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Officiële naam: de Coöperatieve Republiek Guyana (voorheen [tot 26 mei 1966] Brits Guiana)
Oppervlakte: circa 214.970 km2. Aantal inwoners: circa 779.000
Hoofdstad: Georgetown
Talen: Engels, Creole, Hindi, Urdu
Munteenheid: Guyana Dollar (1 Euro = 258 GYD)
Tel. internationaal voorkiesnr.: +592
Tijdzone: GMT -3,5 (Nederland: GMT +1)
Visum: nee, tot 90 dagen, daarna verlenging mogelijk van nogmaals 90 dagen via Immigration Office; Ambassade van Guyane, Palace Court 3, W2 4LP London, Groot-Brittannië, Telefoon:0044-20-72297684; Fax:0044-20-77279809.
reisboeken en landkaarten
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* S
MOCK, Kirk -
Bradt Guide: Guyana, uitg.: Bradt Travel Pbns. (3e ed. aug.2018),
ISBN 9781841629292, paperback, 256 blz., bevat 23 kaartjes, €23,20
This new third edition of Bradt's Guyana remains the only guidebook available to this South American gem, a jungle-clad country teeming with exotic wildlife. Thoroughly researched, easy to use and interesting to read, Bradt’s Guyana is written and updated by writers who have lived in and promoted Guyana for many years and is an ideal companion for all travellers, from wildlife watchers to fishermen, anthropologists to conservationists and ‘voluntourists’.
Guyana is a destination on the rise, described – justifiably – by the tourist board as ‘South America Undiscovered’. This new edition of Bradt’s Guyana has been updated to include all the latest developments, ranging from how to see harpy eagles at Warapoka to new culinary experiences, local tour operators, 4×4 self-drive and new hotels.
This third edition of Bradt’s Guyana is the key book to plan an expedition into its densely forested lush interior, often accessible only by boat or small aircraft, before taking some ‘time to lime’ in a hammock in one of its tropical waterfront resorts.
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* The Carnegie School of Home Economics -
What's Cooking in Guyana (2e ed. 2004), uitg.: MacMillan Carribbean,
ISBN 9781405013130, paperback, 368 blz., kleurenfoto's, €24,60
This second edition, with a new four-colour format, has been completely revised and updated. There are new recipe sections featuring well-known Indian and Amerindian dishes, and a background to food preparation is also included at the beginning of the book to provide a useful guide to some basic facts about the ingredients that are being used. Accompanied by new colour photographs, this new edition will do much to stimulate interest in, and use of, local Guyanese foods and culinary products that home-makers, amateur cooks and chefs will take a delight in preparing and presenting and, in doing so, develop a culinary skill that is unique to Guyana.
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* D
ALY, Vere T. -
The Making of Guyana, uitg.: MacMillan-Caribbean, (1974),
ISBN 9780333144824, paperback, 224 blz.,
The Making of Guyana is a scholarly, but very readable account of the development of Guyana and its people from the earliest times to the present day.

* I
TMB, Guyana & Guianas Region Travel Ref. map 1:850 000, uitg.:
ITMB (2012),
ISBN 9781553414025, hoogteaanduidingen, enige toeristische informatie, plattegrond Georgetown €13,95
* World Mapping Project, Guyana, Suriname, Frans-Guayana 1:850.000, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump (2014), ISBN 9783831772636, dubbelzuidig, gedrukt op watervast en scheurvast materiaal, €11,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *