacal idyll.
Trinis, as Trinidadians like to be called, have a history of slavery and indentured labour, with many of the East Indian and African population brought to work on the islands’ sugar plantations in the 19th century. Today, Trinis are determined to live their lives as they choose - avoiding the bureaucracy of the modern world and heralding the common sense they see as lacking at the top. They now have a booming high-income economy reinforced by an abundance of natural resources and a consistently tropical climate.
With its many and varied traditions, customs, and cultures, Culture Smart! Trinidad and Tobago can help you navigate the codes and paradoxes of Trinbagonian life. It will help you arrive at the Port of Spain and explore Scarborough, Plymouth and Roxborough through the lens of a laid-back Trini.
Eating one of Trinidad and Tobago’s freshwater catfish, Cascadoux, will lead to you returning to the islands – according to native legend. Request it and you will be forever endeared to your hosts!
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* S
EELIGER, Evelin -
Reiseführer Trinidad & Tobago: Handbuch für individuelles Entdecken, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (6e ed. 2013),
ISBN 9783831723232, paperback, 300 blz., geheel in kleur, bevat 13 kaarten/plattegronden, uitvoerig register,
[Duitstalig] €17,20
Dieses Urlaubshandbuch führt zu den südlichsten Karibikinseln. Egal ob man seine Traumreise fest gebucht hat, oder ob man sie sich erst unterwegs zusammenstellt, alle nur erdenklichen Hinweise zu Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Verkehrsmitteln, zu Sehens- und Erlebenswertem sind in diesem Buch versammelt. Einen besonderen Stellenwert hat dabei natürlich der Karneval auf Trinidad und besonders in der Hauptstadt Port of Spain. Für den Sonnen- und Strandurlauber gibt es wertvolle Tipps zu den schönsten Stränden, aber auch Hinweise auf Küstenabschnitte die man - etwa wegen der Ölindustrie - meiden sollte.
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* V
REESE, Christine de -
Trinidad & Tobago Grenada mit Carriacou, uitg.: Stefan Loose Travel Handbücher (4e ed. 2013),
ISBN 9783770167197, paperback, 376 blz., bevat 22 landkaarten/plattegronden
Dieser aktuelle Reiseführer ist das optimale Handbuch, um die südlichsten Inseln der Karibik individuell zu entdecken. Egal ob man seine Traumreise nach Trinidad bzw. Tobago fest gebucht hat, oder ob man sie sich erst unterwegs zusammenstellt: alle nur erdenklichen Hinweise zu Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Verkehrsmitteln, zu Sehens- und Erlebenswertem sind in diesem Buch versammelt. Einen wichtigen Stellenwert hat dabei natürlich der Karneval auf Trinidad und besonders in der Hauptstadt Port of Spain. Für Sonnen- und Strandurlauber gibt es nützliche Tipps zu den schönsten Stränden auf Tobago, aber auch Hinweise auf Küstenabschnitte die man – etwa wegen der Ölindustrie auf Trinidad – meiden sollte. Aktivurlauber freuen sich über aktuelle Empfehlungen zum Wandern, Tauchen und Schnorcheln. Wer die einzigartige tropische Landschaft kennen lernen möchte, mit Regenwald, Wasserfällen und seltenen Vogelarten, findet in diesem Reiseführer Informationen zu allen wichtigen Naturschönheiten. Die Autorin, mit einem Trinbegonier verheiratet, liefert darüber hinaus spannende Hintergrundberichte und ausführliche Kapitel zu den Menschen und ihrer Lebenswelt, der Karibik von heute.

* F
FRENCH, Richard & Roger Neckles -
Birds of Trinidad and Tobago, uitg.: MacMillan Caribbean (2e ed.2004),
ISBN 9780333995846, paperback, 126 blz.,
The Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago provide a fascinating opportunity for anyone interested in natural history, particularly birds. Trinidad’s position, a mere ten miles from the South American mainland, means that its flora and fauna are essentially continental by nature. This second edition has been completely revised and updated and features 106 species of birds, 40 of which are also found in the Eastern Caribbean. Colour photographs throughout the book have been provided by leading wildlife photographer and naturalist, Roger Neckles, who is also a keen birdwatcher.
Written in a concise, uncomplicated style, this book is an informative and interesting guide for both the interested amateur and the more serious ornithologist.
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* F
FRENCH, Richard & Don R. Eckleberry and John P. O'Neill -
Helm Field Guides: Birds of Trinidad and Tobago, uitg.: Christopher Helm, uitg.: Christopher Helm (3e ed.2019),
ISBN 9781472941527, paperback, 272 blz., bevat 115 kleurenplaten, €39,50
The tropical islands of Trinidad and Tobago enjoy a rich diversity of bird species, including visitors from the nearby mainland and others travelling the migratory flyway from North America. With beautiful colour illustrations and concise descriptions, this new and comprehensive field guide covers every species known to occur on the islands.
115 colour plates illustrating all the relevant plumages of over 480 species.
Concise descriptions of every species, highlighting plumage variation and distinctions from similar species.
Up-to-date information on where to watch birds in Trinidad & Tobago.
Includes an overview of the geography, climate and habitats of the islands.
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Trinidad & Tobago Reference map 1:150.000,
ISBN 9781553417248, €13,95
* World Mapping Project, Trinidad & Tobago 1:150.000, ISBN 9783831772056, (met natuurparken, beschermde natuurgebieden, toeristische info, hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfaanduiding, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig) uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (2007), €11,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *