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reisgidsen en landkaarten
travel guides & maps
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* P
ETERSE, Leon & Joke Petri -
Dominicus: Nepal, uitg.: Gottmer (6e ed.mrt.2012),
ISBN 9789025750787, paperback (
13,5x22cm), ca.
272 blz.,
Deze Dominicusgids laat zien dat Nepal in cultureel opzicht een bijzonder boeiend land is. Het beschrijft de belangrijkste plekken die je als toerist niet mag missen. Het oude centrum van de hoofdstad Kathmandu staat in schril contrast tot het moderne stadsdeel. De stoepa's van Bodhnath en Swayambhunath zijn vooraanstaande boeddhistische bedevaartsoorden. Met hun pleinen en paleizen laten de koningssteden Patan en Bhaktapur het glorieuze verleden herleven. De vallei van Kathmandu is bezaaid met tempels. Omdat het merendeel daarvan nog dagelijks in gebruik is en het decor vormt voor het grote aantal festivals, zou je de vallei één groot openluchtmuseum kunnen noemen.
* F
Nepal Handbook [auteur: Robert Ferguson], uitg.: Footprint Travel Guides (3e ed.mei.2017),
ISBN 9781911082118, paperback,
488 blz., €24,90
Robert Ferguson first travelled to Nepal in 1984, aged 18, with a huge rucksack and tiny budget. He got a board-and-lodging job with a local trekking agency that finished with a trek around the Annapurna Circuit. He was hooked. He returned to Kathmandu in his early 20s as a mountain guide, leading groups around the Annapurnas, the Everest region and Kanchenjunga.
Back in the UK he became operations manager for a leading UK trekking specialist to Nepal as well as starting his own tour operation in the Himalaya. The highlights of his many visits to Nepal over the years are his honeymoon, which involved driving from Lhasa to Kathmandu, and a recent visit with his wife and two teenage daughters, trekking in the Annapurnas, rafting and tiger watching in the Terai.
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* I
Insight Guide Nepal, uitg.: Cambium (jan.2019),
ISBN 9789066554788, paperback,
340 blz., ca.
400 kleurenfoto's,
17 kaarten/plattegronden,
De auteurs en fotografen laten u in woord en beeld kennismaken met al deze opmerkelijke bezienswaardigheden, landschappen en culturen. In de eerste hoofdstukken leest u alles over de geschiedenis en cultuur. Daarna volgt een gedeelte over de 'Flora en Fauna', 'Festivals' en 'Trektochten'. Vervolgens nemen de auteurs u mee op reis. Van de hoofdstad Kathmandu naar de weelderige Vallei van Pokhara in het Annapurnagebied. Langs de indrukwekkende Mount Everest naar het mysterieuze Thyangbocheklooster en vervolgens naar de uitgestrekte bossen en jungle van de Terai. Deze hoofdstukken worden afgewisseld met themapagina's over 'Sherpa's', de 'Geboorteplaats van de Boeddha', 'Sherpaklooster en gompa's', en 'De Weg naar Tibet'. In het gedeelte 'Reisinformatie' vindt u alles over vervoer, accommodatie, reisbenodigdheden, toeristische tips, klimaat, winkelen, nuttige adressen en talloze andere wetenswaardigheden.
* I
Insight Guide Nepal, uitg.: APA (nov.2024),
ISBN 9781839053948, paperback,
374 blz.,
400 kleurenfoto's
17 kaarten/plattegronden, €24,90
Nepal maintains a formidable allure for travellers - the name "Kathmandu" alone is enough to set feet itching. This book is packed with specially-commissioned photography that brings this breathtaking country and its people to life. Be inspired to visit by the new edition of Insight Guide Nepal, a comprehensive full-colour guide to this fascinating and dramatically beautiful country, home to eight of the world's ten highest mountains. This book has been fully overhauled by an expert Nepal author and is packed with stunning, specially-commissioned new photography that brings this breathtaking country and its people to life. Our Best Of Nepal highlights the country's top attractions, including the mighty Mount Everest and the medieval temples of Bhaktapur. Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover the whole country from the cultural riches of the Kathmandu Valley to the Terai's jungles. Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and travel tips give you all the essential information for planning a memorable trip, including our independent selection of the best hotels and restaurants.
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* L
Nepal Travel Guide (12e ed. juli 2023),
ISBN 9781787015975, paperback,
352 blz., bevat
58 kaartjes/plattegronden, €24,90
Deze Lonely Planet gids brengt je naar het hart van Nepal, met fantastische reiservaringen en de beste planning: inspirerende foto's, stadswandelingen en recommendations from our expert authors. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip. Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique. Plus planning your trek, 2015 earthquakes feature, trekking routes and a biking & rafting chapter.
Coverage Includes: Planning chapters, Kathmandu, Around the Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu to Pokhara, Pokhara, The Terai & Mahabharat Range, Trekking Routes, Biking, Rafting, Kayaking, Understand and Survival Guide.
58 detailed and easy-to-use maps. Full-colour highlights sections of Nepal's highlights. Adrenaline-packed activities chapter has you paddling, biking and climbing Nepal. Bonus trekking chapter includes Everest base camp and Annapurna hikes. Advice for finding the perfect accommodation in Nepal.
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* R
The Rough Guide to Nepal, uitg.: Rough Guides (10e ed.juli 2023),
ISBN 9781789196245, paperback, ca.
432 blz., bevat CA.
63 kaartjes /plattegronden, €24,90
The Rough Guide to Nepal is the ultimate travel guide with clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best attractions Nepal has to offer. Fully updated and reshaped after the country's recent change in government, The Rough Guide to Nepal contains in-depth accounts of all Nepal's highlights from Hindu temples and Buddhist stupas to wildlife reserves and spectacular mountain viewpoints in Nepal.
Colour sections explore Nepal's ethnic hill peoples and dramatic mountain trails whilst expert accounts offer an introduction to the history, culture and natural life of this exciting and resurgent country. Find detailed practical advice on what to see and do in Nepal whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels in Nepal, bars in Nepal and restaurants in Nepal for every budget. This Rough Guide to Nepal includes an extensive section on trekking with practical advice and maps on the best places to trek, raft and mountain bike.
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* T
Nepal, uitg.: Lannoo (okt.2018),
ISBN 9789401449588, paperback, ca.
280 blz., €19,99
Een uitgebreide selectie logies, restaurants, cafés en winkels voor elk budget en voor elke stemming: goedkoop kamperen, luxueus dineren, authentieke bars afschuimen. Alle bezienswaardigheden worden uitvoerig beschreven en overzichtelijk ingedeeld: 3 Trottermannetjes voor de hoogtepunten, 2 of 1 voor de minder bekende, maar toch niet te missen plekjes. Met handige overzichtskaarten en gedetailleerde stadsplattegronden waarop alle adressen en bezienswaardigheden gelokaliseerd zijn.
Het echte verhaal achter de klassieke trekpleisters. Tips om de verborgen parels buiten de platgetreden paden te verkennen.
Verrassende anekdotes en topervaringen van Trotter.
Honderden budgetvriendelijke en uitgeteste horeca-adressen.
Kaarten en plattegronden waarop je al onze adressen terugvindt.
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* M
EYNEN, Nick -
Nepal: Nieuwe wegen in de Himalaya, uitg.: Epo (2010),
ISBN 9789064455803, paperback (15x22,5 cm),
208 blz., met
32 pagina's illustraties in kleur en kaartjes,
Nepal. De Himalaya. Mount Everest. Kathmandu. Namen die een exotische droomwereld oproepen. Maar beantwoordt dat beeld aan de werkelijkheid? Nick Meynen bond de berg-schoenen aan om op zoek te gaan naar het Nepal dat niet in de brochures en de reisgidsen staat. Ongeveer 2500 wandelkilometers later bundelde hij zijn ervaringen en indrukken in dit journalistieke reisverhaal.
Voortdurend koppelt hij het relaas van een lange trektocht door het geïsoleerde westen van Nepal aan de bredere Nepalese en globale context. Zijn fascinatie voor de verbanden tussen de leefwereld van de Nepalezen en onze wereld mondt uit in een verrassende kijk op onderwerpen die uiteenlopen van missionarissen tot machinegeweren en van milieurampen tot maoïsten.
Het dagelijkse leven in de Himalaya blijkt allesbehalve immuun voor beslissingen die in onze parlementen, huiskamers en hoofden genomen worden.
* B
AUR, Stephan –
Annapurna Treks: Annapurnarunde Annapurna Base Camp Tilicho Lake Nar Phu, uitg.: Rother Wanderführer (4e ed.2020),
ISBN 9783763343942, paperback,
304 blz., met
206 afbeeldingen in kleur,
41 hoogteprofielen,
35 wandelkaartjes schaal 1:100.000,
2 overzichtskaarten met schaal 1:500.000 en 1:1.000.000,
[Duitstalig] €21,80
Der Rother Wanderführer »Annapurna Treks« enthält Treks für jeden Geschmack, von der einfachen, dreitägigen Route auf den Poon Hill bis zu anspruchsvollen Touren mit Expeditionscharakter. Neben den traditionellen Wegen (von denen Teile im Jeep zurückgelegt werden können) beschreibt der Trekkingführer auch eine Reihe von Alternativwegen fernab der staubigen Piste. Die Annapurna-Umrundung – der Trekking-Klassiker schlechthin – ist ebenso enthalten wie der Nar Phu Trek. Dieser ist eine spannende, bisher eher unerschlossene Tour zu den nahe der tibetischen Grenze gelegenen Ortschaften Nar und Phu. Außerdem werden der Annapurna Basecamp Trek und der Tilicho Lake Trek vorgestellt.
Die exakten Routenbeschreibungen, Wanderkärtchen und Höhenprofile in diesem Wanderführer erleichtern die Planung und Orientierung. Die Autoren Stephan Baur und Susanne Arnold, die beide für längere Zeit in Nepal gereist sind und dort auch gearbeitet haben, geben detaillierte Informationen zur Infrastruktur und zudem viele persönliche Tipps und Informationen zu Anreise, Unterkünften und weiteren Ausflugszielen.
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* B
OUSTEAD, Robin -
Nepal Trekking & The Great Himalaya Trail, uitg. Trailblazer (3e ed.mei 2020),
ISBN 9781912716166, paperback,
256 blz., €23,90
With extensive sections to help you choose your trekking region, this is a route and planning guide for anyone organising a trekking holiday in Nepal. It includes the most popular routes as well as the newest trekking areas plus the most extreme route of all, the Great Himalaya Trail. There are route guides to the following regions: Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Rolwaling; Solu-Khumbu (Everest Region); Helambu & Langtang, Ganesh & Manaslu; Annapurna, Naar & Phu, Mustang; Dolpo, The Far West.
The guide covers: Visas, permits, fees and equipment. Choosing a trek – independent tea-house trekking or guided treks arranged through trekking agencies; choosing a guide and crew; when to go; trekking grades and duration.
Kathmandu & Pokhara city guides – hotels, restaurants, what to see. Nepal background – people, religions, festivals and etiquette. Health, safety and responsible tourism. Colour mapping – showing the main trekking routes in Nepal. The Great Himalaya Trail: Running the entire 4500 km length of the Himalaya via Bhutan, Nepal and India, The Great Himalaya Trail is the world’s longest and highest walking route. The author is the first person to plot and describe the complete route; the 160-day Nepal section is included here. It winds through all of Nepal’s regions following main trekking routes linking these using local trails.
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* P
RITCHARD-JONES, Sian & Bob Gibbons -
Trekking Annapurna, uitg.: Cicerone (2e ed. jan.2017),
ISBN 9781852848262, paperback,
328 blz., bevat ca.
28 kaartjes en
78 foto's, €26,90
A comprehensive trekking guidebook to the Annapurna region - the most popular trekking area in Nepal. Fourteen diverse treks are described including the classic Annapurna Circuit and the Annapurna Sanctuary as well as treks in the lesser known Machhapuchhre area, the foothills of Lamjung Himal and restricted areas - Mustang, Damodar and Nar-Phu. Packed with extensive practical information, this is the essential guidebook to exploring the ever-expanding horizons of the Annapurna trekking region – the most popular trekking area in Nepal and for many years a draw for mountain addicts. The guide's 14 diverse treks update familiar old favourites, such as the classic Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Sanctuary, as well as introduce exciting new routes.
The 14 treks described in this guide lead around tranquil lakes, through rich farming country, forests of bamboo and rhododendron, cool rainforest, silent alpine glades and rugged, high mountain desert to explore this magical region.
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* M
Trekking in the Everest Region: includes Kathmandu City Guide, uitg.: Trailblazer (6e ed. april 2017),
ISBN 9781905864812, paperback,
340 blz., bevat
83 kaartjes, €22,90
The fully revised sixth edition of this practical guide with 27 detailed route maps, 52 village plans and trail descriptions covers not only the classic treks but also the wild routes. Everest expedition route. Rolwaling. Trekking from Lukla. Salpa-Arun. The Gokyo trek. High passes. Trekking peaks – including Mera and Island Peak.
Information for all budgets and trekking styles – Ranging from lush terraced fields to the highest mountain on earth, the scenery is breath-taking. There are trekking possiblitities to suit all budgets, from independent tea-house trekkers on a daily budget of less than the price of this book to travellers on all-inclusive guided treks with every luxury provided. There's even information on trekking peaks and passes of 5700m/18,700ft and over.
Kathmandu city guide – hotels and restaurants, trek preparations and what to seePlanning, places to stay, places to eat. Practical trekking guide to the Everest region of Nepals Himalayas. Including Kathmandu city guide; plus 27 detailed route maps and 52 village plans.
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* R
Everest: A Trekker's Guide Trekking routes in Nepal and Tibet, uitg.: Cicerone (6e ed. aug.2023),
ISBN 9781786311627, paperback,
320 blz., bevat
18 kaartjes en
93 foto's, €30,90
Base Camp, Kala Patthar and other trekking routes in Nepal and Tibet. Guidebook to trekking in the Everest region of the Himalaya in Nepal, including Thame Valley, Lukla to Namche, Everest Base Camp from Namche and Gokyo (the Cho la and Phortse route), plus two routes in Tibet (the Rongbuk route and the Kharta Valley). Also describes the new Three Passes trek (Dingboche to Namche via Kongma La, Cho La, Renje La). This guidebook covers just one region of this magical land, Solu-Khumbu - home of the legendary sherpas – and its northern neighbour in Tibet. This guidebook describes 9 treks, with Everest as the focus, as well as a trek to Rongbuk and another from Kharta to the Kangshung Face, on the Tibetan side of Everest. The nine multi-day treks vary from 1 to 11 days in length with the longest trek covering 65km and the shortest, 18km.
Each of the routes described will open the eyes of trekkers to scenes of unbelievable grandeur. Although trekking in the Everest region can be pretty demanding at times, the majority of trails are so well travelled that it’s almost impossible to get lost. The main treks have been broken into groups of several days, with each multi-day section divided into sub-sections, rather than manageable day-sized stages.
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* L
Trekking In The Nepal Himalaya, uitg.: Lonely Planet (10e ed. aug. 2016), [Walking Guides],
ISBN 9781741792720, paperback,
436 blz.,
Lonely Planet Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Tour through the hidden backstreet courtyards and temples of Kathmandu, explore the base of the world’s highest mountain and learn everything you need to know to trek through this incredible region; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the Nepal Himalaya and begin your journey now!
Inside Lonely Planet Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips and prices.
Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience – customs, history, environment. Over 60 maps.
Covers: Kathmandu, Everest Region, Annapurna Region, Langtang, Helambu, Eastern Nepal and Western Nepal.
* G
RIMMETT, Richard & Carol Inskipp & Tim Inskipp -
Helm Field Guides: Birds of Nepal, uitg.: Helm Bloomsbury (2e ed.sep.2016),
ISBN 9781472905710, paperback,
288 blz., €49,50
This fully updated edition of Birds of Nepal is the most comprehensive guide to the birds of this beautiful Himalayan country. The texts have been completely re-written for this edition and many of the illustrations have been replaced. In addition, maps have been included for the first time.
Every species recorded in Nepal is covered, including vagrants, with accurate distribution maps for most species. 142 colour plates are featured, illustrating more than 790 species with text on facing pages for quick and easy reference. The comprehensive text covers identification, voice, habits, habitats, altitudinal range, distribution and status.
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* P
ATHAK, Jyoti Pandey -
Taste of Nepal, uitg.: Hippocrene Books (2016),
ISBN 9780781813099, paperback,
470 blz., €23,80
The landlocked nation of Nepal is tucked into the Himalayan mountains between India and China (Tibet). The Nepalese are proud of their time-worn temples, sublime scenery, hiking trails, and a rich and vibrant culture. Their cuisine is surprisingly diverse for such a small country, with influences from Chinese and Indian culinary methods and tastes. In this cookbook, the popular staple daal-baat-tarkaari (rice served with lentils and vegetables) is showcased in all its healthful variations, as are a variety of potato, meat, and fish dishes.
With more than 350 authentic, easy-to-follow recipes, Taste of Nepal is a complete culinary journey with guides to Nepali ingredients and kitchen equipment and planning traditional meals, a Nepali-English glossary of terms, and delightful illustrations by a Nepali artist.
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* L
Nepali Phrasebook (7e ed.sep.2023),
ISBN 9781786570895, pocketformaat,
260 blz., €9,95
Get more from your trip with easy-to-find phrases for every travel situation. There are some significant differences between everyday spoken Nepali and the more formal written language. However, the information in this book is presented in the informal spoken style, which is all you’ll need.
All you need to make learning enjoyable are a few Nepalese companions to practise with – impossible to avoid in friendly Nepal. Simply gather a few phrases from this book and prepare yourself for some fascinating encounters.
3500-word two-way dictionary. Guide to pronunciation and phrase-building.
Order the right meal with our menu decoder.
Avoid embarrassing situations with essential tips on culture & manners.
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* World Mapping Project,
Nepal 1:500.000,
ISBN 9783831774395, (met natuurparken, beschermde natuurgebieden, hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfaanduiding, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig) , detailplattegr. Kathmandu, Pokhara, Bhaktapur, Chitwan National Park, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, €11,95
* ITMB, International Travel Map, Nepal 1:530.000, ISBN 9781771295765, €13,95
* ITMB, Himalaya & Everest 1:1,33m/1:90.000, uitg.: ITMB (2021), ISBN 9781771292689, roads by classification, check points, viewpoints, points of interest, camps, monasteries, lodging, stupas, airports, waterfalls, glaciers, health posts and other information, €13,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *